Author Topic: Can your cellphone access THR reliably?  (Read 718 times)


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Can your cellphone access THR reliably?
« on: September 15, 2006, 12:59:12 AM »
I recently had to switch to Sprint from Verizon and the phone I was currently using (Motorola V710) isn't supported by Sprint/PCS.   I'm not one to jump on the hype and get the lasted 'n greatest, though the Sprint PPC-6700 was nice, as was the BlackBerry (forget the model number).  But though I'm not the type to jump on the lastest, I simply cannot "downgrade " without getting that knot in my gut.  

I looked on Ebay to see if I could find the Blackberry or Audiovox PPC-6700 cheaper and found the Audiovox 6600 that was also supported by Sprint in my area.   It features a integrated 128mb Ram, 400MHz processor and nice big screen.  It's bulky, but it supports Bluetooth, so I'll probably continue using the Bluetooth earpiece I've been using with my V710.    
I'm getting a bit excited that I might be able to do more than check my Email and CNN news and other WAP sites.   Whenever I attempt to log into THR with my V710, it'll eventually crap out before I get to the post I was wanted to check into.   It's a memory issue, but then the V710 only has 10Mb of memory.  I attempted to upgrade the unit by installing a 128Mb Transflash, but it only serves as storage.  Though storage does come in useful as you're using the camera or camcorder features.  I bought a 1Gb for the PPC-6600 for this purpose, though I understand the camera's going to be a step down from the V710's 1.3MP.  No big deal, I've got fairly decent Kodax Easyshare 650 for that.  

I'm thinking I just might be able to check into THR while away by using my newer cellphone soon.  Though it may not seem like a big deal, I usually check into THR to relax and my schedule hasn't allowed much of that lately.  

Do any here regularly log into The High Road or Armed Polite Society using their cellphones?  If so, what are you using and are you happy with what you've got?


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Can your cellphone access THR reliably?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2006, 04:16:31 AM »
I knew one could get ringing in one's ears from shooting, but I thought that was from noise, not cellphones on a shooting forum!

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Can your cellphone access THR reliably?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2006, 05:47:52 AM »
I've got a Sprint-based Audiovox PPC-6600 with a 1GB expansion card.

I just double-checked and THR pops up just fine.  Formatting is a little iffy on portrait mode, but on landscape mode everything is fine.

The 6600 has a lot of things going for it.  It's a bit faster than the 6700 and has a slightly larger screen (but the same resolution).  There are a couple of drawbacks.  The RAM isn't NVRAM and if you lose power for a long time, you'll lose your data.  A weekend won't even phase the backup battery, but I don't know what might happen if you left it for a week or two.  The keyboard is smaller and less handy than on the 6700 - I like the landscape-oriented keyboard of the 6700 quite a bit better.  Another big thing is that while the 6600 has all the hardware for EVDO high-speed cellular internet, Sprint has it disabled for that phone so you're stuck with slow transfer rates.

The camera isn't great, but it'll take pictures.


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Can your cellphone access THR reliably?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2006, 05:33:01 PM »
Cordex, it's good to see someone who actually has and uses the PPC-6600.  I believe it's a step up from my 4-year-old V710 that's only good for checking email and other limited-memory functions.  I found while trying to become familiar with it yesterday that I was able to use the tiny keyboard a bit better than I was expecting.  Looks like I'll be able to browse TFL and THR more often now!

Preacherman, I know that it's a bit sad to be talking cell-phones on a firearms forum.  But hey, I figured I'd give it a shot here and not at THR since it directly relates to my THR access (I love that site).  It seems as of late that I'm always at work these days and our company's internet filter is ever-expanding.  TFL is off limits as is most other gun-related sites such as Gun Broker, Guns America and Auction Arms.  Ironically, Ebay was included in the filter some time yesterday (all sites "shopping" now banned). Glad I bought phone before it went into effect!

Being able to both replace my current cellphone (which I have to do anyway now that I'm going to my wife's network) and replacing it with a unit capable of accessing THR... well that's just sweet two-birds-with-one-stone type deal!  Cheesy


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Can your cellphone access THR reliably?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 02:09:51 AM »
Whooo  hoooooo!

Finally, I can check into The Firing Line, The High Road and this site without having to look over my shoulder all the time.  The PPC6600 was exactly what I needed!

Cheesy   You all will be seeing a little more of me now.