Author Topic: Mainstreaming Bestiality: What It’s Like to Date a Horse  (Read 10502 times)


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Re: Mainstreaming Bestiality: What It’s Like to Date a Horse
« Reply #50 on: December 04, 2014, 12:22:38 PM »
IOW, it's pretty much like every other pure system, except that its overall influence is good.

Not so much, given that the actually influential bits of libertarianism (hedonism, open borders) result in more/bigger gov't.  There are no bonus points for good intentions when it is my wallet and culture that pays the freight.


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Re: Mainstreaming Bestiality: What It’s Like to Date a Horse
« Reply #51 on: December 04, 2014, 01:22:52 PM »
Let's say you find Aladdin's lamp, and you wish for the world to have perfect Libertarian .gov in place. Setting aside foreign policy considerations for the moment, what do you think people's reactions would be? If they didn't like some aspects of it, and wanted to get those statist jackboots on and oppress the poor widdle zoophiles: how would the .gov react to this? Ignore the will of the people? Exclude them from the process and give them no means to influence the .gov? How do you think that would work?

My answer is a bit simplistic but I'll answer it:

1. I don't think you're ever going to get "perfect anything" so I think that's a fool's errand even if I had Aladdin's lamp. I think however if you had Aladdin's lamp (overthrew the government, got Ron Paul elected), etc., you could get a government that is libertarian as a principle, in the way in which the modern US is still a Republic (although imperfect in places), and is still a broadly capitalist economy. That's to say, for example, most drugs would be legal but maybe not dueling, etc. A thing that is not perfect but is still excellent.

2. I think that if you instituted libertarianism for a meaningful time period (say a few months), you'd get people who have a vested interest in whatever is now going on. Just like how IRL you have America's gun owners lobby and protect gun rights because they own guns and have an interest in the system, and how correction officers' unions lobby to protect mandatory sentencing, and the porn industry lobbies for free speech, you'd have the people who are freed to do their own thing protect their freedom - the people who will be making the now-legal drugs, guns, owning brothels, lawn dart manufacturers, dueling hall owners, etc. Even granting "libertarianism is a bad idea" (which I do not) there'd be more people defending it if was even momentarily in access to "power".

3. Everything is incompatible with representative democracy. Literally everyone whines about limiting the franchise when their side begins to lose.
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Re: Mainstreaming Bestiality: What It’s Like to Date a Horse
« Reply #52 on: December 04, 2014, 01:46:02 PM »
Not so much, given that the actually influential bits of libertarianism (hedonism, open borders) result in more/bigger gov't.

Somewhat open borders without a cradle-to-grave government welfare system don't create near the problem of the current "come on in and get free stuff" method.

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Re: Mainstreaming Bestiality: What It’s Like to Date a Horse
« Reply #53 on: December 04, 2014, 02:05:17 PM »
Somewhat open borders without a cradle-to-grave government welfare system don't create near the problem of the current "come on in and get free stuff" method.

Very true, with no welfare, no free-lunch anything, our own native underclass forced into the workforce, drug legalization gutting the profit motive to smuggle, the landscape would be much different.

Strong property rights and self defense/castle doctrine would make things different for border state ranchers etc.

That said, I would say that open borders would be one of the last libertarian planks to implement, rather than the first, otherwise you've got what we have now, attempted election packing with quasi-third-worlders who'll vote for the statist leftist promising bread and circuses.

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