Author Topic: Anyone else do this?  (Read 1198 times)


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Anyone else do this?
« on: August 07, 2017, 02:26:38 PM »
I've taken to writing little snippets of my life that I remember and that I believe family/some would find interesting or funny like this remembrance:

My old Bridgestone 90 motorcycle had a cyclic trans. Shift pattern was N-1-2-3-4-N-1-2-3-4-∞... There were also a lot of false Neutrals hiding between the other gears so it wasn't hard to forget what gear you are in, go for what you THINK is 4th, hit what you THINK is one of those damned false neutrals then toe it into what you THOUGHT was 4th but is instead 1st and you are already wound out on a pea gravel road when you dump the clutch and the excitement begins.

Anyone else started doing this?  :old:
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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2017, 03:16:48 PM »
I have thought about doing that -- and each time I think about it, I come to the realization that there's basically been nothing about my life that anyone other than I would be interested in reading about.

So ... no.
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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2017, 03:45:26 PM »
Surely you have SOME anecdotes about yourself or something that you've seen.

For example:

My half brother, Tommy, and his sister, Carma, lived in a shotgun house (A "shotgun house" is a narrow rectangular home, usually no more than about 12 feet wide, with rooms arranged one behind the other and doors at each end of the house) in Arkansas when they were growing up. Well, one day Tommy was running the fire roads on his motorcycle and rounded a blind curve at speed surprising the buzzards feeding on road kill on the other side of the curve. I don't know if you know this about buzzards but when frightened, they will empty their stomach contents to lighten up so they can fly away faster. Timing is everything and Tommy flew right through a waterfall of buzzard puke! Now roadkill smells bad enough but I'm told it's worse after a buzzard has swallered it by someone with 1st hand experience in these things. Anywho, Tommy raced home at top speed trying to outrun the stink. When Tommy hit the front yard, he bailed off the bike and ran through the house to the kitchen to grab some dish soap on his way to the hose in the back yard. All that is bad enough as it is but it gets better.
It seems that Carma had decided to have some of her girl friends over at this time and as Tommy burst through the door into her room she started to yell his name and only got "TOM!" out before the funk hit her. Apparently Tommy had to clean up the puke in her room as well as himself and was at the tip top of Carma's *expletive deleted*it list for quite a while after this. [barf]

True story :old:
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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2017, 04:03:15 PM »
I've toyed with the idea of assembling a memoir, mainly for the benefit of my two sons.  My understanding of my own father is pretty sketchy since he passed away when I was in my mid-teens.

At that point in life, it wasn't a matter of curiosity, he was just "Pop."  Yet I know from vague references, he was in the Navy sometime between his own teen years (b. 1901) and prior to World War II, even, I think, serving on a Navy sailing ship.  Very frustrating.

Just bits and pieces of his life, but nothing that could be assembled into a clear "uncropped" picture.

Same way with me, yet when I look back, there are many instances of "shining times," and others of "shitty times."  Still, not enough to form a cohesive picture without it looking like a random hodge-podge of incidents.... which are probably common to most of us.

I knew a guy who wrote "at least a page," in his diary every day, and I saw his collection of half-handwritten and half-typed daily entries and it was a quite large stack of unbound paper in an accordian-file. He mentioned that he had left most of it back home in Pennsylvania.

 I guess if you have time to do it and you're of a disciplined mind, you can do it.  But I'm neither disciplined enough, nor do I have time to do it.

Nor do I want to be posthumously accused of killing anyone with boredom.

So, it goes.

Terry, 230RN


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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2017, 04:16:47 PM »
...and that's why mine is a text file of random crap that pops into my head that I write down for whoever to read and laugh at.

Back when I was still working as a mechanic my wife was in the shop for some reason and my shop foreman hollered out something involving a "RCH" and Terri, my wife, pipes up, "You mean a Red #### hair?" As soon as she said it she turned red as a beet as did the foreman who thought he was being cute. That's my naturally red headed ol' lady...

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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2017, 04:39:17 PM »
^ :rofl:

I used that term with my boss once, embellishing it by saying it was a Secondary Transfer Standard of the Bureau of Standards (now NIST).

And going on as how the primary RCH is kept preserved in a nitrogen-filled capsule in Washington DC.

He looked miffed and mentioned to me that his wife was a redhead.  Rather forcefully.


NOTE: A secondary transfer standard in the national system of weights and measures is, so to speak, a "portable" standard calibrated to the national standards of NIST and usable for calibrating instruments such as voltmeters and linear measurement devices, etc. in the field.

Sample. The national standard kilogram:



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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2017, 04:51:01 PM »
^ :rofl:

What was so bad in our case was that Casey was at one end of the shop and we were near the other end. Casey said his part and Terri immediately YELLED back her response without thinking. Now do ya see why I married her? :lol:
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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2017, 05:24:05 PM »
My very very first job at 16yo, for which I had to get a NYC work permit and obtain a social security card, was in an A&P grocery.  Was stocking the shelves one day and a lady came up to me with a small jar, asking if we had a bigger jar of it in stock.

I looked at the jar and hollered across the store, "Hey, Sam, do you have any bigger ferkins?"


"Ferkins, ferkins, a bigger jar of ferkins!" I hollered back and raised the jar so he could see it.

"Gherkins, you idiot! Top shelf, aisle 5."

Hey, gh, as in rough, right?  I had a touf time with that one for a while.

They called me The Ferkin Kid for a week.


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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2017, 05:54:48 PM »
Why you don't use a full mag when test firing a gun.
I knew a guy who knew a guy who built a Sten gun from a parts kit using a piece of exhaust tubing to make the receiver. The first time out shooting it he learned two things:
  • It needed hotter rounds than he used to fully cycle the bolt, This means it didn't go far enough back for the trigger to "catch" it and stop it from shooting until it was empty!
  • Always test fire an automatic with no more than 2 rounds in the magazine NOT, a full mag!

I understand that, after MUCH "advice" from friends, the receiver was destroyed leaving just the legal parts kit. Think of it as a "proof of concept" test.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 07:33:02 PM by HeroHog »
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Re: Anyone else do this?
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2017, 05:57:52 PM »
I remember my 1st nation level enduro. There was a "hill" (an all but vertical drop of about 2 stories) ending in a narrow trail that was 90 degrees to the "hill" at the VERY base. If you overshot the "turn" at the base, you go through the brambles then into the creek. On the other side, a large hill COVERED in spectators. My 1st lap, I came up to the lip at the top, STOPPED, thought "NFW!" was rammed in the rear by the following rider and plummeted over, through the brambles and into the creek much to the delight of the crowd. Lap 2, I went over down and made the turn like I'd been doing it all my life. Some lessons ya just learn real quickly...

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