Author Topic: Saw a UFO  (Read 2309 times)


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Saw a UFO
« on: April 10, 2005, 07:26:26 PM »
Anybody ever seen a UFO?  I saw one last Thursday.  First one I've ever seen.

Four of us were on a small ranch north of Laredo, TX.  (One was on his cell phone, and missed the whole thing.)  The owner of the ranch had told friends various accounts of weird things he'd seen on his ranch, and several of us had made fun of him and not believed him.

This night, we were  looking up at the sky on and off since there was no moon, and the sky was clear.  Many stars were visible, and we were watching satellites, and tracking them accross the sky.  By "satellites", I mean singular white non-flashing lights that appeared to move in a single direction without altering course, and moving at a fairly rapid speed accross the sky.

We identified our fourth "satellite", and tracked it as it moved.  It appeared to be moving from the west to the east in a straight line (if I have my directions correct).  We were watching it move, and noticed that it rapidly appeared to be getting closer and looked like it was coming straight down and at us.  It closed really quickly.  I can't say how fast, but it seemed to change its course from west to east, to straight down.

As it was coming down, the white light we were following got really bright, and appeared to be larger.  It's hard to say if it changed in size, or if it just looked bigger as it got closer (probably the case).

As it closed in toward us, my first impulse was to think that it was a meteorite or a piece of space junk.  I was so convinced that it was going to hit our location, that I started to back up (I was standing).  I expected the light to turn orange as the object "burned up", but it never did.

Just as I moved back a couple of spaces, the object seemed to hesitate for a split second, and just as quickly as it closed in on our position, it changed direction, and headed away on a diagonal line heading out to the sky and to the south.  It seemed to move away from us faster than it closed in.

We were all amazed.  The owner of the ranch was then saying things like "now do you believe me?"  He also said something that I had been thinking, but hadn't said aloud.  He said that it seemed like "they" took a picture of us.  There is no way to support this, but it seemed as if they noticed we had noticed them, and came in to take a look at us.  Seems like an odd thing to say, but that is what we felt.

I've never seen anything like this in my life.  I don't frequent UFO sights.  The whole thing, from when we started tracking the object, to when it left us, was probably about 30 seconds in total.  However, the interesting part where it closed in on us and moved away from us was probably about 3 seconds.  The three of us who witnessed the sighting, all agreed on what we saw.

Anybody have any UFO sighting experiences of their own?  Also, does anyone have any links of UFO forums that don't have a bunch of stuff that happened back in the fifties?  I'd like to see if I can find other similar stories, but with more current reports.


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Saw a UFO
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2005, 06:04:20 AM »
I have no doubt whatsoever that you saw an "unidentified flying object".  However, I doubt completely that it was alien life forms or anything like that.  There has never been even a single piece of solid, sustainable, verifiable evidence to support the proposition that a UFO has anything to do with alien life or other planets.  They're simply something unidentified (for now).
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Saw a UFO
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2005, 06:49:30 AM »
I saw a UFO once... it turned out to be a Frisbee.

Heh heh Tongue


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Saw a UFO
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2005, 07:47:21 AM »
Despite spending a lot of times outdoors (logging and living in the woods) I have only once seen something suspicious in the sky.

While out camping by myself a few years ago, in daylight I happened to look up and see a shiny object just disappearing over a ridge.  It looked for all the world like a large unpainted aircraft (shiny aluminum) with no wings or tail that moved silently at a fairly low altitude (AGL).

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Saw a UFO
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2005, 10:58:41 AM »
As it was coming down, the white light we were following got really bright, and appeared to be larger.  It's hard to say if it changed in size, or if it just looked bigger as it got closer (probably the case).

How big did it appear at its closest?

Jacobus Rex

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Saw a UFO
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2005, 01:48:57 PM »
In the fall of 1988, I was deer hunting in East Texas and saw an silver object flying along at low altitude and making no sound at all.  I turned my rifle scope up to 9X and was able to observe the object for a few seconds.  Thru the rifle scope, I could tell that it was not one object but two.  They were flying very close to each other and shaped like a cigar without any wings, windows, etc.  The object flew in the direction of a friend's home about 15 miles from my location.  Later that day, I called my friend to see if he had seen anything.  He had happened to be driving near his home and saw one of the objects pass over the road near his home at about the same time that I had my sighting.

I still have no idea what it was that I saw.


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Saw a UFO
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2005, 01:58:07 PM »
jacobus...why didn't you shoot the thing? if i was sure that it was a UFO, and i was in a big open space, i woulda taken a few pops at it...

Jacobus Rex

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Saw a UFO
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2005, 02:49:13 PM »
I didn't shoot at it because I didn't want to bring a rifle to a photon torpedo fight.  :-)


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Saw a UFO
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2005, 02:53:02 PM »

See rule number 4.


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Saw a UFO
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2005, 05:42:10 PM »
Oct 11, 1989, West central Illinois. No drugs or alcohol.
A red-orange sphere appeared almost directly overhead at a little more than tree-top high and 15-20 feet in diameter. Emitting light was pulsing dim-to-bright and became indistinct when bright (almost "fuzzy" looking) and glassy opalescent when dim. totally silent until sudden "pop" and object shot away faster than a .50 tracer then stopped again suddenly in the western sky, no longer pulsing and then disappeared suddenly again.
so you tell me...
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Saw a UFO
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2005, 06:34:28 AM »
Your eyes aren't as reliable as you think, especially at night. One night during a deployment from Cherry Point to MCAS Yuma I was in a four-plane night bombing pattern at one of Yuma's ranges. Suddenly, a bright flash appeared at what seemed like the western edge of our bombing pattern (2 miles across).  It seemed so close that we thought two of our birds had had a midair, and one even took evasive action.

Turned out to be a missile launched from Vandenberg AFB that had to be destroyed. It was over 150 miles away from us. Night vision distorts ranges and speeds.

RT Refugee