I have no idea how ID can be not required for voting, yet required for say, buying a firearm.
How can ID be required for boarding a plane, but not for voting?
Or driving, or cashing a federal (or state) check, or obtaining a bank account, or buying beer/smokes, or picking up your newborn from the hospital, or renting a video, or getting a job (I9 requirements).
How come law enforcement, the TSA, etc. can ask for ID, but polling places can't?
Now, while some of those allow alternative ID, they are all derivative ID's that start with a SSN or birth certificate...and yet, we can't ask for those either (or at the least, compare databases to weed out dead/multiple registrations).
The whole "voter fraud doesn't occur" is better stated "there are so few investigations because the law makes it virtually impossible to prove or even investigate the type of fraud concerned here"