Author Topic: Chicago bans foie gras  (Read 3169 times)


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Chicago bans foie gras
« on: May 14, 2006, 01:44:49 AM »
Fox News link:,2933,195039,00.html

When the Chicago city council decided to cut the fat out in late April, they werent talking about the governmental budget.

Instead, they were placing themselves at the forefront of a movement that has animal rights activists cheering and Americas gourmands shaking in their bibs.

The Chicago ordinance, passed nearly unanimously, gives Windy City restaurants 60 days  until the end of June  before they have to stop selling foie gras, the fattened liver of specially raised ducks and geese.

Im sure theyre going to take it and run with it, said celebrated chef Rick Tramonto, of Tru and numerous other Chicago-area restaurants. Theyll go after veal and lobsters and get to ban all of it until were all vegetarians.

The decision immediately set off a firestorm of debate, prompting the de facto king of Chicago, Mayor Richard Daley, to disparage the new law as frivolous in light of the citys problems with gangs, drugs and rising gas prices.

Many also note that Chicago  the Hog Butcher for the World  beat out famously animal-friendly California to the punch. In the autumn of 2004, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed legislation that would end the sale of foie gras by 2012.

I think it indicates how seriously this brutality is, said Alderman Joe Moore, who sponsored the legislation. Were not San Francisco, were not some far-left wing city or city council. Were the heartland of America, the breadbasket to the world, the hog butcher of the world, and we were the locale for Upton Sinclairs The Jungle, a really solid blue-collar, working-class city. If you have a city like Chicago standing up and opposing this thing, that tells you something about the level of brutality associated with this product.

Animal rights groups agreed, and laud the ban as a first step.

What Chicago has done and California has done sends a message to the American public and our elected officials that people are not insensitive to the pain and suffering of these birds, and hopefully more and more legislators and more restaurants and so forth will get the message, said Dr. Elliot Katz, veterinarian and president and founder of San Rafael, Calif.-based In Defense of Animals. Its a mass movement across the globe theyre paying attention to.

He said he hopes the attention the Chicago ban is shining on foie gras will spill over to other issues that raise the faux fur hackles of animal rights activists, such as the mistreatment of veal calves and factory farming.

Katz may have good reason to think things are looking ducky, on the foie gras front at least.

Bolstered by their victory in Chicago, activists are trying to get a similar ordinance passed in Philadelphia. Grassroots and legislative pushes to ban the product gained momentum in New York state, New Jersey, Oregon, Massachusetts and Illinois before failing, and supporters vow to keep on fighting until foie gras goose is cooked everywhere.

And by June, duck supplier Grimaud Farms will have ended its contract with Sonoma Foie Gras, under pressure from natural-food chain Whole Foods, which made it clear that it would not do business with anyone who dealt in the damnable duck product.

Sonoma Foie Gras filed suit against Whole Foods in January, claiming intentional interference
with contract, and the trial got under way on May 5.

Overseas, its been banned in several European nations and in Israel. Even Pope Benedict XVI has taken an anti-foie gras stance.

If it werent cruel or painful, you wouldnt have so many countries that ban it, Katz said. People arent ignorant over there, and its beginning to show that people arent ignorant over here either.

The anti-foie gras peoples argument comes down to one aspect of the process: gavage. Ducks and geese have a naturally elastic esophagus that allows to swallow relatively enormous amounts of food so that they can store fat around the liver for their winter migration.

Foie gras producers take advantage of this, force-feeding the animals a high-starch diet via a
funnel, and causing the birds to more than double their weight. The controversy comes about when the question of pain comes up. Producers say the birds lack a gag reflex and feel none.

Ducks have a natural ability to build fat around the liver, not in a deleterious manner, Michael Ginor, owner of Hudson Valley Foie Gras, in Ferndale, N.Y., said. Its a natural process  yes, not to the extent that we do it  but think how cows are meant to give milk but not to the degree agriculture demands. The feeding process doesnt damage the ducks throats.

Animal rights activists say the process is extremely painful for the birds, even if its not obvious.

Animals like ducks arent able to express the pain and suffering like a dog or cat or a human being, Katz said. They suffer in silence. The extreme overweight, enlarged liver all cause extreme discomfort on the inside. One can get a feel just from gastric indigestion just from eating a little too much. You can imagine what they feel when theyre stuffed so much that they vomit it back up and end up dying.

Veterinarians are split. In July 2005, the American Veterinary Medical Association unanimously defeated a resolution that would have opposed the practice of force-feeding in foie gras production, citing both a lack of scientific evidence and fact that the observations and practical experience of (AVMA House of Delegates) members indicate a minimum of adverse effects on the birds involved.

But the AVMA wasnt exactly endorsing foie gras, either.

Weve looked at the science and current production practices, and have found it is not necessary for the AVMA to take a position either for or against foie gras production at this time, AVMA president Dr. Bonnie Beaver said in a press release.

Ginor and Tramonto are birds of a feather when they point out that if the foie gras issue were really about the birds, the animal-rights position wouldnt be so hypocritical  they point out that the mortality rate in the $20 million foie gras industry, which consists of two New York state farmers and one in California, is less than that in the $53 billion chicken and $3 billion turkey industries, yet no high-publicity movements are winning converts to a ban on chickens or turkeys across the United States.

These [foie gras farmers] are very small producers, small livelihood people, Tramonto said. But look at the mass chicken farms and huge contracted chicken farms, which are some of the worst facilities Ive ever been in.

And then theres the issue of government telling diners what they can and cant eat, foie gras
supporters said. The Chicago law may have been inspired by famous Windy City chef Charlie Trotters self-imposed ban on foie gras in his restaurants  but that was entirely voluntary.

I wish I could say the people have spoken, but this was not a public vote, Tramonto said. This was a council vote.

Moore responded that the foie gras ban is a prime example of good governance, and that it would be daffy to duck the issue.

Compassion and justice arent finite concepts, and we have an obligation as elected officials to stand up and address cruelty in all its form. In this case torturing a small creature before you eat it is antithetical to civilized society, so we should outlaw the product of that cruelty, he said. Im a meat eater. I enjoy a good steak. I have no problem with slaughtering animals to feed human beings. But that slaughter should be done humanely, not like foie gras.

Ironically, Ginor and Tramonto say the anti-foie gras movements have turned out to be the goose that laid the golden egg for foie gras producers and restaurants.

The popularity of foie gras is higher than its ever been, and we cant explain it except for that the foie gras controversy has made it into a much more popular product, Ginor said. More people are now aware of what foie gras is, so when they see it on a menu they want to try it out, and say they dont want to be told what to eat.

At Hudson Valley Foie Gras alone, sales have risen from $12.9 million last year to $14
million this year  or, in terms of doomed ducks, from 6,000 birds sold per week in 2004 to 7,000 a week in 2005 to an estimated 7,300 a week slated for the chopping block in 2006, Ginor said.

Were at capacity, he said. We cant produce more than that.

Many in the Chicagoland area predict that the City of Big Shoulders foie gras fans  both the longtime lovers and the newly converted  will simply leave the Second Citys municipal limits to enjoy the decadent delight, heading to suburban eateries regardless of how they feel about the production process.

We all know what hot dogs are made of, we all know what fast foods are made of, yet Americans continue to consume them, Tramonto said.
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2006, 02:33:23 AM »
I'm not even going to comment...



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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2006, 02:43:17 AM »
Moore responded that the foie gras ban is a prime example of good governance, and that it would be daffy to duck the issue.
Worst pun ever...

First I ever heard of all this. Force feeding birds so their liver gets fat. Who comes up with these ideas?
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2006, 03:22:32 AM »
wow, I'm so glad the government feels it necessary to intrude into our lives in EVERY SINGLE LITTLE TINY THING.  Hamburgers are next.
Welcome to the police state.  now be a good little subject and get in line.  grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2006, 03:34:13 AM »
Prohibition worked out real well there too at one time. rolleyes

....we're not some left-wing city or city council......
Since effing when? angry
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2006, 04:11:04 AM »
Steve, you beat me to it.  

"were not some far-left wing city or city council."

Then what exactly would one call you or Chicago?
Oh, Lord, please let me be as sanctimonious and self-righteous as those around me, so that I may fit in.


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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2006, 06:02:24 AM »
It is difficult if not impossible to reason a person out of a position they did not reason themselves into. - 230RN


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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2006, 07:28:52 AM »
Alderman Joe Moore:

Im a meat eater. I enjoy a good steak. I have no problem with slaughtering animals to feed human beings. But that slaughter should be done humanely, not like foie gras.
Where have we heard this before? I'll bet Moore "is a gun owner", too, who "enjoys shooting".


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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2006, 07:38:04 AM »
Animals like ducks arent able to express the pain and suffering like a dog or cat or a human being, Katz said. They suffer in silence. The extreme overweight, enlarged liver all cause extreme discomfort on the inside. One can get a feel just from gastric indigestion just from eating a little too much. You can imagine what they feel when theyre stuffed so much that they vomit it back up and end up dying.
So, these people are conneced with the bird on a level the rest of us aren't, and can sense what the bird is feeling?

Compassion and justice arent finite concepts, and we have an obligation as elected officials to stand up and address cruelty in all its form.
Funny how some things are allowed to be regulated based on morals and compassion, but other topics come up and you get the same people screaming about legislating based on morals.
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2006, 07:51:53 AM »
Quote from: 280plus
Force feeding birds so their liver gets fat. Who comes up with these ideas?
Who came up with it?  Give you a hint: its called "foie gras."  Got it now?

I dont care if Chicago bans it.  So what?  That will drive down demand and make it cheaper someplace else.  That city has worse problems than someone eating fat duck liver anyway.
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2006, 11:28:52 AM »
Im sure theyre going to take it and run with it, said celebrated chef Rick Tramonto, of Tru and numerous other Chicago-area restaurants. Theyll go after veal and lobsters and get to ban all of it until were all vegetarians.
That guy nailed it.

Its really kinda sad.  aside from the statist government, chicago is a cool town.  that said, i can't wait to see it run into the ground so we can rub thier noses in it.


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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2006, 12:00:40 PM »
Did the writer miss any bird puns?

It's really not news.  Chicago has been gutless for decades already.
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2006, 01:10:07 PM »
Guess they got tired of goose-stepping without their livers.


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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2006, 02:54:01 PM »
Who came up with it?  Give you a hint: its called "foie gras."  Got it now?
DOH!!  Cheesy
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2006, 05:20:19 PM »
Is this for real?

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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2006, 09:30:20 PM »
Hey man what's good for the goose....


Funny how some things are allowed to be regulated based on morals and compassion, but other topics come up and you get the same people screaming about legislating based on morals.
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2006, 10:50:16 PM »
The real question is how anyone can eat anything with liver in it? Yuck!

Then again, my wife got me to eating and liking livermush when we visited her family in NC.

(With rapidly sinking dietary standards)
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2006, 08:51:53 AM »
were not some far-left wing city or city council. Were the heartland of America,


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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2006, 08:57:28 AM »
Quote from: jefnvk
So, these people are connected with the bird on a level the rest of us aren't, and can sense what the bird is feeling?
Bird brained politicians, see I've been telling everyone that for years, now we have proof!
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Chicago bans foie gras
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2006, 10:14:53 AM »
The Left thinks that it is horrible and cruel to force feed a duck or a goose, however it is okey-dokey, if not a constitutional right, to abort an infant.

Stories like this make me really glad I USED to live in Chicago.Cheesy
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