Author Topic: One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu  (Read 2584 times)


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and I think she's at the life-threatened state. If she survives, she's always going to be putting my other two beloved cats at risk. This is a very irritating situation. I know she got it at the vet where I had her spayed as the symptoms started shortly after she was back.

How much chance do I have for getting mad at them about this? This is some aggravation that I absolutely shouldn't have to go through as I take good care of my cats to avoid this kind of crap in the first place.

It's just a cat, so it's not like I should waste resources on anything legal. On the other hand, give me a few hours a day just honestly telling my story to the right people and gossipers and I could have pretty much most of the cat owning public in this town believing that if they take their cat into this clinic that it could get an incurable disease. *ponders*


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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2005, 08:31:19 PM »
Blackburn, that realy bites (no pun intended).  I hope your furry Mistress pulls through, makes a full recovery and does not infect your other cats.

What sort of "Cat Flu" is this?  I hope its not feline luekema or the like.  IIRC that does have an incubation period of me than a few days.

As far as getting mad that the Vet, if you can say conclusivly that your cat picked this up at THAT vet (like a 2nd opinion), I'd say you ahve every right to get upset.  Have you been able to check out the conditions at the vet behind the scences?  I agree, this is agravation you should not have to go through, since it seems that you DO take good care of your cats (by getting them neutered/spayed).

One of my cats received sub-standard care at a local vet when he went through a bout of FUS and his urethra was blocked the 2nd time.  I made my displeasure very pointedly known to the director of the clinic, and as a result the attending vet was discharged not long after.
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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2005, 04:37:09 AM »

Please describe the symptoms she is exhibiting, and what you mean by Cat Flu.  There are a lot of things, from trivial to serious, that could be going on.  Need description please.  Will check back during the day to see what you've posted.  Thanks.



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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2005, 08:42:47 AM »
Sorry about your cat.  When we put our dogs in the kennel, we were forced to get the "doggie flu" vaccines for them so they wouldn't get kennel cough.  And they both got it anyway.

"It's just a cat, so it's not like I should waste resources on anything legal. "

Depends.  I know some crazy people who spend thousands of dollars on their pets to make them well.  I see one every morning when I shave.

I don't know if the vet necessarily did anything wrong.  Animal hospitals are like people hospitals:  they full of sick creatures with all manners of diseases.  You can catch something bad there, sometimes it is just bad luck.


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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2005, 08:47:21 AM »
I know some crazy people who spend thousands of dollars on their pets to make them well.  I see one every morning when I shave.
I have the same problem.  Freaking $5.5k cat
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.


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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2005, 09:21:40 AM »
Quote from: Blackburn
The thing is, I can't afford to spend much money on her. If it comes down to having to spend a lot of money on her, and then on my other kitties if she infects them, my only option unless god comes down from heaven and hands me a duffel bag of cash OR if I go to doing highly illegal, highly dangerous criminal activities, is to take my kitty out, tell her I love her, pet her and then put her down myself.

Edit: when I called them, they said it "is just some respiratory infection.. bring her in for the doc to look at her, it'll cost 26 dollars plus medication".
I'll bet you can get her well on your own.  You should confine her in a single room while she recuperates to prevent her from spreading the cough.  Set up a warm steam vaporizer in the room and that will make the mucous liquid so she can cough it out and prevent pneumonia.

When animals are sick they don't eat, so you have to find stuff that's irresistable.  Human baby food is some of the best things for sick animals because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals (and calories) so babies will gain weight and grow.  Find some flavors she will like.  Maybe chicken or beef?  You could also try canned tuna.  Even ice cream if she likes it.  Most important thing is to keep her fed and hydrated.  I'll bet she can beat this thing.


You can use children's medicine like cough syrup with expectorant to help her get out the infection.  Be sure to dose it for her body weight.


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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2005, 09:44:16 AM »
bountyhunter is exactly right - about the upper respiratory infection / stuffy nose not smelling food making her appetite lousy - and about people who spend emotional and financial resources on cats [and dogs] - like "me too."

You are right about the kettle, but nose wiping with a damp cloth is an option.  Ice cream is a good idea, as is baby food. and tuna juice wiped on the tongue.  Anything to get her to eat.  Cats who don't eat for a few days get something called hepatic lipidosis - aka "fatty liver disease" - and die unless they get supportive treatment.

If you are truly nuts, you can join Feline-L and ask the Internet Cat Ladies for help.  Super resource.

Hang in there - this sounds like a treatable URI that she will get over.  Note - I am not a Vet, but have lived with the little beasties for over 20 years, and seen a lot of what can go wrong and how to treat it.



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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2005, 09:48:02 AM »
Forgot to add - don't give asprin, it is toxic to cats.


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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2005, 07:40:57 AM »
It's nice to know there are other cat lovers in the gun community.
I myself have two and my "live in sin" girlfriend has two.  Which makes for constant kitty drama.

Blackburn I know your situation all too well.  My female recently started having bloody stools.  And her eyes would be watery at times.
I simply don't have the extra income right now to take her to a vet.  When I called they said most likely it was worms.
Since she was eating fine and still had a peppy attitude I just let it slide.   That was several weeks ago.
So far she has been fine.  

But I'm with you I would probably be forced to put her down if she was fatally ill rather than spend money I don't have.
I would be sad.. and probably regret it forever.  But she is just an animal.
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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2005, 10:02:34 AM »
When I called they said most likely it was worms.
Find the nearest feed store and get her some ivamec.


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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2005, 10:52:51 AM »

You are doing right - if she eats and gets some fluids, she will get over the URI and get well.  Best of luck with her, please keep us posted on her progress.

Oh, and +1 on the ivermectin for veloce851 - look at the Merck manual online to find a proper dose.


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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2005, 11:08:06 AM »
Thanks Azrael and Bobcat.. I'll be looking into the ivamec
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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2005, 05:38:48 PM »
Quote from: BobCat
Forgot to add - don't give asprin, it is toxic to cats.
This is not true, at least not in small doses.  Tylenol will kill a cat as it will destroy the liver.  It does the same thing to humans if taken in large doses.

I had a cat with arthritis and the vet prescribed half a baby aspirin, 3 times a week.  It did wonders for him.  Still, I would discuss it with a vet before trying it.

Quote from: Bountyhunter
When animals are sick they don't eat, so you have to find stuff that's irresistable.  Human baby food is some of the best things for sick animals because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals (and calories) so babies will gain weight and grow.  Find some flavors she will like.  Maybe chicken or beef?
Very true.  My wife and I have fed gerber baby-food beef, chicken, turkey and the other meats (try a bottle of each one they have to find what she likes best) to a cat who kept losing weight.  It worked quite well.
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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2005, 04:56:49 AM »

Yes, you are right - sometimes asprin is prescribed in very, very small doses.  However, cats don't tolerate salicylates in general very well.  The point is not to give a whole, adult-strength asprin tablet or two you a cat, thinking that it is safe.  Or Pepto-Bismol for upset stomach (I think pepcid ac is what they prescribe instead).

You are also right about the baby-food - we use it a lot, for sick cats and as a treat to "chase" a pill down.


Still hoping to read that she is doing well.



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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2005, 10:05:25 AM »
Glad to hear she's doing better.

One of our 5 cats contracted Psuedomonis Argonisis (SP?), (a nasty virus) most likely from eating a bird.  We spent about $1,000 and she's OK now.....I said I'd never spend that much for vet bills on a HORSE, much less a cat, but now we're a stage in life where it didn't hurt that much.

I wouldn't be too hard on your Vet, thinking it's their fault she got a bug.  Think of how many folks get Staph & other infections in hospitals.  Look up gastroentrinitis (SP, again) on the web and you will find that it's commonly contracted in medical facilities.  I came down with it 2 days after a colonoscopy, as if the procedure wasn't enough of an ordeal in the first place!
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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2005, 03:02:22 PM »
Show her this.. maybe it will cheer her up Smiley  
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One of my cats that I had fixed contracted some form of Cat Flu
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2005, 04:01:17 PM »

We had some great cat theads on the Roundtable over at THR..Not sure whether they are accessible any more, though.
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