Author Topic: All you anti-Bush folks  (Read 21464 times)


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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #75 on: June 19, 2011, 04:30:13 PM »
That is a good question, Seeker Two .... I think Dubya had an idea when all this started it wasn't going to be a "normal" war, ie., one between two soveirign nations.  I think he realized that would mean it would be fought over a long period of time.
That doesn't mean I think we've been doing a stupendously aggressive job, and while I agree we've suffered some civil rights erosion (primarily in airports and some 4th amendment problems: the "sneak & peak" provisions), I also happen to view the war as serious and the threat posed by the Islamonazis to be very serious and real.
Doesn't mean I have brilliant answers for the whole thing .... just examining the whol **** mess and praying we come out the right side ..... =|

The fact that you A. use the oxymoronic term "Islamonazi" & B. gloss over the fact that our is busy instituting a police state that Hitler would have been proud of tells me about all I need to know about your positions.

And please, stop with the funky formatting. If you can't make your point without glowing highlights and massive bold font, perhaps it is not a point that needs made.
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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #76 on: June 19, 2011, 05:47:05 PM »
I believe that GW will go down in history as the unintentional 2nd Lawrence of Arabia....George of the Middle East.  Whether that will be a good or bad thing for the Middle East, only time will tell. I'm only sure that it has, or will, bankrupt the US.  I think everyone else has covered the losses of freedom incurred under his watch. 
And not to sound like an unreasonable Liberal (I'm neither), Saddam was an ally when the west provided him the tools to make the gas to use on the Kurds.


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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #77 on: June 19, 2011, 05:49:11 PM »
The fact that you A. use the oxymoronic term "Islamonazi" & B. gloss over the fact that our is busy instituting a police state that Hitler would have been proud of tells me about all I need to know about your positions.

And please, stop with the funky formatting. If you can't make your point without glowing highlights and massive bold font, perhaps it is not a point that needs made.

I use the term "Islamonazi" because other commentators use it, and it's a convenient shorthand.  If you think the Taliban/AQ types -- who keep women in Burqas, amputate peoples' heads while they're still alive, and who repress many other people in a number of ways, are not aptly comparable to Nazis then gee whiz, what part of The Twilight Zone are YOU from?
If you don't like my formatting I suggest you not read my posts.
I don't agree with everything that has been done in this war, but let's not pretend we are not dealing with a dangerous enemy.
One last thing;
If you really are ignorant enough to think what we have now is in any way comparable to Hitler's Germany,
I suggest you read Inside Hitler's Germany; Life Under the Third Reich, by Mathew Hughes and Chris Mann.  It will open your eyes.
There are other books too, but they are probably too long ........  [popcorn]
MOLON LABE   "Through ignorance of what is good and what is bad, the life of men is greatly perplexed." ~~ Cicero


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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #78 on: June 19, 2011, 06:53:11 PM »
I use the term "Islamonazi" because other commentators use it, and it's a convenient shorthand.  If you think the Taliban/AQ types -- who keep women in Burqas, amputate peoples' heads while they're still alive, and who repress many other people in a number of ways, are not aptly comparable to Nazis then gee whiz, what part of The Twilight Zone are YOU from?

I'm not going to get in the middle of this, except to say that, until the jihadists, al-Queda and other types start slaughtering people by the millions in a very mechanized way, the word "Nazi" should be reserved for true Nazi's. Its use as a label for other despicable groups (or politicians, but I repeat myself) diminishes the history of the Nazi's and their horror. Two-thirds of Europe's Jews were murdered. Al-Queda has a long way to go to match that.


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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #79 on: June 19, 2011, 07:00:46 PM »
As I said it is a convenient shorthand.  If anyone can think of a better term I will happily entertain it.
As for not "matching" the atrocities of the Nazis, true, but 2,973 human beings on 9/11/01 was a decent start.
Both the Nazis and AQ/Taliban represent very repressive ideologies, and that is the basic point here.
I did not invent the term.  If you want to know who did you're welcome to go on a jihad and find that guy and complain to him ... or her, which ever.... [popcorn]
MOLON LABE   "Through ignorance of what is good and what is bad, the life of men is greatly perplexed." ~~ Cicero

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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #80 on: June 19, 2011, 07:49:50 PM »
I did not invent the term.  If you want to know who did you're welcome to go on a jihad and find that guy and complain to him ... or her, which ever.... [popcorn]
Well, at least you aren't following orders when you say it.

"Nazi" has a very specific and definite meaning. I don't see why you need to follow some jackass that wants it to mean something else, especially given how ridiculously wrong it is to apply the term to the Taliban. Frankly, this use of "Nazi" pisses me off. I find it disrespectful to the victims and to the people who put their lives on the line to defeat them.  I also think that thoughtlessly parroting some talking head is nothing to be proud of.

You want a term? What's wrong with "Islamic fanatics"? It's quite accurate. Are the extra four letters and a space that much of an effort?

Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.

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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #81 on: June 19, 2011, 08:29:22 PM »
Words have meanings. When you just change them to mean whatever you want, you lose any hope of accurate conversation. Nazi is a clearly and specifically defined term, not "convenient shorthand" for anyone you don't like. Sort of like how I don't care for robbers, but I don't call them child molesters just cause. I bet you object when people call Bush a fascist, right?

I never said the was comparable to the Nazis in the scope of their activity (you're the one who conflated genocide with killing a few thousand people) I said they would be proud of our advances. If you can tell me Hitler et al wouldn't have loved to have the invasive tech does, or the ability to get people to agree that having a bunch of minimum wage thugs groping little kids is a necessary evil well... You're blinded by your ideology.

I do skip your posts, you have nothing worth reading. But the bold colors and massive fonts make them annoying to scroll past. It's as infantile as your arguments, please stop.

And the not so subtle attempt at an insult in suggesting other history texts would be too long for me? Classy.
Quote from: French G.
I was always pleasant, friendly and within arm's reach of a gun.

Quote from: Standing Wolf
If government is the answer, it must have been a really, really, really stupid question.


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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #82 on: June 19, 2011, 10:23:48 PM »
Well, at least you aren't following orders when you say it.

"Nazi" has a very specific and definite meaning. I don't see why you need to follow some jackass that wants it to mean something else, especially given how ridiculously wrong it is to apply the term to the Taliban. Frankly, this use of "Nazi" pisses me off. I find it disrespectful to the victims and to the people who put their lives on the line to defeat them.   I also think that thoughtlessly parroting some talking head is nothing to be proud of.

You want a term? What's wrong with "Islamic fanatics"? It's quite accurate. Are the extra four letters and a space that much of an effort?

That's the largest leap of logic I've seen here yet.  It isn't "disrespectful" to the victims of the nazis or to those who defeated them at all; it has nothing at all to do with them. 
There's nothing wrong with "Islamic fanatics,"  except I suppose if you were Islamic you could complain that it's a "slam" against Muslims who aren't fanatics -- a sort of "guilt by association" type of thing.  Everyone wants to capitalize on that sort of **** these days.

Words have meanings. When you just change them to mean whatever you want, you lose any hope of accurate conversation. Nazi is a clearly and specifically defined term, not "convenient shorthand" for anyone you don't like. Sort of like how I don't care for robbers, but I don't call them child molesters just cause. I bet you object when people call Bush a fascist, right?

I never said the was comparable to the Nazis in the scope of their activity (you're the one who conflated genocide with killing a few thousand people) I said they would be proud of our advances. If you can tell me Hitler et al wouldn't have loved to have the invasive tech does, or the ability to get people to agree that having a bunch of minimum wage thugs groping little kids is a necessary evil well... You're blinded by your ideology.

I do skip your posts, you have nothing worth reading. But the bold colors and massive fonts make them annoying to scroll past. It's as infantile as your arguments, please stop.

And the not so subtle attempt at an insult in suggesting other history texts would be too long for me? Classy.
For someone who "skips" my posts you sure get riled by them.  [popcorn]
I did not "conflate"  genocide with the killing of "a few thousand" people --you're  ASSUMING I did.  Even the Nazis had to start somewhere, and I'm fairly certain the Jihadis (do you like that term?  :angel:) would love to acquire a regime as large -- or larger -- than the Grösser Germania the Nazis imagined for themselves.  If you think Hitler would have cared a **** about a bunch of mallninja wannabes who grope schoolkids, then, my friend it is you who is blinded by YOUR ideology.  The type of people who operated the Geheime Staatzpolizei, the Einsatzgruppen, the early brownshirts, they were far, far more serious people than the TSA wandrapers you whine about as though they were lining up Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals along a trench and machinegunning them all down.
I think it is you who conflate the Nazis -- but NOT with the Jihadis, but with our own government.  That is the real insult to the people who fought to defeat the Third Reich, and to the victims of that Reich.   To believe the TSA, as overbearing, incompetant and goofy as it is, is anywhere near as evil as the Nationale Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei ever were ... that only justifies and emphasizes my suggestion you start with Inside Hitler's Germany.  It is a shortish book.  That doesn't mean it was written for children, or for blind people, or for anyone else of diminished mental capacity.  It isn't an "easy" book to read. 
But to someone who thinks the U.S.A. is anywhere near Nazi Germany, or who thinks Hitler would be in any way "proud" of what America is, it is something you should read.   

But.... :facepalm:   I waste my time and efforts.  After all, you don't read my posts.   They're too ... "infantile."  [tinfoil]

MOLON LABE   "Through ignorance of what is good and what is bad, the life of men is greatly perplexed." ~~ Cicero


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Re: All you anti-Bush folks
« Reply #83 on: June 19, 2011, 10:28:09 PM »
