Author Topic: social security  (Read 16415 times)


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social security
« Reply #50 on: March 10, 2005, 12:10:40 PM »
The government does it all the time.

I don't think anybody is arguing that the government doesn't do it all the time, they are arguing that it is WRONG to do so.  Not the same thing.
I realize that, my point is that it is much less wrong than many of the uses of my tax money and that I am basically OK with it.  I am really NOT OK with a lot of other uses of my money.


Summary: not everybody on "welfare" is a deadbeat.

True, but it doesn't follow that therefore welfare should exist.  Just because some of the people who benefit from a program aren't scum doesn't mean that it is a good program, or that any program like it should exist at all.
The primary disconnect is basically this:  you are saying in effect, because some of the people don't deserve it, it should not exist.  I am saying, because a lot of the people DO NEED it, then I am OK with the fact that some of the money is wasted on dead beats.

You are correct in that we will not agree on that fundamental point.