Author Topic: BDU recommendations?  (Read 1782 times)


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BDU recommendations?
« on: May 11, 2005, 05:23:58 AM »
I have a question, and I figure y'all will be able to help as well or better than any group of folks.  I have a couple pair of Truspec BDUs in cotton ripstop that I wear pretty often, since they're ideal for the work I do every day.  Lots of pockets, comfortable, cheap, et cetera.  However, since a lot of what I do involves crawling through mesquite thickets and clumps of greenbrier, I'm looking for something a bit heavier.  I tried the 60/40 cotton/poly BDUs, and I don't really care for them.  I really want pants that are cut like BDUs, preferably with the pockets, but made of cotton duck cloth or something similar.  Heavy denim would also work.
Any ideas?



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BDU recommendations?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 06:06:19 AM »
Go buy a few upland pants, the ones with cordura on the fronts and below the knees on the back.  Buy a small backpack and put your crap you'd put in your pockets in there.

The only downside with upland pants is that they are hot in the summer time. I was working one day last summer in a Oak Savanna restoration research area hooking up the power supply to a bunch of data loggers that collect sap flow. I knew the area was full of multifloral rose and goose berry bushes so I grabbed my pheasant hunting pants to keep my legs from getting cut up. I sweated my butt off in those pants, the cordura just seemed to keep the heat in. This is a good thing in November but not on a 90 degree 95% humidy summer day in Iowa.

Something else to look at are logger's jeans or miner pants. They are all demin pants but double thick in the wear areas. Tin Cloth chaps or pants from Filson might be an idea too.

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BDU recommendations?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2005, 07:05:30 AM »
Check out Brigade Quartermasters.
The have a line of BDUs called Combat Cloth which have double fabric in the seat and knees. 65/35 blend. They also sell the full line of 5.11 clothing.



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BDU recommendations?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2005, 01:56:44 PM »
Our uniform trousers are from Propper Clothing They're good quality stuff.
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