Author Topic: Gun dream  (Read 2276 times)


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Gun dream
« on: March 29, 2005, 03:04:35 AM »
just remembered a dream i had last night...

all i remembered was that i was holding a Glock, and it was unusually large. i could just about get my finger on the trigger. i tried to pull the trigger, but it was a really heavy and bad pull.

and that's it.

here's two others:

i was on either a ship or a movie/studio set (wires, cables, this and that) and there was a Glock there, somthing like a G17 or G18. had an extended mag, the 30-rounders. took the mag in and out, or tried to, then i found the mag release lever thingie (i've only used a Ruger MkII where the mag release is the botton on the bottom). racked the slide a few times, seemed hard at first, and again, the gun seemed overly large.... and that's about it...

last one:

i was at my house, and there were about 15 deer just hanging around over all my property. i got "my" .22 bolt action rifle, reloaded it, aimed at the head, just behind the ear (there was a deer now about 15 feet away) and shot it. his head fell off at the shoulders, as if it was a stuffed head. no blood or anything. the end.


now, how about you guys? any weird/cool/interesting  gun dreams?


Sean Smith

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Gun dream
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2005, 04:10:35 AM »
The "can't pull the trigger because it has a 50 pound pull" gun dream seems pretty common, along with dreams about gun malfunctions.  Freud would have a field day, but my gun works fine.  Wink


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Gun dream
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2005, 04:42:03 AM »
Strange that you should mention a strange gun dream as I had one last night.

I was showing a police officer I had chance met a Enfield .38 break action revolver I had just bought when we heard some strange noises coming from a building. He went inside while I waited by the door. As he was checking out a large room that was just inside he was ambushed and shot. I drew my weapon a Glock 26 and fired 4 or 5 shots from the doorway hitting the person that had ambushed the officer.

At that time another person came around the corner of the building drawing a weapon on me and I fired 1 shot hiting them in the chest. I retreated at that time and ran several hundred feet to find some other officers that I had been talking with a few minutes earlier.

We went back to the building while I waited outside with my weapon holstered as they entered. I watched from the doorway and the dream ended.


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Gun dream
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2005, 06:29:37 AM »

I'm hunkered down in a corner of a building behind another gentleman who just admonished me for being there. I was armed with something, not sure, wasn't important at the time.  Right about the time he jumped up and ran, a large woman came around the corner in a shuffling run, kind of flips a full-size semi in my direction and I see a flash. I'm back against the wall, feel numb... room's kind of half-spinning and there's a high pitched buzz, feeling cool but not cold, two rivulets of something running down my face that I don't see.... can't move. Damn.

Dream ends.


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Gun dream
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2005, 10:31:05 AM »
Posted this a while back on THR:

I was in a public mens room in some building, finishing up, washing my hands and drying them. The mens room was empty; it was after normal working hours. The room was rectangular in shape, with a couple of sinks, a urinal or two and a stall. At one end of the rectangle was at the exit door, which was around a little wall that they build in public restrooms for privacy purposes, I guess, so you cant see inside from the outside, and conversely, you cant see the exit door from inside the restroom.

As I rounded the corner to leave, I was surprised by a very large man, just standing there. He was maybe a half a foot taller than me, and fifty pounds or more heavier- he just seemed like a really big guy. And he wasnt moving. He wasnt even looking at me, although he was facing in my direction, he was just sorta looking off to the side of me a little.

Of course, I instantly went into condition red, wondering 1) Why didnt I hear this guy come in? and 2) Why is he just standing there, not getting out of my way? I was a few feet away, standard personal space distance that means please get out of my way so I can leave the restroom. There were some other things about him that I instantly noticed and that caused me to not think This guy is really dumb but rather there is something seriously wrong with this guy. He was dressed sort of sloppily. His body motions were still and unusual. He was big, and he had a facemask of some sort on.

I didnt say a word, other than maybe uuhh.. as I backed away a couple more feet. I dont need to tell you that my heart suddenly tripled its pace and I could feel the adrenaline rushing into my system as my mind knew I was trapped and it was going to be at best, a socially awkward situation, and at worst&&

I cant remember exactly what he said, he said it slow, and he mumbled, he sounded like a cross from that guy from slingblade and Jason from Friday the 13th- retarded, dangerous, remorseless. It was right out of a horror movie almost. Its time for me to kill you, or maybe Its time for you to die now. I dont remember clearly because as he was saying it he turned off the light switch by the door, and as the restroom became entirely and completely black, he flicked some kind of switch on his goggles that made them light up red, and that was all I saw. He still hadnt moved, other than to manipulate the switches in a strangely slow purposeful way.

When the lights went out and those astoundingly scary and puzzling red goggles came on, I went into even higher than condition red, it seemed. There is almost nothing in a public restroom that can be picked up and used as a weapon, so I shifted my hip a bit to see if I was carrying (yes, in this moment of stress I actually could not remember if I was carrying or not). I felt the pressure of my carry gun, a small Colt Pony Pocketlite in .380, IWB at 4 oclock or wherever it ends up after a day on my belt.

When I felt that, I felt the same way a drowning man must feel when he reaches a ladder- a ray of hope! A lifeline! I knew that although I was not out of the woods, I had a pretty good chance of getting out of the restroom alive, at least. The relief of knowing that I had that was almost indescribable, it was like an escape hatch opening up in a flooding submarine or something. I got ready to pull it out, knowing that in a few seconds, I was absolutely, positively, and without any remorse whatsoever, going to draw it, put the front sight on this guys COM or face, and pull the trigger. My hope was that I would not have to, because the noise in that small, tile enclosed space was gonna be pretty loud, and I hate loud noises. I reached back, pointed it at him, and screamed with all I could, right from the diaphragm, MOVE! MOVE!! I just wanted to get out.

Woke up then.

Love, James
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Gun dream
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2005, 10:42:47 AM »
wow jamz, that's quite some dream...


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Gun dream
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2005, 10:50:42 AM »
I had this dream not too long after my wife and I moved into a new apartment in a part of town that I wasn't entirely familiar with.

It was the middle of the night.  I "woke up" hearing a noise at the front door, and picked up my stainless 92FS (the only handgun I owned at the time) and went out the bedroom door, which opened on to the living room around a sort of corner.  As I rounded the corner, a dark, hooded figure emerged from the open front door and began to advance on me.  I raised the pistol and began to tell the intruder to stop repeatedly.  He made no sound, but continued to advance on me menacingly.

I found myself backed up against the wall, and I told him, "If you don't stop, I will shoot you.  I don't want to, but I will."  He didn't stop.  Just as he gets within an arm's reach of the muzzle, I pulled the trigger.  The muzzle exploded with a flame and a roar, and I woke up.

I had the shakes for a while after and felt like I was going to vomit.  I couldn't go back to sleep.  It was the most vivid, realistic dream I've ever had, and it cemented the fact that using a firearm for self defense is no game, no joke, and no little thing to have to do.  There's no mall-ninja commando-wannabe bravado here.
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Gun dream
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2005, 10:57:05 AM »
You guys are wierd, you need a new hobby :p
I still say 'Give Detroit to Canada'