Author Topic: Animal Antics&  (Read 3041 times)

Sylvilagus Aquaticus

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Animal Antics&
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2006, 06:47:40 PM »
Late last year I worked a contract at a installation in far south Dallas. Lots of Brass are assigned there, so naturally there is a pretty nice restaurant and club on the top floor.  It's a tall building, on a promontory, and is the highest point for miles.   The dining facility of course has massive windows to afford the veiw of the horizon.  There is a flat roof outside the dining facility as the top floor is much smaller in area than the underlying structure.

Cutting to the chase-  this part of Texas is home to a remarkably large population of both the turkey vulture and the black vulture.  Both species prefer the security of high places, as they are large and ungainly birds when feeding on the ground- they're carrion eaters.   Many days during lunch, while enjoying the amenities of the fine dining at the O club, the diners were joined by the local avian population who would bring in a 'to-go lunch' to enjoy the view the patrons insde invariably and unhappliy shared with them.  

It was even more fun when they brought a date during the mating season.  

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Animal Antics&
« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2006, 04:39:47 AM »
At an old house we used to live in out in the country...we had a crap load of cats.
But that's not important.
What's important was that this particular one (A tomcat, I forget the buggars name...good cat though) was constantly under attack by the avian life in the area while outside.

Poor guy had to dash between cover because every second he was exposed birds would dive down and peck him on the head.

Was really sad, yet hilarious.
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Sunday it felt a little better, but it was quite irritated from me rubbing it.
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If you watch any of the really early episodes of the Porter Waggoner show she was in (1967) it's very clear that he was well endowed.
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