Author Topic: Epic 2015?  (Read 945 times)

S. Williamson

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Epic 2015?
« on: July 11, 2006, 02:33:33 AM »

Has anyone seen this?  Is there any plausibility to it, or is it all a bunch of stock-market-accurate hooey?

It also seemms to be presented in a good light, but the implications (as far as privacy invasion) could be catastrophic, moreso than even Orwell's 1984 suggessts. Sad
"The chances of finding out what's really going on are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied. I'd far rather be happy than right any day."
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Epic 2015?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2006, 04:23:52 AM »
Interesting! Probably along the right lines, too. And at least as compelling as some of Neal Stephenson's prophecies - many of his have been correct, as well.


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Epic 2015?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2006, 04:44:37 AM »
Interesting, but uncertain.  There's no guarantee that the events of the next nine years will unfold as they're predicting.  Fun, anyway.
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AJ Dual

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Epic 2015?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2006, 05:12:06 AM »
The demolition of the fourth estate will be worth it.

The fact that the MSM at one point rose to such power it could actualy consider itself an "estate" is rather bothersome to me. Especialy from the timeframe of post-WWII to 199X where there were three dominant broadcast networks, and generaly one (or at least one dominant) newspaper per large city, AND that they were almost all left-of-center.

In the 19th and 20th century, before the fourth estate was so powerful, people "made up their own minds", but those opinions were constrained by parochialisim because the majority of the American populace was rural or lived in small towns. Only those who were either well educated, or well traveled were exposed to a broader base of ideas. New thought could be imported by returing travelers (merchant sailiors, returning from war, expansion of rail travel etc.) but the local culture kept those ideas in check.

With the advent of electronic media and as the "fourth estate" solidified with the three major networks (+CNN starting in the 80's, but touting the same political slant), and with the top 50 major market newspapers, everyone was plugged in like never before, but because of the near-monolithic political bias of the MSM, everyone was being exposed to the same news, largely slanted the same way. As more people became educated, and as the population shifted to the cities, people who would have broken the bonds of parochialisim were now being fed a uniform stream of information. This wasn't such a problem at first, as one could argue that there was a core of "shared beliefs" about America between the Left and the Right, up until the 1960's. While the press has always had a hand in shaping public debate, it was during and immediately after the Vietnam war, that the MSM began to see itself as more than just reporting the news, and shifted to advocacy. However, this was also when the Left and the Right began to diverge, and the hometown "Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie" core of shared beliefs started to come into question.

What was problematic is that this shift to advocacy was never formaly announced and it was done couched in the guise of ubiased "reporting". Blatant opinion was kept to the editorial page, however, all news was still politicaly edited, but by choosing what to report, more importantly what not to report, and by careful use of semantics. This is not to say it was deliberate at all times, or even the majority of the time, however the result was the same, the political Left knew it, and enjoyed unparalleled support from the MSM for over 30 years.

That is ending. We all know why. Internet/Bloggers, Talk-radio, FOX News etc. etc. etc.

Now a new era of "global parocialisim" is beginning. Where people truly can make up their own minds. They are exposed to almost all political thought and opinion on earth should they wish to see, hear, or read it, but there is no dominant voice. The net result is that people are finding "small town" groups of people who share their beliefs. (Like THR&)
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AJ Dual

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Epic 2015?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2006, 10:04:11 AM »
BTW, I just noticed this today on Drudge, both Apple and MS are racing to create the "wifipod"...
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S. Williamson

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Epic 2015?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2006, 01:32:05 PM »

Self-fulfilling prophecy, anyone? Sad
"The chances of finding out what's really going on are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied. I'd far rather be happy than right any day."
"And are you?"
"No, that's where it all falls apart I'm afraid. Pity, it sounds like quite a nice lifestyle otherwise."
-Douglas Adams

AJ Dual

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Epic 2015?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2006, 06:03:07 AM »
The press was always intended to be "free", and I don't want or intend for it to be anything other than that, trying to do otherwise immediately puts us in a "the cure is worse than the disease" type of situation.

However, the founders and framers never imagined the press acting like an unelected, "unbalanced" and "checkless" fourth branch of government, putting pressure on the other three branches and largely from one political point of view.

The Internet and new-media revolution has begun fragmenting the fourth estate, and if the price is everyone in the U.S. or even the Earth being "Googlefied" so be it.

Before the Internet/New Media era, the de-facto fourth branch was a one-party branch of our government process, and it wasn't healthy. While the MSM was only somewhat collectivist/leftist of center it is consistently so. The constant pressure and bias was having an effect. Conservative victories in that period were only local, minor, or a "fluke" like the "Reagan Revolution", where it was the "random luck" of Regan's personality and message found fertile ground that broke through the MSM's supression. Even the '94 Republican landslides in the anti-Clinton anti AWB backlash was just a random conservative "storm", the MSM political "climate" was still inexorably pushing to the left.

Niche media and narrowcasting might even turn America in to a multi-party system one day. That will have it's pros and cons too.
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