Author Topic: ACLU Sues cops on behalf of guy Open Carrying  (Read 827 times)


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ACLU Sues cops on behalf of guy Open Carrying
« on: September 23, 2016, 07:57:09 AM »

I stumbled on the linked article on another site.  I confess I haven't hunted down and watched the whole video.  Cliff Notes: There was a guy protesting a DUI check point, and they CT State police took away his camera and left it running while they discussed what to charge him with and how to make up complaints to make a charge stick.  They probably wish they had checked that about now.

To me, this is an interesting counterpoint to the riots in Charlotte.  These cops were pretty openly going to *expletive deleted*ck a guy not breaking a law.  I kinda feel we ought to be marching on state police headquarters and demanding the heads of these LEO's.  Yeah, no one died, but this kind of prevalent corruption is what leads to cops shooting innocent folks and getting away with it.  From all appearances the cops in Charlotte did the right thing, and their tearing the place up.

Also, as a white bread middle class kinda guy, when some family member of a dead guy says that he didndonuffin and the cops framed him, videos like this stick in my head.  Enough instances of corruption and LEO's, in general, just loose that trust they rely upon to actually do any work.

Finally I was a little surprised the ACLU was willing to help a guy described as an "Open carry activist" even if he was also protesting a DUI checkpoint.  That's closer to a real civil liberty than they usually like to be.



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Re: ACLU Sues cops on behalf of guy Open Carrying
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2016, 08:36:25 AM »
This type of stuff is why I no longer out of hand support police like I would have when I was much younger. It's also why I'm now against things like the death penalty when I used to support or be ambivalent about it. I've had stuff like this happen to me, not on this scale, but clearly illegal stops and commands by LEOs. Now I still believe many maybe most cops are generally good people sometimes required to do a difficult job; but time and time again we see where they don't police themselves and instead actually protect the ones among them who should be criminally charged or at least fired. You see this from Federal, State and Local depts.


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Re: ACLU Sues cops on behalf of guy Open Carrying
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2016, 08:38:10 AM »
Unfortunately, that's pretty much business as usual for the Connecticut State Police.
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Re: ACLU Sues cops on behalf of guy Open Carrying
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2016, 09:37:04 AM »

I stumbled on the linked article on another site.  I confess I haven't hunted down and watched the whole video.  Cliff Notes: There was a guy protesting a DUI check point, and they CT State police took away his camera and left it running while they discussed what to charge him with and how to make up complaints to make a charge stick.  They probably wish they had checked that about now.

To me, this is an interesting counterpoint to the riots in Charlotte.  These cops were pretty openly going to *expletive deleted*ck a guy not breaking a law.  I kinda feel we ought to be marching on state police headquarters and demanding the heads of these LEO's.  Yeah, no one died, but this kind of prevalent corruption is what leads to cops shooting innocent folks and getting away with it.  From all appearances the cops in Charlotte did the right thing, and their tearing the place up.

Also, as a white bread middle class kinda guy, when some family member of a dead guy says that he didndonuffin and the cops framed him, videos like this stick in my head.  Enough instances of corruption and LEO's, in general, just loose that trust they rely upon to actually do any work.

Finally I was a little surprised the ACLU was willing to help a guy described as an "Open carry activist" even if he was also protesting a DUI checkpoint.  That's closer to a real civil liberty than they usually like to be.


I am not a fan of the police.  Too many of them sit back and are quiet when this *expletive deleted*it goes on. Enough of them are directly complicit that it's not an anomaly.  There are many neighborhoods or areas where getting pulled over as a black person means you are running a gauntlet of profiling and possibly fabricated charges.
And even when there are legit charges to file....too many cases these are just excuses for them to make a "contact".  Tail light out?  Better pull you over and force a confrontation to see if you have a gun/drugs/warrants. 
The thing that sucks is that riots aren't going to lead to meaningful changes.  No...these people don't know how to get change nor am I sure they want the right kind of change.
In addition, Charlotte is most likely just another case of an actual justified shooting being held up as the poster child for police brutality.

As for the ACLU...they've helped in firearms convictions, as well having sided with the NRA on issues in the past.
The current bed they're awkwardly sleeping in together is the "no fly list".

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Re: ACLU Sues cops on behalf of guy Open Carrying
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2016, 10:19:16 AM »
I have also been thinking about how we ought to be marching in the streets, staging sit-ins, etc, over a whole lot of things; abuses by law enforcement being but one. But we mostly leave that to the backward, anti-liberty set, that throws fits over pretended rights that range from the absurd to the downright gruesome.

And then, there's BLM, which lost any credible claims to being a protest movement quite some time ago.
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Re: ACLU Sues cops on behalf of guy Open Carrying
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2016, 03:16:56 PM »
Find out what that camera is.

It's clearly better than whatever they use for body cameras - it failed to malfunction right when cops were doing something questionable.
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Re: ACLU Sues cops on behalf of guy Open Carrying
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2016, 12:37:12 AM »
I wonder what processing they did to figure out what they were saying?  I couldn't hear it. 

One of the comments about this abuse being nothing new got me thinking about something. 
Luke 3:14  Some soldiers were questioning him (John the Baptist), saying, "And what about us, what shall we do?" And he said to them, "Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages."
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