Author Topic: THe Internet explains everything  (Read 604 times)


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THe Internet explains everything
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:58:00 AM »

I've imbibed a deluge of tabloid information. You know it's true or they would not have put it on the internet.

As a public service, here is a fast history of where we have been and why we are here, according to modern media.

The first humans were or were not created by an all-powerful deity called God, Allah or Jehovah, or we were created by an extraterrestrial species that look like giant insects or Aryan athletes. The premier people on the red carpet of history were Adam and Eve or Adam and Steve, or Shirley and Eve: they were white, black or another colour. They ate with their hands and Eve liked apples, which was really bad. They were the first modern people and may or may not have had sex before or after with Neanderthals. In those days incest and hair were quite big. We now shave our bodies in remembrance.

It just gets better from there.

stay safe.
If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege.

Hey you kids!! Get off my lawn!!!

They keep making this eternal vigilance thing harder and harder.  Protecting the 2nd amendment is like playing PACMAN - there's no pause button so you can go to the bathroom.