Author Topic: Proof That Failure Can Be A Win  (Read 1923 times)


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Proof That Failure Can Be A Win
« on: May 07, 2010, 06:29:31 PM »
I was just jumping around news sights and read this one.

New York (CNN) -- A suspicious package in Times Square prompted an evacuation and raised alarms in a jittery city Friday afternoon until authorities determined it was a false alarm.
Investigators determined after an anxious hour or so that the suspicious package -- a green cooler -- contained only water bottles.
The cooler was found near 45th Street and Broadway, outside the Marriott Marquis hotel, witnesses and police said. That's near where authorities say a U.S. citizen of Pakistani descent left a car bomb that failed to detonate six days before.
Police evacuated parts of Times Square around 1 p.m. ET as they investigated, though people remained in the hotel and nearby buildings, said Kathy Duffy, a hotel spokeswoman.
"Our buildings were not evacuated," she said. "Our hotel has not been evacuated."
But nerves were on edge in the area. Shortly after the all-clear was given in Times Square, authorities said they were investigating a suspicious truck a few blocks west at 45th Street and 10th Avenue in Midtown's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood. A few minutes later, the all-clear was given for that, too.
Video: Suspicious package removed Video: All-clear given in Times Square incident
Times Square
New York
New York City Police Department
In last week's car bomb case, authorities say that Faisal Shahzad, an American citizen who is originally from Pakistan, left a car bomb in Times Square that failed to detonate.
Investigators arrested Shahzad after he had boarded an airplane with plans to leave the United States, authorities said.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York acknowledged after that incident that terrorists have targeted New York.
"We have to take every precaution, as you know, because we remain a prime target for terrorists," he said. "That's something all New Yorkers understand and it's something that we need Washington to understand as well. ...
"We will continue to doing everything we possibly can to protect New Yorkers from terrorist attacks. We have, as you know, built the most comprehensive and sophisticated counterterrorism operation of any local police force in the world."

People are scared and I think it is going to be that way for a while. Then they will go back to the reality tv and frappacrappymachocappathingys and then it will happen again.

One of these times they will get a win win on us again. :mad:

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Re: Proof That Failure Can Be A Win
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 08:11:03 PM »
One of these times they will get a win win on us again.

Of course they will. It's obvious to anyone with half a functioning cell in their brain that all our so-called "Homeland Security" efforts did nothing to stop, divert, or otherwise prevent or deflect that SUV bomb. The ONLY thing that saved us was dumb luck -- the fact that the would-be bomber didn't know how to make the bomb go boom. Obama and Bloomberg can strut around and pat each other on the back all they want, we all know that the only thing that saved us ... this time ... was luck.
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Re: Proof That Failure Can Be A Win
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2010, 10:16:13 PM »
Didn't the local street peddlers also twig the local 5-0 to the suspicious SUV.

Same with the Underwear bumbler bomber.  It was the passengers that pounded the snot out of subdued and stopped that attack.

I've just got the feeling that these mopes aren't exactly their first string.  They're sending in the Pvt. Pyles to test defenses and reactions before they send in/activate the first string.  Nothing to base this on other then gut instinct.  AQ needs a big win to help their cause.  Times Square might have done it, had idiot boy paid attention in "Improvised Explosives-101".   That might have topped 9/11.

However, our morons aren't helping by telling/leaking "How we tracked him down and the whole rest of our investigation."  This war is about intellignece and all we're doing is showing them how to do it right next time.
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

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Hold fast by the river.
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Re: Proof That Failure Can Be A Win
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 10:40:49 PM »
Didn't the local street peddlers also twig the local 5-0 to the suspicious SUV.

Yes ...  when the firecrackers started popping and smoke was pouring out of the vehicle. If the bomb hadn't been a dud, the heroic street vendor would have been one of the casualties.
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Re: Proof That Failure Can Be A Win
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2010, 04:14:20 AM »
However, our morons aren't helping by telling/leaking "How we tracked him down and the whole rest of our investigation."  This war is about intellignece and all we're doing is showing them how to do it right next time.

Screwing over the intel community and then blaming us for the failure is the SOP of our policritters.

Back in 1998, after the embassy bombings, one of our politcritters that was on the intelligence oversight committee went on national TV and told everybody that we didn't have to worry about Osama because we were listening to his phone calls. Guess who ditched their cell phone the very next day? This one really peeved me because if anyone from my field had done that, they would have been in Leavenworth. I don't think they even took away that congressman's position on the committee.

On another instance we caught India preparing to test a nuclear weapon. Our diplo/policritters went and told them to stop, when India feined ignorance those deiplo/policritters whipped out the satellite photos and pointed out all the key points that told us they were preparing for a nuke test. Three years later they lit one off and we never saw it coming because the Indians had corrected all those key giveaways. Of course we got blamed for not seeing that one coming.

On a third occasion a similiar event went down with China, and once again the diplo/policritters showed them the satellite evidence. A few months later the PRC pulled off their test during the only 5 minute window in that entire month that didn't have satellite assets in a position to see what they were doing real time.

Frankly I'm of the opinion that bureaucrats shouldn't be allowed within half a mile of the war planning or intel processing rooms. They've done nothing over the past century other than goat $*%& the military or intel peeps when they are allowed to meddle in such matters.  :mad:


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Re: Proof That Failure Can Be A Win
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2010, 04:39:46 AM »
Clearly, intelligence isn't required to be on the intelligence oversight committee.
Also makes you wonder if they have...other masters... [tinfoil].
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