Author Topic: From the President!  (Read 423 times)


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From the President!
« on: January 14, 2013, 09:27:48 AM »
No, not THAT one.  ;/ MSI is a range located in Manchester, CT

MSI Members,

          Although MSI is not a political organization we had better start standing-up for our natural rights – guaranteed by both the Constitution of the United States and your very own Connecticut Constitution – Article 1 section 15. Once again YOU are being scapegoated by grandstanding politicians and media as the problem behind the massacre at the “gun-free” school in Newtown .

          They plan on dividing us, and using that to their advantage, to erode and eventually make statutory felons of us all. Pitting shotgun shooters against IDPA shooters against bull’s-eye shooters… how often have you heard a shooter proclaim- “Yeah I agree – who needs a 30 round magazine?”. This is just the type of dialogue the anti’s want us to be having for next time the debate will be “Yeah why does anyone need a pistol of more than 22 caliber?”

          These people are appealing to those among us who have never thought about someday facing multiple assailants in a home invasion scenario or heard the testimony of a single mother at home with her child facing the front door being broken in by an abusive ex-husband and a couple of his friends. Here is your 10 rounds make’em count – good luck.

          Our Connecticut legislature has never been so stacked against our rights: looking to release to the public all our names and addresses so we can be the victims of burglars, wanting to make the mere possession of a 12 round pistol or 15 round M1 carbine magazine a felony resulting in you losing all your rights for life or my favorite - make all firearms in Connecticut single-shot!

 If you have never written or spoken to your legislatures – NOW IS THAT TIME!

 If you are retired or have flexible work hours – show up to testify at the Legislative Office Building - in person dressed for a job interview - when these bills are brought to the committee hearings

If you haven’t already, signed up to receive the informative emails from: it is FREE and will only serve to keep you informed in this time of emergency.

Ruger Firearms has made sending a letter to your representatives very easy by going to:

 Calling your representative has more weight than email. Please remember that being direct and honest is best for everyone – no abusive language or threats as you will become part of the problem.

 We have been reading since the 60’s (some of us) that they are coming for our firearms and that day has arrived. If you let them implement one more “sensible” law on standard capacity magazines or sport rifles – your pistols and bolt action rifles (high powered and easily modified sniper rifles is how they will be portrayed to the un-informed public) are next! We need to draw a red line that is not in the sand and is not ambiguous – no more compromise!

 There are 300 members of MSI – lets imitate the Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae – and get engaged and save our rights for ourselves and “for the children” of the next generation.

 Charles Griffin
President MSI
Avoid cliches like the plague!