Author Topic: The political is personal  (Read 716 times)

Perd Hapley

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The political is personal
« on: November 09, 2016, 06:03:34 PM »
Let's talk about our state's elections, and what our election day/day after has been like.

From 5 am to 9 pm, I was at an elementary school just outside Ferguson, running constantly back and forth between the touch-screens and the paper ballot stations. My "lunch break" consisted of eating a sandwich two bites at a time, until another voter showed up. When I started voters on the touch-screens, I'd ask if they had used them before. A number of them told me they hadn't voted since 2008. The voters, as a rough guess, were >90% black. A majority of voters opted for the optical scan ballot, though. Several of them voted for more than one option in the same contest. One man voted for three presidents, and picked multiples in other races, as well. Some, when receiving a paper ballot, asked where the Democratic candidates were, or which side was the Democratic side. The heaviest turn-out was between 6 and 9 am, but was fairly slow at lunch time. I expected a rush after about 4 or 5 o'clock, but didn't see one. Then again, we more than doubled our optical-scan voting stations in the mid-morning, so it may have been that we just moved them through a lot faster. I figured we'd have a long, long line to process, at 7 pm (closing time), but we only had 3 people. Unfortunately, we had technical difficulties in closing down the touch-screen machines, forcing us to stay an extra hour. It didn't help that a poll worker unplugged the last touch-screen we were trying to sort out.  :facepalm:

So we got out at 9. I got six White Castles, and some fries, and went home. I tried going to sleep around 11.30, but every time I closed my eyes, a voter was coming at me with a ballot. It was horrifying. I got up, and read glorious election results, and APS, until about 2 am.

At 7.30, I woke up to a conceded, defeated Hillary. =D Also, it's been excessively warm, this fall, but today has been clear, with a high of about 60 degrees. The first day I get to wear a long-sleeved shirt is always a special day for me. Having scheduled a vacation day, I immediately set off on a tour of left-wing coffee shops, to enjoy the hippie tears. My wife got off work at 1 pm, and we walked around Whole Foods, hoping to see some sadness. The lefties aren't being too public about their angst, though. [kicks rocks]

The Missouri GOP made a pretty clean sweep of statewide offices, and finally reversed the shame of having a democratic governor. (The let-Ferguson-burn governor, at that.) We also took the lieutenant governor, sec-state, and attorney general; with double-digit leads in those three races.

Governor-elect Greitens is kind of a Trump story, having been (according to some) a Democrat, with no real political experience. In his political ads, he fired ARs and blew stuff up. He was accused of money-laundering, and wanting to "blow up government." The race was 51.5% - 45%, despite the Democrat (Koster) being endorsed by the NRA. I don't know a lot about the other candidates, except that our new attorney general was on the legal team that successfully defended Hobby Lobby against Obamacare.
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Re: The political is personal
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2016, 06:54:32 PM »
Minnesota Here is how we did:  We won!!

We were expecting to keep the House but lose a few seats, and still not have the Senate, but gain a couple seats to narrow the gap. Instead we gained seats in the House and took the Senate, assuming the recount goes our way.

Mills of Mills Fleet Farm fame who is a great guy and pro-gun narrowly lost his US House bid to a complete A-hole. It also looks like we lost a few other MN House races, but won many others.
"I don't always shoot defenceless women in the face, but when I do, I prefer H-S Precision.

Stay bloodthirsty, my friends."

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Re: The political is personal
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2016, 09:52:13 PM »
Illinois pretty much went full retard.   The only statewide office was for comptroller and the D won.

Only ray of sunshine was that Road Tax referenda passed with 79% of the vote.  Meaning that any monies from Road/Fuel/Infrastructure Taxes and or Road/Infrastructure Construction bonds has to used for roads/infrastructure and not grafted into the general fund to be spent on hookers and blow roads and infrastructure by the legislature. 

The statists are already wailing about "tieing the hands of the legislature".   To which my response has been "Good, they can't do the bait and switch with those funds anymore." 
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

Bring me my Broadsword and a clear understanding.
Get up to the roundhouse on the cliff-top standing.
Take women and children and bed them down.
Bless with a hard heart those that stand with me.
Bless the women and children who firm our hands.
Put our backs to the north wind.
Hold fast by the river.
Sweet memories to drive us on,
for the motherland.

Perd Hapley

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Re: The political is personal
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2016, 11:34:06 PM »
Missouri also retained our one Republican senator. Some thought he'd be retired, but he came out 3.5% ahead of the Democrat. This is a guy who, even in the photos he uses for his own campaign material, looks a lot like the Grinch.

And the Republican treasurer candidate won by about 17%.

"Doggies are angel babies!" -- my wife