Author Topic: A few random Movie Reviews  (Read 869 times)


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A few random Movie Reviews
« on: December 07, 2005, 08:12:22 AM »
Lord of War: Some dumb people will whine about it being "Anti Gun". It's actually pretty damn good, because not everything involving our beloved toys has to paint a rah rah sis boom bah positive story. Good movie. Poignant in parts. Some slow spots. It did nothing to offend me. I am also a realist, though. If you cannot accept that many guns are used for wholly evil deeds by horribly unwholesome characters, then you might want to keep your head under the protective wing of the NRA. The movie does not vilify the weapons, but is unapologetic about their use.

It's really not relevant to any debate on the domestic gun trade anyway.

The Island: Why oh why couldn't this make more money? People are stupid. It has an intelligent and restrained setup, and then it turns into an action movie with some amazing scenes, and some crappy ones, and some cliches. As a thought provoking movie that fails to explore some of the initial themes thoroughly and happens to have some exciting scenes, it's merely Ok. As an "action film" it is rather cerebral and above the bar. Watch it, but know as little about the plot as possible first.

House of a Thousand Corpses: :$ Bizarre. I don't know why I watched that.

Skeleton Key: Angel Heart did it better, but this isn't bad. Best "unintentional" one-liner ever in the last five minutes. Nice horror flick and by nice I mean above average with some mistakes that probably won't bother you.

Crash: The racial drama, not the sexual fetish for car crashes one. This is just a really great movie. That's all I can say.

Ghost Ship: Not bad. Not great. So-so with some good stuff. I'm still searching for "my little box" by gabriel mann.

The Cave: Oh man. Technically superb. The cave diving environment, everything. Fan-freaking-tastic. Too bad the acting is wooden and the creatures aren't that great. It's aliens, underground, without sigourney weaver. And the ending is the worst sequel setup ever. Watch it anyway, there's still some enjoyment to be found. Then go read "The Descent", a novel on which the movie of the same title shamelessly ripped and ripped poorly. Now THAT is a book that should be made into a movie if they can remove the 'satan' subplot.

Cup of My Blood: I think this is something to watch once, scratch your head when it loses all creativity and has people being shot in the head, (you will be yelling at those people and asking them why they are stupid) and then open up again when you have that kinky girlfriend over. (but just track to the two bed scenes) I think the directory of photography did a smashing job with the lighting for most of the scenes, though, and there are some good ones. "Now it's dark" in latin for one.

This concludes my review. Shortly I will post what I think of "a history of violence", although the opening scene (I watched five minutes of it last night before closing media player and hitting the sack) effectively killed whatever movie the trailer said it would give me. Thanks for removing any and all doubt that the guy might be a case of mistaken identity, guys.

Ok, wait, the first scene doesn't take place in the past apparently. Never mind. Danged guys with similar faces.

Oleg Volk

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A few random Movie Reviews
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2005, 09:39:28 AM »
Good film with some gun content: A very long engagement.
Another, about Civil War: Pharaoh's Army