Author Topic: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-  (Read 886 times)

Ex-MA Hole

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Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« on: November 15, 2006, 10:56:24 AM »

I went to get retested for my Cholesterol levels.  They came down a good chunk in the last six months (still a tad high, but not awful), but my liver levels are now high.  There were not 6 months ago.

The Nurse told me that my ALT level is at 53, and they like 42 or less.

How bad is this?  I need to go in for a retest, and she told me to drink plenty of water beforehand, and the result may be skewed due to my fasting.

I've been dry for over 3 years, but spent the 12 or so years prior to that in the wrapper almost everyday.

Is this something I should stay awake worring about all night?  You know, a good old fashioned panic attack?  Pacing, and all?  If I stomp loud enough, maybe I can keep my Wife up, too!!!

Or should I sleep easy?

Advice, please.  I'm not sure what to think.  Is a 53 REALLY bad, or just sort of bad?

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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2006, 11:16:24 AM »
I dont know enough about it really.  I would say not to sweat anything until the restest.  In any case, whay are you going to do different?
Out of curiosity, and since you've mentioned this here before, how much did you drink on an average day before you quit?
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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2006, 11:26:50 AM »
"Sort of"

Lots of things can affect your ALT levels, including a case of the sniffles or a hard workout.


ALT levels, like many other levels tested for medical reasons (e.g. cholesterol) tend to be viewed by many people as "Pass/Fail". They aren't For any type of test there is a range for "Normal/Average". Everything outside that range is progressively less desirable in terms of average health statistics, but there is no magic number that is the hard line-in-the-sand spot that goes from "Live" to "Die".

Think of it as a red light on a dimmer. When you are in the desired range the light is totally dark. As the number goes up above the desired level the light become progressively brighter and brighter until it is at full intensity.

Take cholesterol. A lot of people have the "200" figure in their head. At 199 they fell perfectly fine and dandy. Let it go to 201 and suddenly you have to be on fifteen different types of medication, radically alter your diet, and hire a personal trainer to come in and oversee your 8-hour-per-day workout regimen. The really bad part is that many doctors think this way, too.

It's all about the pancakes, people.
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Ex-MA Hole

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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2006, 11:31:11 AM »
I just got off the phone with the nurse-  I'm actually going in tonight for the retest-  this time I need to make sure I have food and drink in my system.  As we speak, I'm munching on pretzels and H2O.
She said that the fasting needed for the Cholesterol may have thrown this level off.

I will answer, since you asked.  Please don't judge me, or think ill of me.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Also, I am not bragging.  I'm ashamed.

There's something to be said for internet anonymity!

It varied, and it depended upon "my goal".

If I wanted to drink "socially" or to numb the pain of life (ie most nights), I was good for 3-4 glasses of scotch.  Oh, and I don't mean cute little bar glasses, I mean glasses.  Towards the end, I was good for $100.00- $125.00 bottle every 3-4 days.

I would think nothing of having a bottle of wine with dinner.

When it came time to party, I would do double shots to everyone's singles.  No chasers.  I was good for +10 a night, no problem.

I wasted a lot of time, money and brain cells.  And wasted what should have been the best years of my life.  I could go on with the physical/ emotional/ social ramifications, but I don't want to bore you...
One day at a time.

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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2006, 11:42:08 AM »
Ex-MA, there is nothing to be ashamed of and much to be proud of.  Quitting a habit like that is rock hard and you've done it.  I value your experience and admire your courage.  Thanks.
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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2006, 12:22:45 PM »
I have no qualification to comment on your liver situation.

I do, however, have the ability to send you my respect, good wishes and thoughts, and hopes that this is just a reminder to take good care of your earthsuit.

Ex-MA Hole

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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2006, 12:33:23 PM »
I realize that now, but have many. many years of abuse of said suit to make up for...if I knew now what I knew then...
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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2006, 04:00:27 PM »
Did you take Statins to lower your cholesterol ? They can skew liver readings as well. Discuss this with your physician ?

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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2006, 04:14:01 PM »
Don't worry.  I had the same kind of report a couple times in the last few years.  I freaked, naturally.  Then I got the same info you did.  I just wish the doc had told me that instead of letting me stew for a few days, till I called the nurse and asked her if it was serious.  This test can be skewed by just about anything.  Something to keep an eye on, of course. 

I too congratulate your resolve regarding drinking.  Hold your head up, friend.  You have much to be proud of.  Perhaps it matters less what we did in our past, but matters much what we do in our now.
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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2006, 06:39:16 PM »
I had a blood test for life insurance about 5 years back that showed a few of my liver levels to be somewhat elevated. It scared the sh-t out of me, I'm a chemist that has worked with all kinds of toxic substances, and had consumed huge amounts of ethanol in colege.
Lots of questions raced through my head:
-Is it cancer?
-Is it Hepatitis?
-Is it cirrhosis?
-Is it a liver tumor?
-Is my liver falling apart?
I swore that I felt dizzy and imagined pains in my liver and saw my skin turning yellow just thinking about it.

I made an appointment with my doctor, he ordered another test and sent me off for a CT scan.
I was losing a lot of sleep at this point, I even got choked up often as I had a newborn son in the house.

It took almost a month from the initial results of my blood test to come back until I got results from my CT scan. It was the longest month of my life.

The verdict:  The doc said I had 'fatty liver syndrome'  which he said a certain percentage of the population had, and its benin in the vast majority of cases. He told me to lose some weight and said that losing weight causes the enzyme levels to drop closer to normal levels in most cases. I've been tested 2 times since then, and my enzyme levels haven't changed much at all, but then again, I haven't lost any weight either.
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Ex-MA Hole

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Re: Is there a Dr. in the house? Liver Question-
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2006, 03:58:05 AM »
Thanks y'all...I'm going to assume it nothing.

Why?  It's easier for now.  I will await the result of the blood test to panic!

I had a similar scare a couple of years back.  I went in for an X-Ray due to some stomach issues.  During said X-Ray, they noticed a spot on my lung.

Yeah, time to brown myself.

"Wait a week for a retest".

Yup, still there.

"Wait 6 months for a retest to see what it is doing"

Yup, still there, but no change.  LONGEST 6 MONTHS OF MY LIFE.

"Wait ANOTHER 6 months for a retest to see what it is doing"

Your joking, right?!?!?!?

Fortuanately, still no change. 

"Oh, it's just scar tissue"

One day at a time.