Author Topic: Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments  (Read 5833 times)

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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2006, 06:50:48 AM »
Quote from: mercedesrules
All I'm going for is exposure of the differing views so that when the true plot is discovered, APers will recall discussing it.
No. We all know what the real plot is, and I have posted it before.

Elvis got sick of being made fun of and conspired with the Pope to fake their own deaths and then wreak havoc and destruction on the poor Muslims by faking an attack on the US, hoping for retribution.  They were spurred on and aided by the Mossad, in a rogue operation, as well as elements of the KGB and Stasi.  They faked the moon landing as well, just to discredit the US.  And Monica Lewinsky.  It all makes sense, just connect the dots.
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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2006, 06:50:57 AM »
From story:

"...Regarding building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, Sheen highlighted the use of the term "pull," a demolition industry term for pulling the outer walls of the building towards the center in an implosion, as was used by Larry Silverstein in a September 2002 PBS documentary when he said that the decision to "pull" building 7 was made before its collapse. This technique ensures the building collapses in its own footprint and can clearly be seen during the collapse of building 7 with the classic 'crimp' being visible.
The highly suspicious collapse of building 7 and the twin towers has previously been put under the spotlight by physics Professor Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories, the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the World Trade Center towers.

"The term 'pull' is as common to the demolition world as 'action and 'cut' are to the movie world," said Sheen.

Sheen referenced firefighters in the buildings who were eyewitnesses to demolition style implosions and bombs.

"This is not you or I watching the videos and speculating on what we saw, these are gentlemen inside the buildings at the very point of collapse."

"If there's a problem with building 7 then there's a problem with the whole thing," said Sheen.

Bush's behavior on 9/11

Sheen then questioned President Bush's actions on 9/11 and his location at the Booker Elementary School in Florida. Once Andy Card had whispered to Bush that America was under attack why didn't the secret service immediately whisk Bush away to a secret location?

By remaining at a location where it was publicly known the President would be before 9/11, he was not only putting his own life in danger, but the lives of hundreds of schoolchildren. That is unless the government knew for sure what the targets were beforehand and that President Bush wasn't one of them.

"It seems to me that upon the revelation of that news that the secret service would grab the President as if he was on fire and remove him from that room," said Sheen.

The question of how Bush saw the first plane hit the north tower, when no live footage of that incident was carried, an assertion that Bush repeated twice, was also put under the spotlight.

"I guess one of the perks of being President is that you get access to TV channels that don't exist in the known universe," said Sheen.

"It might lead you to believe that he'd seen similar images in some type of rehearsal as it were, I don't know."

The Pentagon incident

Sheen outlined his disbelief that the official story of what happened at the Pentagon matched the physical evidence.

"Show us this incredible maneuvering, just show it to us. Just show us how this particular plane pulled off these maneuvers. 270 degree turn at 500 miles and hour descending 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes, skimming across treetops the last 500 meters."

We have not been able to confirm that a large commercial airliner hit the Pentagon because the government has seized and refused to release any footage that would show the impact.

"I understand in the interest of national security that maybe not release the Pentagon cameras but what about the Sheraton, what about the gas station, what about the Department of Transportation freeway cam? What about all these shots that had this thing perfectly documented? Instead they put out five frames that they claim not to have authorized, it's really suspicious," said Sheen.

Sheen also questioned how the plane basically disappeared into the Pentagon with next to no wreckage and no indication of what happened to the wing sections.

Concerning how the Bush administration had finalized Afghanistan war plans two days before 9/11 with the massing of 44,000 US troops and 18,000 British troops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and in addition the call for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor," as outlined in the PNAC documents, Sheen stated, "you don't really put those strategies together overnight do you for a major invasion? Those are really well calculated and really well planned."

"Coincidence? We think not," said Sheen and he called the PNAC quotes "emblematic of the arrogance of this administration."

A real investigation

Sheen joined others in calling for a revised and truly independent investigation of 9/11.

Sheen said that "September 11 wasn't the Zapruder film, it was the Zapruder film festival," and that the inquiry had to be, "headed, if this is possible, by some neutral investigative committee. What if we used retired political foreign nationals? What if we used experts that don't have any ties whatsoever to this administration?"

"It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the families, we owe it to the victims. We owe it to everybody's life who was drastically altered, horrifically that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened."

Charlie Sheen joins the rest of his great family and notably his father Martin Sheen, who has lambasted for opposing the Iraq war before it had begun yet has now been proven right in triplicate, in using his prominent public platform to stand for truth and justice and we applaud and salute his brave efforts, remembering Mark Twain's quote.

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." "


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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2006, 06:56:15 AM »

Bored with life and stiring *expletive deleted*it again I see.  Do yourself a favor and buy a copy of popular mechanics' "debunking the myths of 9/11" or some such title


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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2006, 07:21:18 AM » "Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event  like a
new Pearl Harbor."

Strategy, Forces and Resources
For a New Century, page 51.
A Report of
The Project for the New American Century
September 2000

Roger Barnett
U.S. Naval War College
Alvin Bernstein
National Defense University
Stephen Cambone
National Defense University
Eliot Cohen
Nitze School of Advanced International
Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Devon Gaffney Cross
Donors' Forum for International Affairs
Thomas Donnelly
Project for the New American Century
David Epstein
Office of Secretary of Defense,
Net Assessment
David Fautua
Lt. Col., U.S. Army
Dan Goure
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Donald Kagan
Yale University
Fred Kagan
U. S. Military Academy at West Point
Robert Kagan
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Robert Killebrew
Col., USA (Ret.)
William Kristol
The Weekly Standard
Mark Lagon
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
James Lasswell
GAMA Corporation
I. Lewis Libby
Dechert Price & Rhoads
Robert Martinage
Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Phil Meilinger
U.S. Naval War College
Mackubin Owens
U.S. Naval War College
Steve Rosen
Harvard University
Gary Schmitt
Project for the New American Century
Abram Shulsky
The RAND Corporation
Michael Vickers
Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Barry Watts
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Paul Wolfowitz
Nitze School of Advanced International
Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Dov Zakheim
System Planning Corporation


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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2006, 10:20:01 AM »
Here's a fun fact. The first guy on the list, Roger Barnett. My old Captain from the Navy days.
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Sergeant Bob

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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2006, 11:34:58 AM »
Methinks someone has "Jumped the Shark".
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2006, 01:28:43 PM »
when the truth is found, to beeeee lies, and all the joy whithin youuuu diees.....

um mercedes, I think you need somebody to love!
Politicians and bureaucrats are considered productive if they swarm the populace like a plague of locust, devouring all substance in their path and leaving a swath of destruction like a firestorm. The technical term is "bipartisanship".
Rocket Man: "The need for booster shots for the immunized has always been based on the science.  Political science, not medical science."


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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2006, 01:42:30 PM »
So now I'm a state worshipper.  Ok, if you say so.   Previously, I was a terrorist in training.  Which is it?
"Bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round...

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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2006, 01:51:38 PM »
One of these days Mercedes is going to post an original though, and I want to be here when it happens.


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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2006, 11:33:19 AM »
Quote from: c_yeager
One of these days Mercedes is going to post an original though(t), and I want to be here when it happens.
That might be a while; how old are you? Smiley

Perd Hapley

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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2006, 01:39:24 PM »
Quote from: mercedesrules
I believe that he was speaking of WTC #7 - the one that collapsed but wasn't hit by a plane.
Oh, OK.  As I said a little while back, I didn't look at the links, just responding to the clips I heard on talk radio.  

I don't know if I'm too worried about 11 Sept. being some kind of plot to bring about a One-World Govt, or whatever the point was.  If it was calculated to make us all abandon our concern for liberty, I don't think it has worked all that well.
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Charlie Sheen's 9/11 Comments
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2006, 02:38:21 AM »
Quote from: Baus44

Bored with life and stiring *expletive deleted*it again I see.  Do yourself a favor and buy a copy of popular mechanics' "debunking the myths of 9/11" or some such title
I started looking up the PM article and found this:

But who is Benjamin Chertoff, the "senior researcher" at Popular Mechanics who is behind the article? American Free Press has learned that he is none other than a cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

This means that Hearst paid Benjamin Chertoff to write an article supporting the seriously flawed explanation that is based on a practically non-existent investigation of the terror event that directly led to the creation of the massive national security department his "cousin" now heads. This is exactly the kind of "journalism" one would expect to find in a dictatorship like that of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

Because the manager of public relations for Popular Mechanics didn't respond to repeated calls from American Free Press, I called Benjamin Chertoff, the magazine's "senior researcher," directly.

Chertoff said he was the "senior researcher" of the piece. When asked if he was related to Michael Chertoff, he said, "I don't know." Clearly uncomfortable about discussing the matter further, he told me that all questions about the article should be put to the publicist  the one who never answers the phone.

Benjamin's mother in Pelham, New York, however, was more willing to talk. Asked if Benjamin was related to the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Judy said, "Yes, of course, he is a cousin."
Not that it necessarily means anything.
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