Author Topic: Cat's Garlic Bread  (Read 1321 times)


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Cat's Garlic Bread
« on: February 27, 2006, 06:57:22 AM »
So before two weeks ago we couldn't even get my cat to eat tuna. So in the last two weeks she's eaten tuna, pounce, and I walk into the kitchen to see her eating a huge piece of garlic bread. I'm confused....
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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2006, 07:14:55 AM »
I had a cat once that liked to eat Hostess donuts. It would also sit on the back of the lazy boy then try and bite food off your fork if you were eating while sitting in the lazy boy. The cat had been a wild cat that became buddy's with me and decided life inside is much better than living outside.
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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2006, 07:42:39 AM »
Trying to understand the ways of cats is an exercise in futility.  Examples:

Kahless LOVES bread, but only ONE kind of bread.  Any other bread he'll turn up his nose at.  Uther likes bread when he's hungry (which is most of the time), and does not care what type it is.  The females have no interest in bread.

Three of the cats will whine and beg for a bit of beef patty from the occasional Whopper.  Uther could not care less.

Bastet loves Breaburn apples, red pears and seedless grapes..  Any other fruit is of no interest.  Bastet loves sharp chedder cheese, hates Swiss.  Kahless hates chedder, loves Swiss.

Morgana likes hot foods.  Habenro Doritos are not safe when she's around.  If I'm slicing hot peppers and turn my back, she'll steal a slice and devour it.
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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2006, 07:59:02 AM »
My roomie's cat Sasha attempted several times to hop in my lap whilst I was seated in the living room eating some nuclear whitefish... that didn't fly, but she did Smiley Never begs otherwise, actually is missing 99% of the time.

My cat Oatmeal, however (and yes, I make tons of jokes about eating him) is *always* around when there's food, but never begs, and also never eats anything that's been dropped. It's almost more like he's guarding the dinner table. Come to think of it, he gets antsy when he's at his bowl unless someone's standing close by... strange cat.


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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2006, 08:43:33 AM »
My first cat ever (Malkin) liked Killian's Red.  No other beer; just Killian's.  

My current cat overlords prefer as follows:
Griffon - Any and all kinds of cheese, as well as chicken.  Has no dislikes that we've discovered.
Pyewacket - Doesn't actually seem to eat, ever.  For 6 years, I've never seen her eat.  Which explains her size.
Baby (for whose name I accept no responsibility): Cream cheese.
Samhain (named for the holiday, not the sorry attempt at a musical group) - Grapes.
Fidget - If we could ever get him out from under the bed, we might be able to tell what he likes.
Steve - He'll eat anything put in front of him, up to and including socks.

BTW, can anyone explain to me why cats all seem to like to lick plastic bags?  Especially the plastic sort of grocery bags...  They all do it, and I'm baffled.

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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2006, 12:10:01 PM »
Felix is our household bread molester. Since we have started locking up the bread (in a breadbox) he has started sneaking over the the neighbor's house, going thru the cat door and molesting their bread! They laugh.
Kato likes raw broccoli and bananas. Can't figure that one out.


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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2006, 12:24:58 PM »
Mom's cat likes McDonald's french fries.  Not Wendy's, not Burger King, just McDonald's.  She is also likely to assault you for corn and sweet peas, especially if there is butter involved.  One of my cats likes stewed spinach.  He won't eat it raw, but he'll try to steal it if you're eating on the couch.  My other cat likes chicken and cat food.  He won't eat beef, fish, pork, cheese, or even the little treats from the can, just chicken.


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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2006, 12:40:07 PM »
My cat will actually fight you over tuna.  I am talking claws, teeth, the whole nine yards.

Anything else, even regular fish, she could care less.



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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2006, 06:17:15 PM »
OK, after reading this my cat doesn't seem so strange anymore.  She likes to lick the salt off potato chips (but won't eat the chips) but the only weird things she'll actually eat are corn and paper.  Yes paper, newsprint is an especially cherished delicacy.

When I was in high school or early college age my mother once bought some Strawberry Shortcake cerial because it was on sale.  Well, one or two of us tried it, everyone in the family hated it...except...when trying it some spilled on the floor (before we put any milk on it) and the cat we had at the time ate it up and begged for more.  She became the only member of the family who would eat the stuff.  In addition to that she also loved to eat plastic bags (yes, not just chew it or rip it, she'd actually eat plastic every chance she got- probably why she got mouth cancer later on).
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Cat's Garlic Bread
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2006, 07:54:38 PM »
Samhain wasn't a bad band at all, they did some very good work.  Of course, there's no going back after being a Misfit(BTDT, got the tattoo).
