Author Topic: Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?  (Read 7228 times)


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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2005, 12:37:00 AM »
I had the same feeling. I figured the movie was just following the fad of medieval and ancient history and running on the coattails of 'Alexander' which was riding on the coattails of 'Troy' which was riding on.....
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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2005, 01:40:02 PM »
Quote from: duck hunt
I was halfway kidding -- I don't dig blockbuster epics, so I wasn't planning to see it, anyway -- but the commercials did kind of smack of "Yay, Crusades" to me.  I figured (maybe incorrectly) that the studio was trying to capture the Gladiator market and the Passion of the Christ market in one fell swoop.
Wrong.  The movie portrays christians in a poor light.  But the particularly egregious act the Templars commit to provoke Saladin was historically documented, even if some details were changed.  In real life, the Templars raided muslim shepards, in the movie they raid muslim pilgrims.

Good movie, worth seeing.



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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2005, 07:31:45 PM »
Yeah, don't worry.  Hollywood will make a pro-Christian film about a day after the sun turns green.

And while I believe that there were many devout and 'good' people involved in the Crusades, the Templars don't seem to EVER have been among them.  They're sort of the definition of evil on legs from everything I have read about in history.

The really scary thing?  After the events depicted in the movie, the Templars just got worse.  *shudder*


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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2005, 09:14:39 AM »
I saw the movie over the weekend.

Yeah, it was slanted.  Not as bad as some Hollywierd swill, however.

It had some good seige scenes to recommend it.  About a 6 on a scale of 10.


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duck hunt

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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2005, 10:08:28 AM »
Slanted which way, Jfruser?  Can you give us a review?

Atek -- "Saladin" was also in the running for a baby name, but Suleiman won out mainly because "Suley" is a better nickname for a boy than "Sally."


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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2005, 11:00:41 AM »
Quote from: duck hunt
Slanted which way, Jfruser?  Can you give us a review?

Atek -- "Saladin" was also in the running for a baby name, but Suleiman won out mainly because "Suley" is a better nickname for a boy than "Sally."
I know a guy that can trace one branch of his family tree all the way back to Salah al Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub.   Of course, his OTHER branch of the family tree are moonshine-running hillbillies from West Virginia.   It's an interesting mix.

Yea, Suleiman is probably the better choice.  With a nickname like "Sal", he'd be guarenteed to be a bartender.  Wink
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duck hunt

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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2005, 11:09:14 AM »
Quote from: revdisk
I know a guy that can trace one branch of his family tree all the way back to Salah al Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub.   Of course, his OTHER branch of the family tree are moonshine-running hillbillies from West Virginia.   It's an interesting mix.
Heck, sounds like me.  I can trace back to the hills of Lebanon (formerly Syria) on my dad's side and I'm an eighth generation Virginian on my mom's.

Just to stay on topic, CAIR and the ADC have both deemed the film to be "balanced."


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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2005, 11:34:58 AM »
Saw the movie. Seemed well balanced. It was long and boring and unimaginative and I never really ended up caring for any of the characters. Except maybe Saladin, he was interesting... Anyhow. That's my take. I wouldn't recommend seeing it unless you're into sitting in a movie theater for 2.5 hours while people talk and leave their cellphones on.
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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2005, 08:26:26 PM »
sitting in a movie theater for 2.5 hours while people talk and leave their cellphones on.
Throw things at them.  It is all they deserve.  If they don't like it, fine, but they don't have to ruin it for you.
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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2005, 07:29:01 AM »
Quote from: wasrjoe
Saw the movie. Seemed well balanced. It was long and boring and unimaginative and I never really ended up caring for any of the characters. Except maybe Saladin, he was interesting... Anyhow. That's my take. I wouldn't recommend seeing it unless you're into sitting in a movie theater for 2.5 hours while people talk and leave their cellphones on.
Yeah, that happened to me as well.

Saw it last night. Thought it was ok. The siege scene almost rescued it. Orlando wasn't terrible, but many others were better, including his bit on the side who was pretty gorgeous.
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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2005, 11:37:25 AM »
Quote from: duck hunt
Slanted which way, Jfruser?  Can you give us a review?

Atek -- "Saladin" was also in the running for a baby name, but Suleiman won out mainly because "Suley" is a better nickname for a boy than "Sally."
No big surprises.  Quite predictable, even if not familiar with the history.

Acting & Character Development
Weak, weak, weak.  I did not care who or what got whacked after the German was turned into a pincusion.  Elf-boy needs some depth.  As Paris (in Troy) he was a better fit.   One-dimensional characters abound.

Battle Scenes & Siege
Only good part of the movie.  Without those coming at regular intervals, it would not have been worth watching.  The close battle scenes were done pretty well, with the armored warriors NOT depicted as lumbering oafs.  The depiction of the trebuchets, ballistae, & seige towers was well done.

All priests and bishops are corrupt, thieving, cowardly, and vindictive.  Always.

Philosophical & other Anachronisms
Where do we start?

1. Bruce Springsteen in Armor: Elf-boy seemed to be acting out some of the NJ Nincompoop's lyrics with all his talk of "the people" & knighting of anything with a pulse and a Y-chromosome.  Baybeee, he was born to ruuuuun!

2. Leper-guy's Great Muslim/Jewish/Christian Coalition of Tolerance, Peace, and Fluffy Bunnies

3. Trained warrior-monks (in this case Hospitalers) espousing doctrine that would land them in serious theological hot water.

4. My memory fails me on pont four (as this was a forgettable movie that made Troy look good in comparison).

The only decent characters were Saladin & his right-hand man.  Everyone else was thoroughly bad or corrupted when examined in detail.


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Sean Smith

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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #36 on: May 10, 2005, 05:23:24 PM »
Well, Orlando Bloom gives women afraid of male secondary sex characteristics something to swoon over now that Leonardo DiCaprio is getting long in the tooth...  maybe Ridley should have made a movie about a big boat and cast Bloom in that.


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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #37 on: May 10, 2005, 10:47:11 PM »
Now come on Sean - he worked really hard at that beard. There was at least three months of no shaving and facial hair extensions went into that.

Actually, from the gratutious 'Bloom with his shirt off' scene it is fairly obvious that the boy has been eating his grub and pushing some weights.
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Movie "Kingdom Of Heaven" really pro-Muslim propaganda?
« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2005, 04:06:00 AM »
The only review I've really gone into was in Entertainment magazine.  Man oh man.  The only bad thing they had to say about it was that it didn't leave us hating Crusaders.

How messed up is it when we get upset because something doesn't leave us with a bad enough taste in our mouths?!?!

To quote LawDog:  *sigh*