Five members of the Gulf Cooperation Council blow off Mr. Obama (One to attend a horse show in England, if that's not a snub, then what is?) SO he could hector them into supporting his "Nukes for Iran" deal.
And rather then keeping the Mid-east Nuke free, it will encourage the other players to either make (Possibly Saudi Arabia) or Buy (All of them. Pakistan has nukes and it's much easier to buy a few off the shelf then it is to build one from scratch. Also the Saudi's helped fund P-stan's nuke program.)
So President Nobel Peace Prize is doing a wonderful job of not only not stopping Nuclear Proliferation, but encouraging it.
Funny how lefties and their ideology always seem to produce the exact opposite of what they were trying to accomplish. Yet, there are STILL people that think Socialism and leftie thinking are the way forward!! Window licking morons....