Author Topic: Is Trump beginning his exit???  (Read 4865 times)

AJ Dual

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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2016, 07:54:08 PM »
The drudge article said the Colorado primary decision was made in August of LAST YEAR way before Trump was anything!

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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2016, 12:26:30 AM »
The drudge article said the Colorado primary decision was made in August of LAST YEAR way before Trump was anything!

The way I remember it, he was basically the only one running at that time. If one was gauging by media hype.
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2016, 01:47:44 PM »
The new narrative against Trump is being rolled out obviously.

The GOPe will probably finagle a way of getting some milktoast Republican on the ballot for President. All under the guise of electability; the same way they sold Romney and McCain.

Being an open borders advocate, feminist and big government statist who despises western civilization with its white privilege are must haves.

Everything else is optional.  
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2016, 02:51:46 PM »
The new narrative against Trump is being rolled out obviously.

The GOPe will probably finagle a way of getting some milktoast Republican on the ballot for President. All under the guise of electability; the same way they sold Romney and McCain.

Being an open borders advocate, feminist and big government statist who despises western civilization with its white privilege are must haves.

Everything else is optional.  
At this point, I am not seeing any choices other than Trump or Cruz.  I have heard the current speaker is quietly campaigning, but just rumors on that. 

I have not heard anyone who thinks it would be a good idea for the Republicans to select some unknown person to be the candidate.  They virtually guarantee a loss.  It also guarantees they would lose seats in Congress also due to the number of people who would just stay home.  I am sure there are a few that still like that idea.  Just can't imagine it would be enough to pull it off.
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2016, 03:46:58 PM »

At this point, I am not seeing any choices other than Trump or Cruz.  I have heard the current speaker is quietly campaigning, but just rumors on that. 

Rubio.  Or a Romney/Rubio ticket.  It practically sells itself:
"Rrrrrrrrroll your 'Rs' for for the 'R-Squared' Romney/Rubio ticket!"
"Will someone please clap?"


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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2016, 05:11:57 PM »
I think you mean "Romney!/Rubio!"
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2016, 05:27:08 PM »
Trump is just so good at playing the game, it's like he invented politics. [popcorn]

AJ Dual

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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #33 on: April 12, 2016, 05:31:28 PM »
At this point, I am not seeing any choices other than Trump or Cruz.  I have heard the current speaker is quietly campaigning, but just rumors on that. 

I have not heard anyone who thinks it would be a good idea for the Republicans to select some unknown person to be the candidate.  They virtually guarantee a loss.  It also guarantees they would lose seats in Congress also due to the number of people who would just stay home.  I am sure there are a few that still like that idea.  Just can't imagine it would be enough to pull it off.

There was a "draft Ryan" movement among the chatter-class, but he had a big press conf. that he's not running, or seeking nomination.
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #34 on: April 12, 2016, 06:00:48 PM »
There was a "draft Ryan" movement among the chatter-class, but he had a big press conf. that he's not running, or seeking nomination.

Ryan said during his conference it will be either Trump or Cruz in his opinion. He didn't see any path or process for somebody who currently doesn't have a lot of delegates to become the nominee.
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2016, 06:08:19 PM »
I think you mean "Romney!/Rubio!"

Nope.  ¡JEB! has claimed all exclamation points--in whatever orientation--for himself this election cycle.  Seek ye alternate punctuation.

A few alternatives:
¿Romney/Rubio? for those like Rubio who might be of a questioning mind.
Römnëy/Rübiö for the faux-nordic appeal.  [christopher_walken]More umalut![/christopher_walken]



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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2016, 08:35:14 PM »
Krauthammer doesn't think much of Trump complaining about Colorado.
Angry Donald Trump blasts Colorado GOP results as "totally unfair"
The decision sparked significant controversy at the time and removed Colorado from the Republican primary map in the early stages of the campaign. But Cruz supporters worked quietly behind the scenes to build an organization to get like-minded Republicans to the March 1 precinct caucuses and capitalized on the Trump campaign's failure to adapt to the system.

Trump's campaign didn't put a visible paid staffer on the ground in Colorado until last week, when it hired Patrick Davis, a Colorado Springs political consultant, to organize national delegate candidates at the 7th Congressional District convention in Arvada. By then, Cruz had won the first six delegates.

I am hearing some more commentary today.  A lot of it centers around the fact that Trump didn't have a significant presence in Colorado to fight for delegates.  I am also hearing that other states had similar processes where Trump was able to get a lot of delegates.  It just says to me that Trump's campaign just failed to compete in Colorado for one reason or another and now they are complaining about it after the fact calling it unfair.  I am one that thinks that if you get beat or fail, say so and then fight hard for the next one. 

Essentially, I don't think Cruz will come out looking bad on this at all.  He will come out looking better organized and more prepared.  If it comes to convincing Convention delegates who is best organized and prepared to run for President, Cruz won that in Colorado.  We'll see what happens in the following states.
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2016, 08:42:22 PM »
There was a "draft Ryan" movement among the chatter-class, but he had a big press conf. that he's not running, or seeking nomination.

I also remember him loudly claiming the same thing about becoming speaker of the house.

It's my opinion that at this point if either Trump or Cruz are not the eventual nominee the GOP will have successfully committed suicide.
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2016, 08:55:30 PM »
I also remember him loudly claiming the same thing about becoming speaker of the house.

It's my opinion that at this point if either Trump or Cruz are not the eventual nominee the GOP will have successfully committed suicide.
Agreed on that one.  Either candidate will have a lot of work to do to gain the support of the people who supported the other guy.  The Republican Party ticking off all of them is too much to regain. 
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #39 on: April 12, 2016, 09:03:22 PM »
Cruz and Trump need to be working on the details of what they each want in return for their support of the eventual winner.

With either we would be better off than with Hillary. That needs to be the message.

For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #40 on: April 12, 2016, 09:16:09 PM »
So what do the faithful here think trumps sending stuff to Washington, D.C. Rather than Washington state says about his ability to "hire good people!!!"

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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #41 on: April 12, 2016, 09:48:45 PM »
So Trump, who has bent the rules for years, is complaining about someone who played honestly by the rules?

It goes with his whole Big Man shtick where he's going to use the strength of his personality and negotiating skills to get results for America regardless of common sense, controlling legislation, treaties or other jurisdictional issues.

It appeals to his base because there is an animus towards "rules lawyers" (many of whom are actual lawyers) who know the rulebook or bylaws inside and out and use that to their advantage in a way that seems unfair.

I feel it is well. If you /playplayed tabletop RPGs or tactical/strategic board or miniature games you've encountered these people.  Also, if you were ever a reporter who had to cover the politics beat you've encountered these people. And some of them are absolutely horrid individuals. Members of HOAs know at least one of these sorts.

Full disclosure: In RPG terms I may have min/maxed a character or two in my day and got the evil looks from the others so I'm no angel in this regard.

So I understand the anger, however this is a high stakes game Trump is involved in and insisting that an opponent refrain from using every available rule to gain an advantage is just juvenile.

It's literally complaining about someone being more skilled than you and demanding they play down to your level.

If Trump was running against an opponent that had less money would he give him enough money to bring them equal? No, I don't think so. 

How about helping opponents get on ballots that they otherwise could not for some reason? No?

Or if his ground game was better than Cruz's and he beat Ted in the Colorado delegate race would we have heard about this at all? No?

Trump is a big crybully with feet of clay who's ego is way bigger than his skillset but his supporters see a BMOC who will teach them nerds, pencil-necks, and dirty foreigners a lesson.
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #42 on: April 12, 2016, 10:26:52 PM »
Trump is a big crybully...

Crybullies have been doing pretty well for themselves lately.  =|
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2016, 10:31:28 PM »
I know I'm looking for a safe space!
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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2016, 04:11:49 PM »
I've just started looking into the difference between the Colorado caucus, and the Iowa caucus, which Cruz also "stole." This is what I've found so far:

Anyone know?
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Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2016, 05:09:16 PM »
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2016, 09:05:20 PM »
If Trump exits it will be the best exit you've ever seen! I've talked to a lot of people and they say Trump is the best exiter the world has ever known!

 :laugh: :rofl:

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Re: Is Trump beginning his exit???
« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2016, 10:21:27 PM »
Great organizational skills
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It was my understanding that serious candidates for President developed campaign organizations in every state they intended to compete.  Those were the people that went to the precinct and county conventions and knocked on doors to encourage more support and call supports to make sure they knew where to vote or caucus.  Hell, encourage their supporters to volunteer to be a delegate.  

A radio guy today said he talked to a lady who was a delegate from Texas.  Apparently she showed up and the local organization was asking for volunteers to be delegates.  No one raised their hand so she said what the hell and volunteered.  Has to take vacation days.  Not rich or connected, she just showed up.  Many of the delegates are locked into voting a certain way in the first delegate votes.  The lack of an organized local campaign by Trump makes me wonder how many of those delegates are Trump supporters.  Who will they vote for once the initial ballots are done and they can vote however they wish?  I think Trump's only chance is to win a majority.  Failing that, he won't get the nomination. 
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