Remember to wash your hands about 1000 times a day
It irks me no end that all these highly-educated PhDs and world-reknowned experts I work around take a leak or a dump and walk out of the men's room as if they were too noble and good and clean and pristine to wash their friggen hands.
Or at least rinse them off.
Krissake, even rubbing them on a flat rock would would be better than nothing. Then the next person out the door, who
does wash, or at least rinses, opens the door and picks up the detritus and residue from the asshat's hands and spreads it around the rest of the office too.
Yeah, yeah, there's the the old joke about the (military branch 1) is taught to wash their hands, and (military branch 2) is taught not to pee on their hands in the first place, but for crying out loud, with a densely-populated area such as a large office, it's borderline criminal not to use some basic hand-hygiene after evacuating. Oh, and then they'd go and handle papers to be passed around, or worse, leave the newspaper in the kitchen/break room that they'd been reading while on the pot and left on the floor while they wiped their butts. And they'd go out and use the damned water fountain, too.
Not that I'm as germophobic as, say, Howard Hughes, but a long time ago I started using a paper towel to open doors, any doors, but especially bathroom doors, and if I didn't have one, say on main entry doors, I'd open them using the least-used part of the handle and my least-used finger.
Intelligence, as measured by strings of letters after one's name, does not equal smarts.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit, Nick1911, if you didn't pick up some little bug that way.
And nobody give me any crapola about "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger." Maybe not big, macho,
el strongo-tougho you, but how about the next guy, who maybe has a depressed immune system, either temporarily or permanently, or maybe has one little infection and then you go and dose him with another one on top of that.
And maybe you're an unknown carrier of Hep Z or M or whatever the hell it is, and you walk out of the craphouse, blithely spreading it around.
Thanks a lot, a-hole.
Yeah, that's an unabashed and self-righteous rant.
Terry, 230RN