Author Topic: Jeb: I am considering Senate run  (Read 2580 times)


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Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« on: December 03, 2008, 02:34:53 PM »
I think he would be pro-gun.  Actually, I have not heard anything very bad about him, but that will change if he runs for the Senate.

Jeb: I am considering Senate run

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush — the younger brother of the president — is weighing a run for the Senate seat currently held by Republican Mel Martinez.

Martinez announced Tuesday that he will not seek reelection in 2010. Asked whether he was interested in running for the seat then, Bush told Politico by e-mail Tuesday night: “I am considering it.”

A source close to Bush said he'll be thoughtful and methodical about the decision-making process. He will consider the impact a race would have on his family and his business and whether or not the U.S. Senate is the best forum from which to continue his advocacy for issues such as education, immigration and GOP solutions to health care reform.

In an interview with Politico immediately after November’s election, the former governor said the Republican Party should take four primary steps to regain favor with voters: Show no tolerance for corruption, practice what it preaches about limiting the scope of government (“There should not be such a thing as a Big Government Republican”), stand for working families and small business, and embrace reform.

Bush said conservatives should “do the math of the new demographics of the United States,” explaining that the Republican Party “can’t be anti-Hispanic, anti-young person — anti many things — and be surprised when we don’t win elections.”

Since Martinez's announcement Tuesday, Bush has received many phone calls and emails from Floridians and national Republicans urging him to run, the source close to him said Tuesday night.

Bush has kept a low-profile since leaving office in 2007, but he retains a strong following among Florida Republicans and would almost certainly clear the Republican field should he decide to run.

But he's in no hurry to decide, said a top adviser, and won't make a decision until after the new year.


Should Bush decide against a run, the field is wide open for Republicans who would consider bids for the seat.

Outgoing state House Speaker Marco Rubio – a close Bush ally and Republican rising star in the Sunshine state – told Politico in an interview that he’d almost certainly run for the seat.

"If he doesn’t run, I’d find it very difficult not to run," Rubio said of the former governor.

But Rubio, like other Republicans, is respectful of the place Bush holds within the Florida GOP.

"I think Jeb Bush should run and if he does I think he’ll win," he said.

Rubio, 37, hails from Miami’s powerful Cuban-American community and would command strong support from that influential bloc in a Republican primary. He has already set up a YouTube page and will be launching his own website soon in anticipation of a potential run. 


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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2008, 02:48:16 PM »
Bush said conservatives should “do the math of the new demographics of the United States,” explaining that the Republican Party “can’t be anti-Hispanic, anti-young person — anti many things — and be surprised when we don’t win elections.”

Why don't they understand that anti-illegal is not the same as anti-Hispanic?


Mel Martinez is one of the big RINO's along with McCain that keeps coming up in favor of Amnesty.  Jeb Bush, if to be understood in the context of his own statements and the feelings of his brother on the issue, also seems to be an illegal sympathizer.

Need a better Republican down there, but "Bush" will shadow over any other likely candidate and smother him before he gets a chance to begin to run.
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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2008, 02:50:29 PM »
Why don't they understand that anti-illegal is not the same as anti-Hispanic?

because in many cases it is?
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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2008, 02:51:02 PM »
With Republicans like these, why do we need Democrats?....  :rolleyes:
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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2008, 03:10:45 PM »
Why don't they understand that anti-illegal is not the same as anti-Hispanic?

because in many cases it is?

Oh really?

Ask a legal immigrant Latino who still has family waiting in some pesthole for legal entry what they think of illegals being given amnesty.


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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2008, 03:33:49 PM »
Bush said conservatives should “do the math of the new demographics of the United States,” explaining that the Republican Party “can’t be anti-Hispanic, anti-young person — anti many things — and be surprised when we don’t win elections.”

Spare us more Bushes.

Spare us more Karl Rovian "demographic" approaches to political soundness.

It's not about "winning elections," it's about promoting liberty, progress, and economic prosperity.  The Republicans have caught the people-pleaser disease.  If "Hispanics" and "young people" are anti-liberty, then that is a problem we need to confront head-on and not pretend it's not important or that it is our responsibility to conform to their agendas.  This is not political savvy, it's just weakness.  We can certainly "adapt" our way to Pyrrhic victories as pseudo-Republicans.  Count me out.
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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2008, 03:51:18 PM »
I am considering screaming and running off into the woods if I see yet another Country Club Republican Bushie.
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.


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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2008, 03:52:21 PM »
Sure it is about all those things, now they need to get on Spanish TV and radio and sell that message.  My boss is a legal immigrant from Mexico (engineer).  I believe he still watches Telemundo and other spanish language stations primarily at home.  You have to sell your message to these people and try to cut through all the misinformation and urban legend crap that is working against you.  I think they are or can be receptive.

I work with a guy whose wife is from Venezuela.  I have heard her say she flew to the US, she didn't swim.  :)
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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2008, 04:51:52 PM »
Enough of the Bush Family.
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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2008, 05:35:20 PM »
Oh really?

Ask a legal immigrant Latino who still has family waiting in some pesthole for legal entry what they think of illegals being given amnesty.

Ask any potential legal immigrant that.
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Re: Jeb: I am considering Senate run
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2008, 05:57:33 PM »
I'm all Bushed out.

Keep them out of politics.

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