Author Topic: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is  (Read 5315 times)


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Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« on: September 23, 2010, 08:20:48 PM »
I may be presumptive but from reading posts from here for a long time, I hazard to say most folks here are intelligent. Unfortunately not too many of my customers are when it comes to carpet cleaning. Is it too presumptive to think that people take the time to think, not necessarily research, about what they are purchasing before they call up some stranger on craigslist or an ad they found in a coupon book. It floors how impossible it seems to some people that using water alone to clean carpet is not enough to get their filthy stained carpet clean.

I ask what you kind members think goes into professional carpet cleaning. Yes I am a business owner before anyone asks. I'm just trying to understand the normal person's mindset when they read "Carpet Cleaning $7.95 a room" and they don't take the time to research or question about what it is they are purchasing. I even have a fairly educational aspect to my website and people don't even seem to take a second to look at the blog section before calling me, they don't even bother to look after I tell them they should before I arrive for a job, is it really that hard, do people live in a la la la land where people work for free to deliver good service.

Most carpet cleaning businesses use what I think is quietly deceptive language in their ads, not informing the potential customers what it is they might have to pay for. Granted I'm doing well in the business of cleaning carpet and tile but I can't help but think I'm failing to connect with the everyday folks and their thinking.

Anytime I ask someone if they have ever washed their body's with only water or their dirty clothes in the wash with only water, in regards to cleaning their carpet, it's like it's the first time they ever took the time to think about it.

I'm a gun owner, when I buy a gun I mountain upon mountain of research before buying.

When I have had to have my vehicle worked on I've called up and shopped local mechanics.

When I've needed dental work I've got 2nd and 3rd opinions, plus a breakdown of whys before getting it done.

Do people really think it's all just that easy and simple when they are purchasing carpet cleaning services?

I'm not posting my link unless it's asked for, I can PM instead of posting it if preferred because I don't really want to pimp my website, I just want to better understand the consuming public and get a cold and impartial feedback.

Oh and in case anyone might get any use out of it, here are ten questions I think a customer should ask before getting their carpet or tile cleaned:

These questions originate from my personal first-hand experiences and laymen opinions, they should in no way construed to be fact or expertise. Do freely be skeptical of the questions I have provided below as one should never trust that which one tells them completely.

The 10 Questions:

1. Is the business insured and does it individually insure its technicians? If so can you provide proof ahead times?
2. Can you tell me what chemicals you use? If so can I watch the technician mix his chemicals before use in my home?
3. What is a carpet cleaning, or steam cleaning?
4. What is a maintenance cleaning?
5. How large is a room you can clean?
6. What is a corrective cleaning? What do you use to do a corrective cleaning, is it just a carpet rake?
7. Why is there (hypothetical) .18-.30 cents range for a corrective cleaning, sanitizer, or pre-spray? Is the price for all the services together (for other outfits it’s normally not)? How is the price decided in that range?
8. What are the technicians using to measure the square footage of the room?
9. How do you come up with the final price to clean my carpet?
10. What kind of a machine will the technician be using at my home?


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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2010, 09:02:36 PM »
I may be presumptive


I'm just trying to understand the normal person's mindset when they read "Carpet Cleaning $7.95 a room" and they don't take the time to research or question about what it is they are purchasing. I even have a fairly educational aspect to my website and people don't even seem to take a second to look at the blog section before calling me, they don't even bother to look after I tell them they should before I arrive for a job, is it really that hard, do people live in a la la la land where people work for free to deliver good service.

Well, so, the way I see it, "normal people" who don't buy your product/marketing are in "la la la land", don't spend enough time reading your website, "don't bother to look" (I have no idea what this means--do you mean that your customers are required to read your website before you will work for them?  Huh?), and are apparently pretty lazy and stupid.

And so, seeing as how this board is a handy repository of normal people (well, 'cept me, but that's another story), you want us to 'splain the lazy, stupid mindset of "normal people" like us.  Wtf?

Most carpet cleaning businesses use what I think is quietly deceptive language in their ads, not informing the potential customers what it is they might have to pay for. Granted I'm doing well in the business of cleaning carpet and tile but I can't help but think I'm failing to connect with the everyday folks and their thinking.


Rule 1:  People don't want to know about your business, especially when your business is supposed to be making their lives easier.  Yes, it is harder to build value when you can't rant about how much you know v. how little they know on the topic at hand.  Sorry 'bout your luck.  

Anytime I ask someone if they have ever washed their body's with only water or their dirty clothes in the wash with only water, in regards to cleaning their carpet, it's like it's the first time they ever took the time to think about it.

It is.  Know why?  They pay SOMEONE ELSE to clean their carpets. :facepalm:  

I'm a gun owner, when I buy a gun I mountain upon mountain of research before buying.

As a "normal person" I do mountains of research when I want to or need to.  This includes buying guns, buying kites, buying running gear, dealing with medical issues, choosing schools or child care providers, acquiring a pet, or various other things that are either a) fun hobbies or b) very important and have a major impact on my life or my family's lives for years to come.  

I don't do a ton of research before I hire someone to clean my carpets.  Priorities man--your clients have them, and you probably don't make the list.  This doesn't make them stupid or lazy, it makes them people who are hiring you, no the other way 'round.

Do people really think it's all just that easy and simple when they are purchasing carpet cleaning services?


here are ten questions I think a customer should ask before getting their carpet or tile cleaned

If these are on your website, I would never hire you to clean my carpet after viewing your website.  I don't care that much about the details of random relatively minor household expenses that are going to be incurred at about the same rate whether I make the best choice or a sub-par choice.

 I hired a carpet cleaning company once that did a bad job. The carpet didn't get as clean.  Somehow, I lived to tell the tale.  The experience cost me nothing but a slightly dirtier carpet for a the next couple months until I hired someone else who did a better job.  I'm not too broken up about it.

I find it irritating when a tradesman decides that in order to purchase his services, I must listen to his educational lecture on the details of his trade.  It's fine if you want to offer information, but a ranty tone that seriously misreads the importance of your service in your clients lives is going to be a turnoff.  Almost as much as telling people that they are basically lazy and stupid for not cultivating a proper appreciation of and respect for your trade.


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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2010, 09:12:23 PM »
I remember this guy, a bit of a wack job, he was in my HVAC class and he had a "Kirby" of which we heard the praises ad nauseum. So he started a carpet cleaning business with the Kirby, he called it HeVacs (a little play on HVAC, clever eh?) On his very first job he was to clean the runner leading from the door into his local liquor store. After some time of vacuuming and scrubbing he showed his results to the customer who proceeded to tell him it didn't look any cleaner and promptly refused to pay him.

Do you use the foam? Dad cleaned carpets for a while on the weekends and I helped. The gimmick was he had a machine that made a "dry" foam and you would take the foam and a brush and scrub the carpet. It left the carpet much drier than conventional spray and vacs. Worked fairly well too.

anyhoo, have you met Bridgewalker?  =D
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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2010, 09:34:35 PM »
1. Is the business insured and does it individually insure its technicians? If so can you provide proof ahead times?
2. Can you tell me what chemicals you use? If so can I watch the technician mix his chemicals before use in my home?
3. What is a carpet cleaning, or steam cleaning?
4. What is a maintenance cleaning?
5. How large is a room you can clean?
6. What is a corrective cleaning? What do you use to do a corrective cleaning, is it just a carpet rake?
7. Why is there (hypothetical) .18-.30 cents range for a corrective cleaning, sanitizer, or pre-spray? Is the price for all the services together (for other outfits it’s normally not)? How is the price decided in that range?
8. What are the technicians using to measure the square footage of the room?
9. How do you come up with the final price to clean my carpet?
10. What kind of a machine will the technician be using at my home?

11. I'm not even sure WTF this stain is, so do you have something along the lines of a bleach, muriatic acid, and acetone mix to take it out?

I mean, really; I have a toddler, I work in a manufacturing plant, and most of my hobbies involve grease, oil, paint and/or ink.  There's stuff in this carpet that's probably tougher than the carpet...maybe tougher than the concrete slab.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2010, 10:15:58 PM »
So people don't want you to use shampoo/soap/whatever, or they think it will be cheaper if you don't use it, or something?  I think you forgot to tell us that part.

Or maybe I didn't read the whole thing.
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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2010, 03:30:27 AM »
I solved my carpet cleaning problems a few years ago.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2010, 05:08:10 AM »
ceramic tile and marble here  throw away area rugs
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2010, 05:30:36 AM »
When I was Stationed at Norfolk I had a guy show up with magic driveway cleaner.
Nice enough guy so I stood on the driveway with him while he explained it. He then offered a sample demonstration on a black spot on my (rented house's) driveway. I have no idea what the stain was it it looked nearly as old as the 1930's era house I was renting.
What ever he was selling did not even begin to touch the stain.
Probably would have worked fine on a more recent oil stain but he was embarrassed, apologized and went on to the next house.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2010, 09:11:10 AM »
I have had a Hoover carpet cleaner for years.  It does a fine job of cleaning the carpets.  I clean them twice a year: in June and December.
Snohomish County, WA  USA

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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2010, 11:25:21 AM »
Well, my brother used to work for a carpet cleaning company.  They used a dry chemical method (which I never understood entirely, since basically they were grinding soap into the carpet and then vacuuming it out).  But it apparently worked really well, at least for commercial carpets.  I've had carpets professionally cleaned that looked worse than when it started using so called "professional" companies.  And I've had them turn out looking almost brand new.  Most of the times, with the latter, the whole process was explained to me, including the limitations of the system and that some stains may be permanently set and not be removable by ANY means that wouldn't also destroy the carpet.  When it's been the former, looking worse than before it started, I was of course promised the moon and the crown jewels.  "Your carpet is gonna look BRAND NEW!!!!  It'll make you wonder why you never hired us before!  YOU won't BELIEVE your EYES!!!! 

So even when we try to do research, try to find out what's going on, it's impossible to know because you never know what's actually gonna be done. 
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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2010, 11:33:54 AM »
I solved my carpet cleaning problems a few years ago.


ceramic tile and marble here  throw away area rugs

This ^^.


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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2010, 12:38:39 PM »
Oh, and I should add, we've now got the same thing in our house.  ceramic tile and hardwood.  Only the family room is carpeted now.  :)
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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2010, 12:42:51 PM »
In my spare time I run a non-profit agency that helps people secure escrow savings, and automatic payroll deductions for hardwood flooring, or simply replacing dirty carpets on a regular basis with the express purpose to undermine the carpet cleaning industry and their well known associations with communist groups and the sexual slavery/human trafficking industries.

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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2010, 12:52:06 PM »
Oooo! Where do I sign up?  =D
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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2010, 01:47:44 PM »
I may be...

Sounds like you have a story to share.  [popcorn]
« Last Edit: September 25, 2010, 07:13:52 AM by freakazoid »
"so I ended up getting the above because I didn't want to make a whole production of sticking something between my knees and cranking. To me, the cranking on mine is pretty effortless, at least on the coarse setting. Maybe if someone has arthritis or something, it would be more difficult for them." - Ben

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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2010, 07:33:24 PM »
After a friend of mine had a student in her office who didn't know how to properly address an envelope, I stopped being surprised at Stupid Human Tricks.

And these are the people who will someday be elected into office, serve as law enforcement, teach, etc... *shiver*

It's all about the pancakes, people.
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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2010, 10:32:02 PM »
I ask what you kind members think goes into professional carpet cleaning. Yes I am a business owner before anyone asks. I'm just trying to understand the normal person's mindset when they read "Carpet Cleaning $7.95 a room" and they don't take the time to research or question about what it is they are purchasing. I even have a fairly educational aspect to my website and people don't even seem to take a second to look at the blog section before calling me, they don't even bother to look after I tell them they should before I arrive for a job, is it really that hard, do people live in a la la la land where people work for free to deliver good service.

I take it, then, that you do not consider $7.95 per room to be a proper price.

Is your price more, or less?
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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2010, 11:51:46 PM »
I may be presumptive but from reading posts from here for a long time, I hazard to say most folks here are intelligent. Unfortunately not too many of my customers are when it comes to carpet cleaning. Is it too presumptive to think that people take the time to think, not necessarily research, about what they are purchasing before they call up some stranger on craigslist or an ad they found in a coupon book. It floors how impossible it seems to some people that using water alone to clean carpet is not enough to get their filthy stained carpet clean.
Welcome to APS.

Some folks really are too dumb to hire a carpet cleaner.  Some folks, while plenty smart, just don't take the time to think it through all the way.  

It happens in every business, too.  You'd be amazed how many people I've met who bought houses that way, investments, college educations, cars, and so forth.  Really big ticket, life-changing purchases with no real thought at all.

I suspect most carpet cleaning customers don't care enough to put any real thought into it.  They just want to write a check and find their carpets clean.  Even those rare customers who do want to take the time to learn what's going on are often stymied by marketing hype.  

So, basically, don't expect your customer to have a clue.  That's your job.

If I were you, I'd use my experience to do whatever type of cleaning I felt would work the best, and then charge a reasonable but profitable price for everything.  If my customers want to know the hows and whys of what I'm doing, then I'd do my best to explain it.  But I wouldn't expect them to ask much, and I wouldn't bother 'em with details unless they really want them.

As long as their expectations are reasonable and you do a good job, then everyone walks away happy.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2010, 12:20:16 AM by Headless Thompson Gunner »


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Re: Carpet Cleaning What Do you think it is
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2010, 12:07:32 AM »
They just want to write a check and find their carpets clean.

Lived in the same house for 19 years.

Mrs. Scout would get the carpets cleaned (Living room and bedrooms only; Kitchen & Dining room are Hardwood floors), and always ask me what I thought.  After learning to read her facial expressions, meaning that I could tell that she didn't think they were clean enough, she finally had a different expression, that I took to mean "Wow, these are REALLY clean". 

I said, "Don't use anyone but this company ever again, they do good work."

She was very happy that I agreed. 

I didn't care if they left 5lb piles of Horsesh!t in the middle of each room.  The carpets were "clean" she was happy and that's all that mattered.

When I worked construction/remodeling in High Screwl and College, my boss used to educate his customers this way: "Fast, Good, or Cheap; Pick any two." 
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

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