Author Topic: Just shoot the freaking cat already!  (Read 2305 times)


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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« on: June 08, 2006, 04:13:27 PM »
Normally I'd not say such being a borderline cat fanatic, but this goes beyond the pale.  Big kitty has already eaten one small cat as an appetizer, and it looks like the puma is checking our Jr. for the main course.  The pot smokers who put the puma they hit in the back of their jeep was funny, this is not.

The lion must die

- - - - - - - - - - - -
by Wayne Laugesen (

It's my desire to point the crosshairs smack between the mountain lion's eyes and squeeze the trigger. Then I'll call 911, report the animal dead, and be on my way.

"If you do that, you'll be ticketed," said Tyler Baskfield, spokesman for the Colorado Division of Wildlife.

Like I care. Should my plan succeed, a young family near Evergreen will be freed from the terror of a lion that's stalking them.

"This lion wants to kill my son," an emotional Carrie Warner told me. "If it doesn't kill him, it will eventually kill someone else. It's just a matter of time."

The Warners have become poster prey in a bizarre spree of mountain lion attacks and sightings that have even urban residents of Louisville avoiding parks and bike paths. For the past month, a lion has been hanging around the Warner home and at one point narrowly missed taking a bite out of Shaffer Warner's leg.

Carrie and Shaffer have a 6-year-old son, Schylure, who can no longer play outside. At night, the lion stares in the boy's bedroom window. Baskfield said the lion is probably staring at Schylure's cat, not the boy, and suspects the family is exaggerating.

"Mountain lions are curious just like other felines," Baskfield said. "It's going to sit and watch the cat in the window, especially if it's viewing cats and humans as a food source now."

Wow, that's comforting. The man who would ticket me for bagging a predacious lion says the creature is probably more interested in eating a cat than a boy, but in the same sentence admits that lions view humans as food.

The lion already ate one of the Warner's two cats, and when the second one's gone the next smallest snack will be Schylure. The lion already killed three deer that hung around the Warner home, and the Division of Wildlife hauled the maimed carcasses away.

One evening, when Carrie and Shaffer were outside smoking, they heard the lion and decided to head inside. The lion chased them, and Carrie slammed the door on its head. She opened the door slightly, slammed the door on its head again, and the lion backed away.

"After that, it climbed inside my husband's boat and walked all over our minivan," Carrie said. "We hardly ever leave the house. When we do have to go somewhere, my husband goes out with a pellet gun and checks the area. Then we surround Schylure and rush him to the van like the secret service protecting the president. He has no freedom. He is cloistered in our little 850-square-foot rental home 24-7."

Carrie says the family has purchased an industrial air horn—the type used in a shipyard—but it does nothing to scare the lion away. The first few weeks of the stalking, Carrie said publicly that she didn't want the lion killed.

"My husband's a long-haired hippie freak who probably belongs in Boulder," Carrie says. "We're artists. I'm one of these people who used to line up and yell at women who wore fur. We're the last people on earth who would want to hurt a lion, but this lion's out to kill someone."

Carrie says all but the first call to 911 have proven fruitless, and officers are never sent to the home. She said the Division of Wildlife set traps for a few days and sent a man out with rubber bullets who yawned for two hours and then went home. Carrie says her son is in so much danger that she wouldn't blame Social Services for removing him until the lion is dead.

"When we call 911 or Fish and Wildlife, I get belittled and ignored," Carrie said. "They tell me they'll send someone out tomorrow, which they never do."

Baskfield says that's not true. Though Carrie says the state stationed an officer with rubber bullets for a few hours one night, Baskfield said rubber bullet man has waited for the lion on three occasions.

Regardless, it's clear that one can't rely on 911 or a state agency for anything but carcass removal when a predator threatens life and limb. Get a gun; kill the predator. You're well within your rights to do so, even if some zealot tickets you. In court, you're likely to prevail, and if not you'll know you made the life-giving choice.

The state has responded to this stalking with rubber bullets, ineffective live traps and complete disregard for a legitimate threat to human life. Baskfield, in his conversation with me, was clear that his agency cares more about lions than it does about the Warners. So it's no longer up to the state or the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department. The lion must die.


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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 04:29:37 PM »
Shoot, shovel and shut up.  Of course, if this cat turns up dead in a public area, you know where the DNR is gonna start looking.
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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2006, 04:49:53 PM »
Quote from: jefnvk
Shoot, shovel and shut up.

In more sane areas this would have already been taken care of, whether that be by trapping and relocating the animal or shooting it.

Standing Wolf

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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2006, 05:00:09 PM »
"My husband's a long-haired hippie freak who probably belongs in Boulder," Carrie says. "We're artists. I'm one of these people who used to line up and yell at women who wore fur. We're the last people on earth who would want to hurt a lion, but this lion's out to kill someone."
No tyrant should ever be allowed to die of natural causes.


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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2006, 05:17:08 PM »
Send the kid somewhere safe and let the cat eat the "fur is bad" hippie parents.  If they haven't had some good sense come to them yet, I don't think they are going to.

If you take the ticket and pay the fine up front (before killing it), will they let you keep the cat?
For entertainment purposes only.

Larry Ashcraft

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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2006, 05:21:37 PM »
When we do have to go somewhere, my husband goes out with a pellet gun and checks the area.
Carrie says the family has purchased an industrial air hornthe type used in a shipyardbut it does nothing to scare the lion away. The first few weeks of the stalking, Carrie said publicly that she didn't want the lion killed.
Gimme a break.  This family deserves whatever happens to them.  (Not the boy of course, he just happened to be born into a family that doesn't take self defense seriously.)


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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2006, 07:05:55 PM »
Yup.  idjits.  and what do those hippies think they are doing with a pellet gun?  is that somehow more acceptable than an actual firearm?? (which is what i have found, that your typical anti thinks nothing of a BB gun).  

gotta feel bad for the kid, his parents are a bunch of damned hippys and gave him an odd name with an equally bizzar spelling.


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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2006, 04:35:10 AM »
This is just too funny! All a pellet gun is going to do is tickle the cat and cause him to take a bite out of hippie daddy.

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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2006, 04:51:59 AM »
If it weren't for the fact that the poor kid can't change his parents all that easily, and doesn't deserve to be food, I'd be cheering for the cat . . .
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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2006, 07:52:44 AM »
1st, they should have gotten rid of the deer!
deer are mtn lion bait.
2nd..air horn...hahahahahha...air horn, dinnerbell
same thing... the cat probably figures they are ready to sacrifice
their young to the lions.
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James Odom

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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2006, 08:02:52 AM »
I'm all for having wildlife in their natural habitat, but I have two simple rules.  1) If any predator gets within sight of my daughter, they're in range.  2) Refer to jefnvk's post.

AJ Dual

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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2006, 09:04:08 AM »
I'd be sorely tempted to buy a second-hand child size mannequin, dress it up. Rub it in bacon, then hook it into my 220v dryer outlet with a long extension cord.

But a 850sqft rental, for a family of three, plus pets?

Call me heartless, but they've got "lifestyle issues" other than the cat, IMO.
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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2006, 09:13:41 AM »
How about a nice juicy steak loaded it arsnic or a bottle of rat poison?

But, best is shoot, shovel and shut up.


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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2006, 03:52:42 AM »
Wow, you folks are harsh.

The first few weeks of the stalking, Carrie said publicly that she didn't want the lion killed.

"My husband's a long-haired hippie freak who probably belongs in Boulder," Carrie says. "We're artists. I'm one of these people who used to line up and yell at women who wore fur. We're the last people on earth who would want to hurt a lion, but this lion's out to kill someone."
Here are two sheep who suddenly realize that claws and fangs aren't such a bad thing for sheep to have.  Undoubtedly some of the sheep reading it will conclude the same thing.

"We hardly ever leave the house. When we do have to go somewhere, my husband goes out with a pellet gun and checks the area."
They haven't realized or faced the fact that they are the ones who will have to kill the lion.  Nevertheless, this is a huge step forward.  Read the earlier quote-these folks are nearly PETA-grade peaceniks.  I'm certain their son has no toy guns and is never allowed to play agression-themed games.  Yet they have (inadequately, true) armed themselves with what is very nearly a firearm.  It certainly looks like a gun.  You may scoff, but for hippie-hubby to arm himself and defend family in a way that doesn't involve consensus or a discussion group?  Like I said: A huge step forward.

But a 850sqft rental, for a family of three, plus pets?

Call me heartless, but they've got "lifestyle issues" other than the cat, IMO.
AJ, it's my impression from the article that they are living out in the country.  850 sq/ft is not too small if you expect to do a lot of your living outside; check out older houses and log cabins.  Not all of us desire a McMansion, and if you aren't buy a ton of useless stuff from Wal-Mart every week, a small house is roomy enough.

Carrie says her son is in so much danger that she wouldn't blame Social Services for removing him until the lion is dead.
OK, now that's just wacky liberal thinking.

The state has responded to this stalking with rubber bullets, ineffective live traps and complete disregard for a legitimate threat to human life. Baskfield, in his conversation with me, was clear that his agency cares more about lions than it does about the Warners. So it's no longer up to the state or the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department. The lion must die.

It's my desire to point the crosshairs smack between the mountain lion's eyes and squeeze the trigger. Then I'll call 911, report the animal dead, and be on my way.
Nice to see one journalist who gets it, eh?
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Otherguy Overby

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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2006, 01:06:17 PM »
I'd trap the cat in a garage or outbuiding.  Then I'd call Baskfield up and throw him in with the cat.
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Just shoot the freaking cat already!
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2006, 02:23:59 PM »
Obtain a animal trap large enough for the cat.  A chicken should be an appropriate bait.

When caught, back a vehicle up to the cage, drape a tarp over the animal trap and exhaust pipe, start vehicle and leave for an hour or so.

Return and bury all evidence.