Author Topic: The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong  (Read 846 times)

Brad Johnson

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The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong
« on: February 09, 2007, 07:43:02 AM »
Was rummaging through some old documents and came across a Jim Peel essay I had forgotten about.  Figured you folks might like to give it a once-over....



The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong
By Jim Peel

The pro-firearms movement has to be the most maligned of all of the "movements" in existence - even though they are the most peaceful and law abiding. When one considers the extent to which the firearms owners of America could go in the pursuit of their goals, the implications are terrifying. Those who own firearms have in their possession the means for great destruction yet they have no penchant for same, even though the anti-firearms movement and the press paints them as wild-eyed maniacs ready to blast anything that moves. Why, then, are they constantly under attack for showing restraint while other special interest groups exercise aberrant behavior through any means at their disposal?

Consider groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) which destroys people's property by throwing paint, dye, and animal blood on the inventory of fur stores and on the apparel of private citizens. Their goal is the abolition of the wearing of animal fur as apparel.  They believe that, by the use of terrorist activities, their goals will be met. These acts have not demeaned them in the eyes of many who only see them as benevolent animals protectors.

Animal rights groups regularly break into laboratories and release animals that have been infected with disease, or are being used for other research, with no thought toward the consequences of their actions to the community upon which they unleash them. They have attempted to interfere with legal hunts and have threatened the lives of hunters who participate in these hunts. They are willing to accomplish their goal through violence or the threat of violence. Again, many in the public sector see no problem with these unlawful actions.

People who are pro-life have bombed and burned abortion clinics. They have threatened and attacked employees of clinics, and have even committed murder to their end. They have, by force or threat of force, blocked or taken over clinics and prevented what is, for now, lawful conduct by women who wish to participate in that lawful conduct. These actions have earned them the status of Racketeering Influence Corrupt Organization (RICO) in a landmark supreme court ruling. Once again these unlawful acts are seen by many as the end justifying the means.

Environmental groups, such as Earth First!, have hammered steel spikes into trees which, when hit by a chain saw, cause the chain to break causing grievous injury or death to the saw operator who is simply trying to do his job harvesting a renewable resource. They have no compunction as they see themselves as environmental soldiers on a higher mission. Those who are hurt, maimed, or killed are simply the necessary casualties of a war of righteousness.

Homosexual groups, such as ACT UP, have taken over the offices of public agencies and public officials. They have attacked churches and thrown what they touted as AIDS tainted blood on the doors and steps of city hall. Within months of this act, the mayor of New York City was marching in their gay rights parade. Their members are schooled in civil disobedience to achieve the end result of their absolute acceptance into society. All who oppose them are considered "the enemy".

The Unabomber regularly sent deadly messages of environmental excess via small bombs that killed and maimed several persons. Over a twenty year period he sent bombs through the mail to unsuspecting individuals he had deemed to have wronged the Earth. He was only captured after he issued a thirty-five thousand word "manifesto" which was recognized by a member of his family.  Had it not been for his brother, he would still be sending deadly mail.

Conversely, what do pro-firearms advocates do to further their cause? They write letters. They call talk radio programs. They appear on television shows. They call and write their elected representatives. They do not brandish their weapons or march with them displayed in parades. They do not shoot them at the doors of city hall or take over the offices of same. They do not shoot them at those who disagree with their cause, or bomb or burn the offices of those groups. They do not cause death or injury to others nor destroy their property. Why then are they the bad guys in this dispute? They are blamed for every act of violence against the public and are held as the primary cause of violence in America today even though they have done nothing wrong.

The media only shows the bad side of firearms while ignoring the good they do. Television news programs have made a concerted effort to portray firearms as the causative factor for crime and display misleading graphics when reporting on crime related stories. As an example, the anchor person will be talking about a stabbing death while the graphic over their shoulder shows a semi-automatic pistol or rifle. The sports segment of the local news does not cover shooting events, even those at the Olympics where, in 1996, a 17 year old woman took the gold medal in trap and skeet shooting - the first American to do so in Olympic history. Most of those reading this will learn that fact for the first time at this reading because the dominant media refused to credit her accomplishment. Some news programs keep a running total of the number of firearms deaths, including justifiable homicides, while totally ignoring homicides by all other means.

The press even attempted to portray any person who possesses a firearm as a deranged bomber by linking the Oklahoma City bombing to guns and gun owners, even though no guns were used during the perpetration of this heinous act. The facts, unfortunately, did not deter them from this course.

The truth is that the liberal press and the major networks have taken it upon themselves to be the disseminators of the "facts" about firearms and those who deign to own them. They portray anyone who owns a firearm as a criminal looking for a place to display their aberrant propensities. One "news magazine" took it upon themselves to approach major sports teams to have them participate in "guns for goods" ticket exchanges. These exchange programs have already shown themselves to be counterproductive due to profiteering. The Connecticut state "guns for cash" program was suspended indefinitely after a man bought new weapons for $70 and turned them in for a $30 profit. The result? He made $1200 for about two hours work. These programs have also contributed to criminal acts. Two teenagers turned in a non-working shotgun and, with the money they received, bought a working handgun from another person who was going to turn it in. They then committed a murder with it.

What is the reward for the patience and lawfulness of law abiding firearms owners? They are attacked from every side. They are called criminals, extremists, whackos, and other more unmentionable names. They are held up to ridicule and derision even though the writings of the men who founded this country substantiate their claim to arms as an inalienable right. It is a sad commentary to think that the men who founded this great country, and enumerated the rights therein, would be held as contemptible in this nation today as they were by the nation whose yoke of oppression they threw off over two hundred years ago.

Thats a pretty high price to pay for doing nothing wrong.
It's all about the pancakes, people.
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Re: The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 07:57:55 AM »
He makes a good point. 

But the UNAbomber and the anti-abortion movement do not at all fit with the other examples.  I don't recall the UNAbomber getting much sympathy or respect from any major media source.  Anti-abortionists are more like gun-rights activists, in that the majority of the movement is very peaceful, yet they are blamed for the bombings and shootings they disavow.  In addition, sit-ins in front of abortion clinics (unlike sit-ins at segregated lunch counters) are portrayed as acts of coercion and evil.  Also, the RICO decision he cites has been over-turned, has it not? 
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Re: The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 08:26:05 AM »
It seems fallacious to take the extremes of any movement and attribute those characteristics to everyone who holds that.  Not every environmentalist is an EarthFirst! whack-job.  In fact most of them are not.  Misguided and naive maybe.
Similarly, not every gun owner is Bufurd Ferris or a white supremacist.
And what's the point of the article?  That we should bomb Ted Kennedy's house?  Shoot up the Supreme Court building?
Fight state-sponsored Islamic terrorism: Bomb France now!

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Re: The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2007, 08:34:09 AM »
Rabbi, I think the point is that gun owners are some dangerous folks, but very mild-mannered in the face of slander and denial of basic rights.  And we are held to a much higher standard than the other movements.  You could find plenty of media types and other leftists to agree with your statements about environmentalists and other left-wing advocates.  We on the "right" don't get the same courtesy.
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Re: The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2007, 03:06:11 PM »
A single term sums up the media war on guns - "Gun Violence".  That term is unique to guns, it's great propaganda (guns=violence), and everyone is familiar with it. Violence is violence ya dolts!


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Re: The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2007, 05:53:52 PM »
The key is the leftist-liberal media. They portray extremists, even criminals, as sympathetic because they are somehow "fundamentally right, even if misguided in efforts". By contrast, 2A supporters are depicted as despicable because they are somehow "fundamentally wrong, even if they keep their noses clean (for the moment)."

Perd Hapley

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Re: The High Price of Doing Nothing Wrong
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2007, 08:40:01 PM »
The key is the leftist-liberal media. They portray extremists, even criminals, as sympathetic because they are somehow "fundamentally right, even if misguided in efforts". By contrast, 2A supporters are depicted as despicable because they are somehow "fundamentally wrong, even if they keep their noses clean (for the moment)."

And everybody just knows that deep inside we're lacking some spark of humanity.  When gunnies mess up, we're revealing that we're sickos.  When GLBT activists mess up, well, they just got carried away.  It's all the oppression, don't ya know?  Same could be said for the conservative/liberal divide in general. 
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