Author Topic: Cool wives  (Read 994 times)


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Cool wives
« on: August 21, 2005, 07:04:54 PM »
I had a nice bit of encouragement recently.

One of my friends/neighbors stopped by to see me last night, he  and his son were going hog hunting on the back of my property (full moon) and he wanted to let me know not to be surprised about hearing gunshots. A little background if I can digress a bit, his mom is my informally adopted mom, and more a grandmother to my daughter than either of her biological grandparents (just because of distance, both her biological grandmothers are wonderful people) and the primary female caregiver in my daughter's life right now.

Anyway, back to the point, he pulled a little 9mm derringer out of his pocket and said "I went to a gun show today and on the way out the door my wife handed me some money and said 'I thought you'd like some spending money'". Background on that is that is that he's a stay at home dad and his wife draws a decent paycheck. I've met the lady a few times and she seems real nice - the real proof of the pudding though is what her mother-in-law has to say about her, which is rave reviews.

So, the point of the whole comment? His first wife was a real dirtbag. It's encouraging to see good examples in real life of life after divorce.
Yizkor. Lo Od Pa'am

"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers"

"Never again"

"Malone Labe"