Author Topic: Smoker sued for lighting up in her garden  (Read 706 times)


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Smoker sued for lighting up in her garden
« on: March 09, 2007, 06:53:44 PM »
Smoker sued for lighting up in her garden
AKARP, Sweden, March 9 (UPI) -- A Swedish woman has been sued for smoking in her own garden.

Her neighbor in Akarp in southern Sweden, a lawyer, demands 15,000 kroner ($2,000) in damages for her previous smoking plus another 2,000 kroner ($280) every time she lights up in the future, The Local reported. She has received a district court summons to respond to his complaint.

"It makes me sad and angry," the 49-year-old single mom told Aftonbladet. "Should somebody else be able to control my life?"

The woman said she has already made concessions to her neighbor's dislike of cigarette smoke, including picking a spot to light up that is more than 20 feet from his property.

In court filings, the lawyer complains that he is hit with cigarette smoke every time he enters or leaves his house and has been unable to open his windows.


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Re: Smoker sued for lighting up in her garden
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2007, 05:29:06 AM »
The judge should order him to move and leave her alone. 

I know there are people like that here too.  I am not a big fan of cigarette smoke, but some people seem to have noses that detect cigarette smoke in the parts per billion range.  People should not have to make allowances for those that are hypersensitive.  Those that are hypersensitive should make allowances for themselves.  I wonder if he has a fire place?  What other things does he tolerate that he doesn't bother to sue over?  Does he drive a battery operated car or does it put out exhaust?

I guess she should have sued him for harassment.
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