Author Topic: Black Doll's Head Seen on White Officers' Car, New York Residents Say  (Read 1526 times)


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NEW YORK   Harlem community leaders say two white police officers drove through the traditionally black neighborhood with the head of a black doll on their car's antenna.

State Sen. Bill Perkins calls the incident "another display of racism" by police.

Perkins says he was at a restaurant Tuesday when neighborhood residents noticed the head on the unmarked police car. He says one resident tried to photograph the head but a plainclothes officer threw it in the car's trunk.

The New York Police Department says it's looking for surveillance video that may show someone placing the head on the car's rear radio antenna while the officers were inside a school.

Police say the officers were unaware the head was on the car until a passer-by pointed it out. They say the officers discarded it immediately.

If they were not at fault why try to hide it?  Placing it in the trunk is not discarding it.
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The ice cap can't melt fast enough to raise the sea level 30 feet fast enough.........and, why can't we get a good earth quake when we need one.....chris3


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Perhaps I'm naive, but I don't see what's so "offensive" about a black doll's head on a car antenna. Huh?

Maybe the black folks there are just looking to be offended?? I have noticed that since my relocation back to Texas, the black folks here don't seem to be all mixed up in this "looking to be offended" issue. (I'm outside of any major metro area)
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as often as not the person complaining is a white one desperate to show they have liberal/diversity cred, before they commute back to the all white neighborhood they live in
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If they were not at fault why try to hide it?  Placing it in the trunk is not discarding it.
would you prefer they litter? maybe there was no convenient garbage can. I am guessing a practical joker. might even have been a fellow cop who put it there forgetting that some people do not have a sense of humor.

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Perkins says he was at a restaurant Tuesday when neighborhood residents noticed the head on the unmarked police car. He says one resident tried to photograph the head but a plainclothes officer threw it in the car's trunk.


Police say the officers were unaware the head was on the car until a passer-by pointed it out. They say the officers discarded it immediately.

Sounds like two different versions to me. They may or may not both be true.
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"...tradition and custom becomes intertwined and are a strong coercion which directs the society upon fixed lines, and strangles liberty. " ~ William Graham Sumner