Author Topic: DNA  (Read 857 times)


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« on: May 17, 2006, 03:35:25 PM »
The radio station that I listen to had a story today about a man who has been in prison for 10 years for murder, being exonerated by DNA evidence. They used this story as a springboard to ask whether a motion before the NM Congress to allow collection of DNA from all state citizens was a good idea. The DJ made it sound like she thought it was a good idea. I have been trying for the past hour to get through on their phone line with no luck. The callers that I have heard so far either think that it is no big deal, or disagree for the wrong reasons (what if the government cloned from my DNA, and my clone committed a crime?)
Do schools teach civics anymore? Was everyone asleep during the discussion about the constitution?
What about the presumption of innocence?
I feel like crying.


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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 04:21:29 PM »
There's not a much clearer way to 'cross the rubicon', as another poster put it, than by collecting DNA samples from everyone. Biometric identification is pure evil.
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« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2006, 04:33:05 PM »
Our borders, our language and our culture are being assailed daily.  Our culture most closely adheres to what your post references.  It seems Americans over the last 40 years have been inculcated with the false notion that there is a moral equivalance inherent in all people.  "We are just one big human family".  That notion is what is causing our republic to fray at the edges and will ultimately cause our country to fracture and fall apart.  Most people are actually embarased to discuss the fact that America has a culture that has risen above the rest of the world.  We seem constantly to apologize for being an advanced nation.  We are perhaps the only culture that openly discusses our warts.  The trouble is, we are slowy being inculcated with the BS that our warts are more important than our beauty.

Maybe that is why you are saddened to hear what you heard today on the radio.  We seem to trivialize everything because we have allowed ourselves to be led to believe that to challenge PC on the basis of those things that made our nation great, our history and what we have learned from it,  we are somehow being disrespectful.  Therefore many discussions of valid quandaries are reduced to gibberish such as the idea of DNA mapping of everyone.

It's only going to get worse until the grassroots begin to take control of our schools and begin to teach government, civics,  and history to teach that we are an advanced civilization and that we should refuse to bastardize ourselves by knuckling under to this idea anyone from anywhere can make demands on our way of life without assimilating into it and understanding the true underpinings of it...that we are a worthwhile society and that our pluses far outweigh our minuses.  We need to quit rolling in guilt and self flaggelation.  If we don't start with our kids in our communities then all will be lost in the end.  Math and science and languages are wothwhile education goals, but if we allow our culture to dissolve, those tools will mean nothing.  DNA mapping is just the tip of the iceberg of our downfall.

Jeez, I'm in a dark mood.
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« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 04:39:39 PM »
Like usual grampster, excellent post. It's not a dark mood... it's the truth.

As per the thread topic... the government is never going to collect my DNA solely for the purpose of cataloging it.

K Frame

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« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2006, 08:39:17 PM »
The government already has multiple sets of my fingerprints, which is biometric.

They also have my digital photograph. Another biometric...
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« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2006, 11:58:27 PM »
A problem with the entire concept is that DNA sequencing to establish a genetic identity for a person is very expensive, time consuming, and isn't something that can be done at the local police station or DMV- it takes a special skill set. I wouldn't expect a radio DJ or congresscritter to understand much about chemical analysis or molecualr biology beyond what they see on CSI on TV which is a farce as it is.
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