Author Topic: Glenn Beck Snubs Harvard. Hard.  (Read 1603 times)

Brad Johnson

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Glenn Beck Snubs Harvard. Hard.
« on: May 15, 2008, 09:49:36 AM »
Glenn Beck on educators' fiscal hypocrisy - lib profs calling for the "rich to pay their fair share" when their institution isn't following suit.

From CNN

Editor's note: "Glenn Beck" is on CNN Headline News nightly at 7 and 9 ET and hosts a conservative national radio talk show.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- There is an industry in this country that is making billions in profit while average Americans are struggling to fill up their gas tanks.

It's an industry that made an average profit of nearly 17 percent in 2007 while most Americans could barely keep up with inflation.

It's an industry whose members paid a grand total of zero dollars in tax on their endowments last year.

Are you outraged? Are you ready to call on Congress to investigate or demand that a "windfall" tax be placed on these egregious profits?

Well put down the phone because the industry I'm talking about is Higher Education. And make no mistake, it is an industry.

The top five college and university endowments reported a combined value of over $100 billion at the end of 2007. That's five funds, a hundred billion in cash. Not a nickel in tax. Not an ounce of outrage.

Harvard University, which has the largest endowment in the country, has a total of $34.6 billion. To put into perspective just how much money that is, consider that the largest charitable foundation in the world, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has a total endowment of $37.3 billion.

But while their financial statements may look similar, their missions aren't. The Gates Foundation is working to cure malaria, develop new tuberculosis vaccines, and stop the spread of AIDS. Most of our colleges and universities are only working to spread the radical political views of some of their professors.

Let me be clear: I have absolutely no problem with Harvard or any other school having billions in cash. In fact, good for them!

I have no problem with Harvard posting an unbelievable 23 percent rate of return on their money last year. The truth is, I'm jealous of it.

I have no problem with the fact that if you project Harvard's endowment out using their historical rate of return they would have over half a TRILLION dollars in 20 years.

I don't even have a problem with Harvard not paying one dime of tax on any of that money.

What I do have a problem with -- and it's a big one -- is how Harvard spends that money. Or, maybe it would be more accurate to say how Harvard, doesn't spend that money.

Schools with large endowments (at least $500 million) reported spending an average of 4.4 percent of their stockpiles in 2007. Meanwhile, those same schools made an average of over 19 percent on their money.

But I also have another problem, and that is how these sanctimonious institutions who are so good at complaining about the injustices of our government are nothing but really highly educated hypocrites.

For what's been estimated to be about $300 million a year (less than 1 percent of their endowment's value) Harvard could completely waive tuition, room and board for every single one of their students. Instead, they announced an increase in those fees of about 3.5 percent for next year. Being a student at Harvard will now cost a staggering $47,215 a year.

Doesn't Harvard know how many millions of Americans are struggling to afford college? Don't they want to pay their fair share and help those who are less fortunate?

Some politicians in Massachusetts who can't stand to see so many billions dangling just out of their reach, have proposed a new tax on large university endowments. They don't have a cute name for it yet, so let's call it an "endowment windfall tax."

Under their proposal, all endowments over a billion dollars would be taxed at 2.5 percent, a rate any wealthy individual or corporation would salivate over. The tax would net the state over $1.4 billion a year, which is a lot of money considering that Boston currently receives about $1.8 million a year from the school.

So how did Harvard, which is basically the Exxon-Mobil of higher education (minus the accusations of price-gouging), react to that proposal? In a word, conservatively.

"You'd be taxing success here," Kevin Casey, Harvard's associate vice president for government, community and public affairs complained in a quote that will soon be framed and hung in my office. "Over time, this would put us at a real competitive disadvantage, which would drastically hurt the Commonwealth."

No Kevin, you're looking at it the wrong way. These politicians aren't trying to hurt you, they're just trying to level the playing field. Greater Shrewsbury Liberal Arts Community Technical College for Women down the road is struggling and here you are making billions. If they could just redistribute some of your profits to GSLACTCFW then everybody would be happy.

Does anyone else find it ironic that universities overflowing with liberal professors (a 2005 study revealed that 72 percent of professors view themselves that way) embrace conservative values only when it suits them?

As a conservative, I don't believe in taxing anyone just because they have a lot of money or are an easy target. That applies to individuals, businesses and universities. I believe that taxing success discourages success, and that's not what America stands for.

But I also believe in something else: consistency and accountability. And that's where most of our colleges and universities fail miserably.

Besides, Harvard, you're in the wealthiest 1 percent. Isn't it time to help those who are less fortunate?

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the writer.
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Re: Glenn Beck Snubs Harvard. Hard.
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 10:07:03 AM »
My college has reached the same point, where accumulation of endowment wealth is now the purpose of the school. The amount of financial aid that they distribut is pitiful.

They could replace every building on campus and not really put a dent in the endowment fund, yet every little building program is met with calls for donations.

It's annoying, and the reason why I stopped giving to the endowment a long time ago. Why should I give money if it's not going to be used?
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Re: Glenn Beck Snubs Harvard. Hard.
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 11:41:31 AM »
If most liberals and liberal institutions would practice what they preach, the world would be a very different place. But it's so much easier to force someone else to pay for your policies than to put your money where your mouth is.


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Re: Glenn Beck Snubs Harvard. Hard.
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2008, 12:02:06 PM »
So what is Glenn saying? That Harvard is not liberal enough (when their interests are on the line)? Where is the surprise?

Ultimately, I don't get the idea of tax-exempt status. If you are a charity, you should put out as much as you take in minus operational expenses. If there is any positive influx, why shouldn't you get taxed? You don't want to pay taxes? Fine, increase outflow enough to maintain a very low net influx and you will pay very little in taxes. Frankly, what Harvard and co. are doing is essentially abusing their tax-exempt status. At 20% profit an year, they certainly are more profitable than many for-profit businesses.

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Re: Glenn Beck Snubs Harvard. Hard.
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2008, 12:22:33 PM »
no surprises there
when i worked for georgetown law school the future white collar criminals of america operated a legal aid deal. all about helping protect the downtrodden then hitting starbuks afterward. i went to em outlined some pretty ugly union busting that was going on . the younguns were all a twitter  gonna put a stop to it by god!  till they found out it was their school doing the busting. no can do then. was funny  they did do some nice posters showing their solidarity with the housekeeping staffs drive for a living wage
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: Glenn Beck Snubs Harvard. Hard.
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 12:35:37 PM »
Ultimately, I don't get the idea of tax-exempt status. If you are a charity, you should put out as much as you take in minus operational expenses.
Without addressing the education industry in particular, many charities utilize investments to expand capabilities and get through lean times.  Under the current code, foundations can set up perpetual endowments that will continually self-fund scholarships and other charitable giving which allows for a much larger return on investment than if the money had to be given away immediately.

I think the whole tax code needs an overhaul (with a chainsaw) but the concept of tax-free endowments for charities isn't a horrible one.