Author Topic: Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday  (Read 3459 times)

Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« on: June 18, 2005, 04:46:13 PM »
Dang it.
I'm falling apart at the seams.  

43 years old, I've known for a couple of years that I need my left hip replaced.  I've managed the pain and been in denial until recently, when I finally decided to go ahead later this year and have the hip replaced.

Thursday, I was installing some software on a user's PC, while sitting in her RIDICULOUSLY low-to-the-ground office chair.  Realizing I needed another disk in my bag across the room, I jumped up quickly, and BOOM!
...a sickening, wet 'shproing' in the right knee
and instant pain,
and inability to bend, unbend, or put weight on it.

Orthopedic surgeon says it's a badly torn meniscus (little donut cushion between femur and bones in lower leg), and it won't be any better until I have surgery.

They can do it arthroscopically, but still may mean 6-8 weeks of recovery and physical therapy.

And I still have the hip replacement looming at SOME point.

Life.  Or something like it.  
Not a big Stones fan, but seems appropriate:
"What a drag it is gettin' old".

The Rabbi

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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2005, 05:53:59 PM »
Sorry to hear this.  I'm also 43 years old but dont have any issues like that.  How did this happen or is it just one of those things and blame your genes?
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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2005, 06:02:01 PM »
Felonious Fig, look at it this way: this is just the start!

Yeah, it's a drag getting old. And you ain't even old!

There's upsides and downsides to being over forty.

Upside: there's lots more young attractive ladies to look at.

Downside: they'll likely never look back at you.

Upside: you can stare at their "attractions" without too much risk of getting slapped.

Downside: you won't be able to touch said "attractions" without paying first.

Upside: being young and in lust can be a drag.

Downside: being old and in lust is largely unheard of.

Upside: you're still alive.

Downside: you're still alive.

Upside: you've been saving enough over the years that you'll be able to afford what you want.

Downside: you've spent so much money chasing pretty young ladies and their "attractions" that you're probably broke.


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« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2005, 06:11:49 PM »
Do you get a discount if you have both surgeries at the same time?  Wink
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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2005, 06:36:26 PM »
I wish you all the best.

Make sure they use the mechanical device ( various names ) to keep knee in motion.  These were not around when I had mine. This motion aids in keeping soreness down and such.

In May of 1993 I had both knees done arthroscopically, IIRC b/t both knees I had a total of 16 holes.  I was 38 at the time , married to a red-head, my FIL was a MD and one of my shooting partners.  I had had *problems* - just went on with life. Went walking around the pond with the dogs, I stepped into a hole hidden by grass...I could not get up! Dogs went back up to the house - fetched the wifey , I was chewed out but good. 'And you WILL see daddy about those damned knees of yours ...! [ red-heads I swear]

FIL being a General MD sent me to another shooter for Orthopedics. "Son- just what the hell have you been doing all these 38 yrs".

I said " just being a boy" .

 Wifey started in,  thank goodness her daddy called to see what the word was.  "Yeah I figured it was that bad".  Of course while I am sitting there with no pants on these two Docs  start talking about a new shotgun, hand the phone to me cause I had some input and the wifey went ballastic.

Surgeon , FIL and I get through talking shotguns...wifey fuming..." I can do the surgery Fri at this hosptial or that one - " Hey why move your truck - do the surgery  where you are going to be all day anyway - what do I care, I am going to be asleep."  

Surgeon was married to a red-head...he understood my plight.

I had both knees done, I am hard to put under and stay under. Poor recovery nurse almost had a heart attack when I woke up w-a-y before normal folks  do..."coffee, I need coffee" ...

Surgeon is called in the OR ( prepping for next case) told the recovery " give him coffee - this is out patient anyway - send him home".   I had insisted we take my new truck that morning - I figured getting into her  Rice Burner would be difficult. I am tall and had trouble anyway...I could just imagine trying to get in / out of after surgery. Ran by and stole a wheelchair from FILs clinic so I could enter house via garage.

I felt great, hungry, but great.  Wifey filled my 'script, I took one. That is all I took ...seems later I learn the wifey took the rest...

So my Surgery was on Friday. the next night Sat night we had 6 couples for Bonco at our house. I was up and down, I felt tired - but a good tired.  

Sunday morning I wanted to shower, I unwrapped the bandages, hobble to shower...."Honey!!!"

Well I guess the bandages gave me some strength - 3 day soreness kicked in. I was too weak to stand in the  shower.  Boy - that pised me off. I set put with gritted teeth to fix that problem.

 So I again get yelled at for walking around the house - refusing to use the wheelchair, and using the wifey's purse as a weight to build up Quads....[ eww, did I mention she was a red head?"   "What do you mean my purse is heavy?" Scales read 22# btw...she yelled at that too..]

I insisted she go to work Monday.  She came home to check on me and I was reloading shotshells....yelled something about I was supposed to rest...

I just used the frozen bags of peas, and took Advil - this was before I was allegic to NSAIDS.

Tuesday I needed to get out, So  she took me out for a drive, she went to store to look at knicknacks, I snuck next door and got caught when the guy put the reloading supplies in the truck...I did mention she  was a red-head didn't I?  Hey I was trying to get ahead on my reloading...

Wednesday I moved my truck in the driveway. Called the Surgeon - " Hey when can I drive, I am going nuts and my red-headed wife keeps yelling at me"  Laughing he said - "when you can drive safely I will clear you" .

I lived in smaller town about 18 miles from FIL/ DRs clinic.  So Thursday I bandaged myself up and drove around the block, that went well, so I drove around the neighborhood, I can do this, so I show up a FILs Medical clinic. " I came to steal jelly beans and return the wheechair".  He busted out laughing. " I told you NOT to marry my daughter".  He calls the surgeon , who totally trips out when my FIL said  he had been down the road with me and I was safe.  FILs  nurse told the patients in the waiting room he had give a stress test...which he does, is common, just usually doesn't involve pickup trucks , freeways, and getting a ice cream cone.

The wifey had been calling the house all this time...I told the dogs if momma called I was taking a nap....

Wifey went from yelling to screaming and said something about my sanity and my parents were not married when I was born....

Saturday morning I drove the 22 miles to work and worked a half day. Sunday I shot 4 rds of Skeet. [ 99/ 100 I dropped the first bird out of the fist box] I worked half days the first week back at work.

I still hold the record for the fastest time getting out of recovery, driving in less than a week after double knee surgery.  

I had one scare about 2 weeks after surgery, I rounded a corner in a store and knee went "pop" , called surgeon and he said it was like having a transmisson rebuilt - new stuff getting used to and meshed with old. I ran by a day later - had X -ray done to make sure [ and to get out of the line of fire of yelling from the red- head] and no more problems.

For a couple of years I could predict rain, snow...that went away.  I used to take Advil. Became allergic to NSAIDS, so I decided this horscrap about arthritis was all in one's mind. I  never took Meds much anyway, except for sinus on rare times. So Tylenol is what I can use if I need. NSAIDs reduce swelling - Tylenol does not  do this - so frozen peas work for me if  need to reduce pain, swelling from anything now. The Peas conform to body parts odd shapes.

I am 50 y/o now. So surgery was 12 years ago. My knees give NO problems, in fact I have stronger knees I feel than I did when I was 25 y/o.   Hey they were good enough for me jump over a fence and break a toe....

So I share all this to say - You will be fine.  

The hair growing back on legs itches like crazy.  Make sure to use the bandages for strength. Lift weights to build quads. [ you gotta a wife with a heavy purse?]  I never ever went to Physical therapy - it was never  even mentioned or suggested. My docs suggested I do my own excerise as I would feel better sooner. They also  knew I was not one to sit still . I would find something to do to keep busy and get yelled at.  

I learned that shoes with a good support and forward tilt are great!  Has to do with how the  legs, knees, hips, spine ( skeletal) all line up. I used to wear boat shoes a lot. Those flat shoes with no support  are murder on knees, hips and backs.

I knew that already to some degree about forward tilt - all from shooting shotguns...

You will be fine....unless you are married to a red- head.


Good Luck, Speedy Recovery!!



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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2005, 08:21:26 PM »
Good luck to you. I had a Menisectomy on my right knee about 6 yrs ago. Doc told me my knee looked like that of an 80 yr old man. Too many sports in high school and snowboarding after I guess. Anyway, I spent about two months on crutches, doing PT and having a machine move my leg back and forth most of the day. I still don't have the range of motion I used to, but man I can pop and crack  my knee like crazy!  
Don't let me scare you, when I had my surgery the Doc removed my whole Meniscus, it was that torn up.  They also poked holes in my knee bones  to encourage bone growth so my knee would smooth out from all the bone on bone rubbing.  But hey, I still can snowboard and get around  fine, so I can't complain.
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Sylvilagus Aquaticus

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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2005, 11:25:39 PM »
More of the same of what SM said. I had my medial meniscus done on my right knee in Feb. of '91, then re-done to correct what the first surgeon screwed up in Jan. of '92.  I can strongly encourage you to enjoy a general anesthetic as well.  Saddle blocks/epidural/spinal anesthesia is for the birds.  It was a full 24 hours before I regained bladder control following my first surgery. Makes for quite a nuisance, not to mention the problems in maneuvering with the lower part of your body.

Ice is your friend . Apply it to the sliced areas liberally and frequently.  So are strong pain meds. Don't worry about coming off the crutches- stay on them at least a week, maybe two if you want.  Coming off too quickly is worse than the chiding you'll get from folks for being a 'wuss'.  I spent most of a year on them because of complications.  Physical therapy is also very good for you, so do it cheerfully and participate in all the silly things they ask you to do. You'll appreciate it later.  Ideally, you'll be pain free within 4 or 5 years following surgery.  Hopefully, it'll be just a matter of a month or so, though.

Enjoy the ride.

To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.
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Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2005, 11:36:10 AM »
Rabbit, Steve, Rabbi, Dick, modifiedbrowning, Antibubba --

Thanks a million for making me smile.  
Sounds like it's a survivable annoyance, at worst.  Maybe even a little fun, if it goes anything like your double whammy, sm!  That's the funniest story I've read in a long time!

Nope, the SWMBO is a blonde.   Just has redhead tendencies! ;-)

I'll let you know how it goes.  Maybe I'll make a shooter out of the surgeon, and make him do the reloading while I'm convalescing.

Warm wishes on Father's Day to all,
Ben/ Felonious Monk/ Fignozzle


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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2005, 01:00:42 PM »
One VERY important reminder:  just make sure that they don't confuse your meniscectomy with a mastectomy.  Crutches don't help the latter...

Let's put the fun back in dysfunctional!

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El Tejon

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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2005, 03:07:50 AM »
A speedy recovery to you!
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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2005, 05:32:51 AM »
Felonious Fig-

Anytime one goes "under" the knife it is serious.  Anesthesia alone is enough to be concerned about.  Many years later I would work in a main OR so I do know "both sides of the fence".

I just wanted to share that though this is serious, and yeah it hurts physically , blows your self esteem, you will feel dependent and are human , and this is too be expected.  You have friends here , some of us have BTDT, friends share , answer questions, give support.

I just had mom order herself a Laz-Boy Ez-Lift chair. Mom has some problems walking, neuropathy in her feet and other heath matters at 75 yrs young. She has a hard time getting around, getting down into and out of a chair.

I sure wish I had had a Ez-lift chair when I had my Knee Surgery and Emergency Appy. We recommended these to folks that knew they were going to have surgeries, and not just for Hip, knees, back...anything, from expectant mothers to Bypass surgery.

When I had my double knee surgery, my red-headed wife had a red-headed brother. So I am in the room getting prepped. I have had nothing to eat as per pre-surgery instructions. In comes BIL with a box of do-nuts and huge cup of coffee.  So there I am getting my knees shaved, starving to death and I ask the nurse if she had a disposable scapel. " Sir, we use razors for this"  I replied - " I don't want the scapel for ME - I want a do-nut and his coffee"

I am sure other folks just wondered what was going on...BIL and wifey left the room ...he more quicker than she clutching his wafting in the air...ought to be a law against that.

I had two dogs ( actually the wife's when I married her) One part black lab and and he was really smart , the other part Golden retriever , I think she was abused by a male - still I got her to open up and she became herself again. Both very fond of me, the Lab especially very protective of me.

I would hobble around the house, the Lab at my side, moving any chairs, so I would have a clear path. Doors would get bumped opened, even the shower door would get nudged more opened. They ( especially the lab) never left me unattended.  

Entering the office area we had a coffee table and chair just off to entrance, he moved these, and knocked a book off the coffee table. Nosed and pawed that book up against the door to keep it open so I could better make the turn.

He would just get into/ onto my regular Laz-Boy as I started to sit, ease out from under me to cushion and make easier my "plop". Getting up, he would help push the foot part down, offer me his collar and help pull me up. At 80# and being so strong - he could help get me up.

Darn right I took them to Sonic so they could "bark" their order. Favorite treat of ours. The Sonic girls would bring their burger and lots of extra peppermint.  Dogs were so happy when "daddy" could drive again.

See the den led outside to a big covered patio. The lab ran to the wood pile and retrieved a 2 X 4 , he put this down to make the one step down "shallower". At first he would jump and I held  onto him and the door facing to ease down. Later he just stood on the 2X4 until I was down.

The dogs ate their peppermint in the bed of the truck. Carrying their sacks into the house, and out to the patio. They waited and the lab helped me down. Then we had our picnic. They waited to eat until I was settled. After eating, they would bring me the sacks and wrappers and toss them in the trash while I held the trash lid .

So while I had a red-head wife, the dogs , especially the lab would turn on/ off wall  light switches, pick up stuff I dropped ( like a frying pan, spatuala) , retrieve my shoes, or the book I was reading , or the book of crosswords and a pencil.

I had dogs to aid in my recovery from knee surgery.

Ever seen a Lab pull a box with powder , primers, and a 25 # bag of shot from the garage, through the kitchen, down a long hall to the reloading room?  I have, he knew I was hurting, he was helping. So on my stool I reloaded shot shells, and the dogs helped, listened to music and made sure I was safe.  

Wishing you all the best and speedy recovery.



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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2005, 06:25:19 PM »

   You need to have that dog CLONED!!!

Does he bark if you double-charge a case?   Cheesy
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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2005, 06:47:41 PM »

At 22 I overdid it training for the USAFROTC.  (On my own time which explains why I'm not a captain by now Wink SNAP went my knee when I landed.  I tore my ACL, my MCL, and not only ripped my miniscus in half but managed to spin it all the way back to the hind part of my knee.  I guess the damage wouldn't have been so bad if a certian macho idiot wearing my face hadn't tried to tough it out and work out on a heavy bag for 15 minutes after.

The doctors told me I'd never do martial arts again, and all sorts of other things, including having to cancel my summer job in 4 months at a Bible camp because the uneven ground would kill me.

I completed 6-9 months of rehab in 4, and was back on the dojang mat in a year and a half.  (Though wearing a knee brace like the bionic hwarong or something).  PT was hell, but you can do it.

Most of the people I know who have gone through knee surgery have found that on the other side of rehab, it's been worth it by far.  I lost a military career but I kept pretty much everything else of value in my life, and a lot that I couldn't have had without the miracle of modern medicine.

And better to get the surgery done at 43 than... 63?  70 when you may never get back to fully fuctional!

Hang in there!

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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2005, 07:13:34 PM »
Imagine a little old Chinese lady trucking up and down the streets of San Francisco Aunt was walking quickly up the street with most people unable to keep up; my wife asked her, "Didn't you just have surgery?" She replied without looking back, "Yeah! Double hip replacement!" We were all amazed. You're still young enough that even if you get a hip replaced, you probably won't lose much mobility.


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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2005, 07:15:35 PM »
Fig - best of luck for Tuesday - hope they do a good repair for you.
Chris - P95
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« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2005, 07:06:09 PM »
Maybe if you ask nicely they'll put the old hip in a jar of formalin, so you can put it on your desk at work!  Tongue
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.

Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2005, 04:41:22 PM »

Just wanted to update everyone and let you know that the surgery went well.  I had a few painful days and am still on crutches, but this is MUCH less difficult a recovery than the crushed femur in the car wreck 18 years ago!

Thanks again for the shot-in-the-arm.  This RKBA family is the first place I turn when looking for advice, encouragement, and clarity for the "life stuff" that happens, and I have yet to be disappointed with the insight and experience you all provide.

Sylvilagus Aquaticus

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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2005, 04:52:21 PM »
Glad you're doing well. Keep us updated, and thanks.

To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.
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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2005, 06:54:29 PM »
Hang in there, Fig.  Reward yourself with a fine cognac and a sunset.  Makes the knee much more tolerable.
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Having Knee Surgery on Tuesday
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2005, 08:54:05 PM »

Glad surgery went well and you are making progress. Keep us posted.

NO...the hair growing back itches like crazy and no lotion will help. In case you were wondering. *grin*