Author Topic: More & more states are becoming more secretive..  (Read 1029 times)


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More & more states are becoming more secretive..
« on: March 11, 2006, 01:21:15 PM »
Since the Act of War 9.11.01 not only has the fed gov become
more closed regarding doings past & present in the country,
so it appears have all 50 states. I can understand the need for
controlling what many could take advantage of, but it troubles
me, We the People, are being more than not, shut out of city,
county, state and federal business. I wouldn't mind one bit if
these entities were paying their OWN way, however your's as
well as my tax dollars is what "feeds the monster" so to speak,
either voluntarily or forcefully.

I much prefer the term, "Government should fear the People",
not the opposite. What do you think ? >


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More & more states are becoming more secretive..
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2006, 03:24:02 PM »
I wholeheartedly agree. But how do we go about putting the 'fear of God" in them? Non-agressive methods don't seem to have any effect.
It's all well and good to say that we can effect change with the ballot, but what happens when the welfare leaches out-vote us?


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More & more states are becoming more secretive..
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2006, 04:35:28 AM »
And there are so many sheep that think things are just fine.....


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More & more states are becoming more secretive..
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2006, 08:36:59 AM »
Quote from: garyk/nm
I wholeheartedly agree. But how do we go about putting the 'fear of God" in them? Non-agressive methods don't seem to have any effect.
It's all well and good to say that we can effect change with the ballot, but what happens when the welfare leaches out-vote us?
Sadly I have no answer for that. I can only think a split from the
majority party in place now, going back to a true conservative platform
would wake up the GOP. This I don't see happening either. It takes
a lot to do so, and lets face it as M14rick brings to point, people are
satisfied with the status quo, or are just too pre-occupied with other
things in their lives to really care.

I saw last night on TV that McCain was the front runner for the
08 GOP candidate for the presidency. I WILL NOT vote for a
person who wants to give illegals a free ticket while at the
same time attacking the right to keep and bear arms.

A third party is my only personal hope. It may not get far,
but voting for the either of the two gluttonous parties is
simply not a choice for me when presented with the likes of a
Clinton, McCain, or Guiliani. They all sleep in the same bed,
only using with different colored blankets.

The old saying, "Every great journey starts with a small step"
comes into play for me as far as a party I can identify with,
but Lord does it seem like a journey all up hill...Bob