Author Topic: So much for "Will work for food"  (Read 952 times)


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So much for "Will work for food"
« on: August 08, 2017, 08:04:54 AM »
Looks good on a hand-written sign on a street corner, but not in real life.

Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration has also prompted many immigrants, both legal and illegal, to cancel their food stamps over concerns that they might be denied citizenship or deported.


At the state level, food stamp enrollment dropped significantly in places such as Georgia and Alabama once they instituted work requirements for able-bodied adults to receive food stamps. Both states fully implemented work requirements for food stamp recipients in 2016-2017.

I take issue with the article's including illegal aliens with "Americans." In fact, I'm not even comfortable with including legal aliens as "Americans." My late wife hadn't gotten to the point where she felt comfortable that she could pass the citizenship test (although that was our goal), so she was a legal resident with a green card. She did NOT consider herself to be an "American." Our adopted daughter is an American citizen, and she doesn't consider herself to be "American."
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Re: So much for "Will work for food"
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2017, 06:08:29 PM »
I have been castigated over and over on FB that illegals don't get food stamps or other welfare benefits....
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Hold fast by the river.
Sweet memories to drive us on,
for the motherland.


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Re: So much for "Will work for food"
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2017, 09:33:24 PM »
I just cannot wrap my head around the mindset of people who choose .gov funds over work...any honest work.  My brother did that for over a year,  passing up paying jobs because they didn't pay enough, or offer the right benefits, etc.  Having worked with a paving company, done lifeguarding, etc. to put money in the bank,  I just don't get it.
No, I'm not mtnbkr.  ;)

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Re: So much for "Will work for food"
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2017, 10:01:25 PM »
I have been castigated over and over on FB that illegals don't get food stamps or other welfare benefits....

I think that most are probably shortening it from 'most' or 'insignificant'.

More reasons why I support a plain UBI.  Not a citizen?  No payment.  Legal immigrant?  You get a equivalent tax credit to make it fair.  Don't make enough money to make up for the UBI?  You're free to go home.

Quote from: Chris
I just cannot wrap my head around the mindset of people who choose .gov funds over work...any honest work.  My brother did that for over a year,  passing up paying jobs because they didn't pay enough, or offer the right benefits, etc.  Having worked with a paving company, done lifeguarding, etc. to put money in the bank,  I just don't get it.

You do realize that work and government welfare are not mutually exclusive, right?  Most people receiving government welfare do work.  They just work for low wages and frequently part time.

Hell, in a couple cases they found that the maximum income for a single mother with 3 kids(I think) was working around 40 hours/week at $10/hour.  It wasn't quite maximum subsidization, but close.  She would actually receive more welfare at that income level than zero income.

After that there was a massive welfare cliff where she'd have LESS effective income until she was earning over $30/hour.

While I don't particularly care for welfare, I'd settle for eliminating the cliffs and seeing how much people still refuse work when they aren't actually penalized for earning more by work.  Until that happens, can we really say they're lazy, or just smart enough to recognize they they'll be worse off if they work more, stuck on a local maximum?


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Re: So much for "Will work for food"
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2017, 10:30:07 PM »
Iirc we had "workfare" in Michigan.  The goal was to induce people to work rather than collect freebies.  It was working very well.  Then Obama got elected and the .fed gov began to penalize states with workfare, so our program was discontinued.
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