Re-read my message.
Did I SAY the border between the states was I-70/55?
No, I said this: "The East SIDE St. Louis city proper, the part that is west of 70/55."
There isn't, however, a lot between I-70/55 and the banks of the Mississippi, especially not residential areas.
And yes, the city of East St. Louis is in Illinois.
However, as I stated, I was NOT talking about the city of East St. Louis, Illinois. You're the one who injected that into the discussion as if I were claiming that somehow, magically, Illinois became Missouri for the purposes of voting. I was talking about the East SIDE of St. Louis, Missouri.
I'll say that again, so perhaps this time you'll catch it.
I was talking about the East SIDE of St. Louis, Missouri.
The primarily African-American areas of St. Louis, you know, the MISSOURI St. Louis, are exactly where I said that they are, and in 2000 the voters in those areas did exactly what I said they did.
The precincts in that part of the city are traditionally some of the last to report.
John Ashcroft was leading the race for Senator in 2, narrowly, but leading, even after most of St. Louis' precincts started reporting in.
When the precincts on the East SIDE of St. Louis, Missouri (note that I didn't say Illinois) started reporting, the election shifted to Carnahan's corpse.