Author Topic: This News Article Won't Be Found In the Mainstream Media  (Read 2636 times)


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This News Article Won't Be Found In the Mainstream Media
« on: October 28, 2007, 04:12:38 PM »
What goes around - Comes around
By Richard S. Lowry

Unfortunately, most Americans do not consider Iraqis as people. We see them as terrorists or victims, not as everyday people with the same values as our friends, neighbors and relatives. Yet, most Iraqis are decent human beings with the same concerns, dreams, and compassion as most Americans. They want peace and are concerned about their fellow man.

Is it no wonder that we feel differently about the people of Iraq, when the American media only reports sensational news? If it doesnt bleed or explode, you just arent going to see it on the evening news. I received a press release from Baghdad today, which I know the mainstream media will not pass on to you all. Here is an example of Iraqi charity and gratitude which touched my soul. Imagine how incredibly generous these soldiers are. They have little to support their own families. Its not enough that they are fighting daily to bring peace to their country. They are actually reaching out to help unfortunate Americans.

Richard S. Lowry is author of Marines in the Garden of Eden and The Gulf War Chronicles.

RELEASE No. 20071026-01
October 26, 2007

Iraqi Army at Besmaya Installation Support San Diego Fire Victims
By U.S. Army Sgt 1st Class Charlene Sipperly
Multi-National Security Transition Command  Iraq Public Affairs

BAGHDAD, Iraq  Members of the Iraqi Army in Besmaya collected a donation for the San Diego, Calif., fire victims Thursday night at the Besmaya Range Complex in a moving ceremony to support Besmaya's San Diego residents.

Iraqi Army Col. Abbass, the commander of the complex, presented a gift of $1,000 to U.S. Army Col. Darel Maxfield, Besmaya Range Complex officer in charge, Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq, to send to the fire victims in California.

The money was collected from Iraqi officers and enlisted soldiers in Besmaya. In a speech given during the presentation, Col. Abbass stated that he and the Iraqi soldiers were connected with the American people in many ways, and they will not forget the help that the American government has given the Iraqi people. Abbass was honored to participate by sending a simple fund of $1,000 to the American people in San Diego, to lower the suffering felt by the tragedy.

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Re: This News Article Won't Be Found In the Mainstream Media
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2007, 05:28:10 PM »
That's fantastic.

Headless Thompson Gunner

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Re: This News Article Won't Be Found In the Mainstream Media
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2007, 03:24:16 PM »
This is obviously a PR plot cooked up by Karl Rove.  We only thought he had retired.  Instead he took a secret cabal of Haliburton executives led by Dick Cheney to southern California to light the wildfires.  He tried to buy off all the local fire investigators to say the fires were accidental, from natural causes.  But the truth leaked out and at least two of the fires were declared arson despite Haliburton's best wishes. 

Nonetheless, the fires raged, clearing out large swaths of land, which will be condemned by the criminally incompetent FEMA leadership (all of whom were personally selected by Bush for just this reason).  The land will be given to Blackwater, who wants to use it for a new training facility so that they can train Bush's personal army here in the states, so they can get used to fighting in American terrain. 

The land in southern california is really just a payoff, you know, for demolishing the World Trade Center.  Blackwater was hired to do the deed  so that Bushco can start to steal all our civil liberties.  It's no coincidence that they're called "blackwater", which is really just another name for polution, which Bushco just absolutely loves.

Anyways, after starting the fires Karl Rove flew all those Haliburton executives to Iraq in a top secret triangle shaped flying machine from Area 51.  They personally bribed each of those Iraqi "donors" to make their donation, promising them hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of FRN's, which were printed by the Treasury for just these sorts of circumstances.  Ya see, the Federal Reserve is run by another secret cabal, which is allied with the BushRoveHaliburtonCheney cabal, and they're secretly trying to devalue the dollar so that they can buy a super secret Mexican-American super highway.

But they won't get away with it, cause we know the truth and we're going to expose them all!

Matt King

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Re: This News Article Won't Be Found In the Mainstream Media
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2007, 04:43:33 PM »
Do you have a link?