Author Topic: Greenies: zOMG teh Karbonz! Innernetz is bad!!eleventy1!  (Read 5880 times)

De Selby

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Re: Greenies: zOMG teh Karbonz! Innernetz is bad!!eleventy1!
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2011, 08:15:54 PM »
Perhaps we should start with things like falsifiable predictions, a logically-consistent analysis, etc.

Again, the scientists who study these matters seem to think there are falsifiable predictions and that the data support previous ones - like Jamis explained, there may be reasons why they fabricate these beliefs apart from scientific study.

I do find it a bit hard to accept that universities all over the world, staffed by people whose jobs can't be taken away, have bought into the conspiracy so wholesale that they refuse to poke holes in the existing work.  You'd think someone would, and that some of his peers would join in, well, sort of like the conspiracy that supposedly led to the global warming theory.

It's not like debunking warming is without it's own grants and finders - look at how much money the energy companies and political parties spend on debunking it. 

Why has all that corporate funding failed to generate any significant disputes in the scientific community?
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Re: Greenies: zOMG teh Karbonz! Innernetz is bad!!eleventy1!
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2011, 09:35:39 PM »
I read somewhere a few years back that legitimate, fiercely committed scientists who's whole lives are intimately involved in the field of science that they love, generally do not sound off publicly about things they know.  That silence is rooted in the fear of their dogma besotted peers who tend to rip apart things that tend to not support the conventional wisdom.

Trouble is, conventional wisdom is tangled up in politics and the seeking of tax supported grants.  The other thing that bothers me is when scientists supported by the private sector are suspected and those funded by political theology are somehow more credible.  Those conclusions always remind me that in business the bureaucrats in cubicles in the main office are more wise and credible in the ways of business than those who daily are in the front lines of the business.
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Re: Greenies: zOMG teh Karbonz! Innernetz is bad!!eleventy1!
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2011, 04:08:59 PM »
Does anybody read Borepatch's blog? He's blogged quite a bit about global warming, and has found things that are quite damning when it comes to the scientific process, data handing and storage, the programming of computer models, and the interpretation of model results.

Above is the quick summary. Mash any link for further information if interested.


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