Author Topic: Borepatch calls it for Trump at the wire  (Read 3371 times)


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Borepatch calls it for Trump at the wire
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:16:40 PM »

If you’re keeping score, in the past month Trump has bitch-slapped the entire Republican Party, redefined our expectations of politics, focused the national discussion on immigration, proposed the only new idea for handling ISIS, and taken functional control of FOX News. And I don’t think he put much effort into it. Imagine what he could do if he gave up golf.

As far as I can tell, Trump’s “crazy talk” is always in the correct direction for a skilled persuader. When Trump sets an “anchor” in your mind, it is never random. And it seems to work every time.

Now that Trump owns FOX, and I see how well his anchor trick works with the public, I’m going to predict he will be our next president. I think he will move to the center on social issues (already happening) and win against Clinton in a tight election.

I also saw some Internet chatter about the idea of picking Mark Cuban as Vice Presidential running mate. If that happens, Republicans win. And I think they like to win. There is no way Trump picks some desiccated Governor from an important state as his running mate. I think Cuban is a realistic possibility.


     Trump is a complicated subject... because its insane... but the situation is so nutty that he starts to make sense... which tells you how insane the situation is...

    Americans are furious. Both sides of the political spectrum.

    Republicans are pissed.

    Democrats are pissed.

    No one trusts anyone.

    Both side's politicians are full of *expletive deleted*it.

    There is a general consensus that the elites are *expletive deleted*ing over the people at large.

    The republicans tried to purge their own party with the "tea party" and similar things.

    Democrats only see this form their perspective but they don't realize that a fair amount of the animus was directed at the establishment republicans which is why the establishment doesn't like the tea party.

    The democrats tried to purge their own party with stuff like code pink, occupy wall street, and now black lives matter.

    And all of this is failing. The Establishment of both parties is very good at stonewalling this stuff. Black Lives Matter shows up to a Bernie speech and basically takes it over.

    They try the same thing at a Hillary speech and they don't even get in the front door.

    Think about that.

    And that's basically what has been going on. So what is Donald Trump?

    In my view, he's a purgative. A drug you take to induce vomiting. You accidentally eat poison... it has to get out. So you take a purgative... and you vomit.

The Tea Party failed, because it was subverted by the Establishment.  I was a fan of "Vote Them All Out", but that failed because the Establishment funded the primary races to keep reformers out.

The Slashdot commenter puts his finger on the dynamic that Trump has tapped into.  Everyone hates the government and the politicians.  Everyone.  Up until now it's been irrelevant, since the Establishment has not allowed any alternative.

But Trump doesn't need them, and doesn't want them.


Would a Trump Presidency be a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?  There's a pretty good chance that we're fixin' to find out.  But Trump is focused on what the market wants, and what the political market wants right now is a change from the Status Quo.  And quite frankly, there are quite a few Agencies where "You're Fired" would not only be effective in correcting the path the Republic is on, but would be wildly popular with the Populusque Americanus.

With the exception of the Anchor baby issue (which I honestly believe Trump could at least get folks to start thinking about a change to the 14th Amendment so long as he puts a hard lid on any Constitutional Convention talk and remains focused on the legislatures to propose the amendments) he is hitting right where the Rs and Is live.  His opposition will be the low-information voters and members of the FSA.

stay safe.
If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege.

Hey you kids!! Get off my lawn!!!

They keep making this eternal vigilance thing harder and harder.  Protecting the 2nd amendment is like playing PACMAN - there's no pause button so you can go to the bathroom.