Author Topic: Election day fun at DU  (Read 2113 times)

Headless Thompson Gunner

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Election day fun at DU
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:16:14 AM »
Aren't those silly Democrats so darned cute when they're frothing at the mouth?!  I've been perusing the posts over at DU all morning.  I haven't had this much fun with my clothes on in a long, long time.


Dems have had leads ranging from 2 to 23% for FOURTEEN MONTHS leading up to this election.
The President's approval rating hovers at 38%

The approval rating for Congress hovers around 20%...and everyone knows it's Republican-dominated.

Last night, **CNN had Dems leading by a full 20%.**

And you think for ONE MINUTE that some invisible Rovian trick can somehow magically make everyone change their minds in the last 24 hours? No. WAY. It is not possible to erase 14 months of Democratic gains in ONE DAY.

If we lose, I don't want to hear a word about how we were weak, or didn't get out the vote, or looked at somebody crosseyed and blew the election because that's BULLSHIT.

If we lose, it was stolen. Know that...and be ready to take action.

Simon Rosenberg of New Democratic Network, talking on Franken about how bad the republicans have been attempting to steal, alter, cheat this year's election.

Male prostitutes, salacious emails to minors and covering it up, using drugs, lying, corruption, campaigning from the pulpit, forced prostitution and forced abortion, medical diagnosing from video tapes, attempting to alter elections in a democracy. I'm just rambling and hunting and pecking off the top of my head. The republican party and its supporters should be ashamed but no doubt they are proud of their "accomplishments."

. . . believed in my Democratic party, believed that we would eventually prevail against the republican majority which has hijacked our democracy ever since Clinton left the beat.

We've weathered some humiliating losses; from Gingrich's 'contract on America' to his eventual retreat with his tail between his legs. From the Bush family's theft of the presidency in Florida to the calculated, open stifling and theft of votes in Ohio that allowed the counterfeit loser to ascend back into office, Bush and his republican enablers have been allowed to escape accountability for their crimes, and for their mindless sacrifice of thousands of our soldiers' lives and livelihoods in their manufactured 'wars' and occupations.

So, today we vote . . . again. I believe we will win. I've always believed . . . in America, and in our democracy's potential to make good on the promises behind the fine words that are pressed into those antique documents that bind us together as a nation.

I'll never stop believing.

What A JOKE Of A Country We ARE!!!

I know this won't be a popular post....I'll probably get a lot of people saying, "if you don't like it, then leave."

But seriously, don't you think other countries will look at us and our election process, and think our so-called "democracy" is a JOKE!?

Face it, the prospect exists for this country to slide further into the abyss, while those GREEDY, ELECTION STEALING, FACIST, DICTATORIAL BASTARDS sit by and watch!

If the Dems get this election STOLEN from them again, then I'm seriously done here. I will look towards options of where to go within the next couple of years. I was in Europe last summer, and met 2 people who had already left in 2000 and 2004, after the elections, and I can do it too.

If the Dems get *expletive deleted*ed again, then this is NOT A DEMOCRACY, and it WON'T be a democracy, even with the help of the Democrats, who have no chance if the game is RIGGED and FRAUDULENT.

Do you trust that your absentee ballot will actually be counted?

If you voted absentee ballot, that is.

Our County Clerk is a repuke. That's why I chose NOT to vote by absentee ballot. This is the same man who chose to store our county's evoting machines in a Olivet University (Education with a Religious Purpose) warehouse. Olivet University received a $300,000 grant for their science dept. BEFORE the '04 election. Who gave them the grant? Repuke Jerry Weller. Bruce Clark also had Olivet University students working at the polling places in '04 to "help" in case there were any "glitches."

Hell would have to freeze over before I sent in a absentee ballot for HIS OFFICE to count. NO WAY. I took my chances with the optical scan machine.

Do you think YOUR absentee ballot will be counted?


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 08:22:32 AM »
Amazing how the process isn't democratic and fair unless they win.  cheesy
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Headless Thompson Gunner

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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 08:31:24 AM »
Some more gems...

that's it... I'VE HAD ENUFF!!! ... i'm outa here.
and heading out to vote. It's a bleak, rainy and grey day here, and nothing can stop me from doing this.

But first, i'm gathering up all my trash that i've purposely waited this week to haul to the dump. It's a pungent, putrid collection of detritus that i'm going to enjoy slinging into the dumpsters and with every throw i'm going to imagine the Repugs being tossed from office.

I'm wearing all black. Not in mourning for those pissrug, holier than thou, corparate lying sack of shits that have forgotten their duties of office these passed six years, but in mourning for all of the citizens of the world that have been slaughtered, deprived, disenfranchised and forgotten by the warmongers in office. This is not just my vote, but my vote for them that cannot, or will not vote today.

Then i'm coming home and baking bread. And when it's done, i'm opening a chilled bottle of a fun wine, and with a plate of mixed olives and tasty cheeses, i'm going to sit back and watch the returns, and feel good again.

cheers to all, it will not be just a good day, it will be a 'sterling' day Wink

BushCo Inc. thrives on chaos..
How dare they subvert our elections?

Time to lock these people up.

They are by far the greatest threat to our country.

What happens to Fox News
when we win back both houses of Congress, and ultimately the presidency?

Do they implode? What?

More Republican Dirty Tricks, as heard on Ed Schultz
A caller from Cincinnati reported that all the Victoria Wulsin signs in his neighborhood disappeared overnight, and he noticed the same phenomenon in other parts of Mean Jean Schmidt's district. It's happened to him during other elections, and they usually strike the day before the election so that when the undecideds are driving to the polls, they only see Republican campaign signs. While not as bad as phonejamming, chalk this tactic up to typical brownshirt behavior. :-(

Lamont Will WIN! Here's my take...
Edited on Mon Nov-06-06 08:31 PM by 98geoduck
1.For all of those that the least bit of belief in Quinnipiac Polls, for Anything but right wing bias, here's an add that's been on the top of AirAmericaRadios website for the last month.... /

2.Internal Polls show Lamont CLOSER than Polls taken before the Primary Election that Joe LOST!
Incumbents typically need a large spread to defeat their challenger. Joe DOES NOT HAVE THIS.

3. I've been to several of Ned's events and the turnout and energy is Amazing. It puts Joe's hired and paid for "volunteers" to shame, as in 75-1.

4. Joe's "supporters" are typically republicans and cons "dem", and may either sit this one out, or vote republican(Schlessinger). There's virtually no "Strong Support"

5. Lieberman's name is difficult to locate on the ballot, and the republican candidate is much easier to find and check for all the senile republicans.

6. The Mainstream Media has been spinning and push polling this whole election for Joe, and there is STILL concern by them. Otherwise, they would not be continuing their rhetoric about how Joe will be a good "moderate" democrat, flaunting Qpac polls, then throwing in the possibilities for an upset to maintain credibility.

8. Ned's supporters are hard line democrats and Independents that want CHANGE, and are MOTIVATED to get out and VOTE!

QUIT BELIEVING ALL OF THE NAYSAYER, BULLSHIT, HYPE that trolls, polls and the MSM is throwing out there, because they aren't EVEN CLOSE!

With that said, GOTV intelligent CT residents!


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 08:52:04 AM »
Amazing how the process isn't democratic and fair unless they win.  cheesy

No kidding. It's scary how many of them seem to think and act that way.


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 08:59:42 AM »
Same crap different election, you know it was funny to watch froth a bit a couple election ago, I think they jumped the shark in 2004.


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 09:03:44 AM »
Looks like a repeat of 2004.  I wonder if they are gonna get their panties in such a knot that they lock out non-member access like they did for the 2004 elections.
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Headless Thompson Gunner

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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2006, 09:05:44 AM »
I tried to register, so that they couldn't lock me out tonight. But they said my registration wouldn't become active for 24 hours.

Oh well.

El Tejon

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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 09:12:21 AM »
What spoiled little children.

I like how the one kid is being an activist by "wearing all black." rolleyes

Man, to be 19 again.  Sitting around in sandals smoking clove cigarettes whining about how "unfair" the world is, screwing hippie chicks and walking around angry--what a life! grin
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 09:17:01 AM »
I was up over 1000 posts on there and got banned for making a joke about korean food on a thread about dog rescue.


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 09:47:28 AM »
Man, to be 19 again.  Sitting around in sandals smoking clove cigarettes whining about how "unfair" the world is, screwing hippie chicks and walking around angry--what a life! grin
I missed out.  At 19, I wasn't doing any of those thing.  I want the last 14 years of my life back dammit, especially the missing hippie chicks.  Where were my hippie chicks? Tongue

Oh yeah, my dumb arse decided to go to a conservative Baptist school rolleyes



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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2006, 09:49:41 AM »
you can keep the hippie chicks.

Headless Thompson Gunner

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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2006, 09:59:37 AM »
It has nothing to do with flipping votes or playing with the codes, they are relying on the basic principle that the machines just plain suck.

We have been screaming about this *expletive deleted*it for years, yet (and this will happen sometime tomorrow) they will claim that because the machine froze, didn't turn on, didn't turn off, didn't serve the right brand of coffee, that everything about them is questionable (sounds like us, huh?) but yet, they will get a hearing because until January they still control things.

Be prepared for these whiny ass bastard repukes to drag this *expletive deleted*it out forever. (like we should have done in 04) Only difference this time, they will actually get heard because the supreme, we'll do the appointin' around here and don't you forget it, court will deem their argument worthy of their bullshit jobs.

You can see it beginning with Mean *expletive deleted*it, uh-hem, excuse me, Jean Schmitt and the Governor from South Carolina making like they were so surprised at the problems they were having. Plus other voting issues rolling in from around the country.

This is another rover tactic. When all you have is lemons (the prospect of losing both the house and the senate) you make lemonade! (using the Dems anger from past elections as your new edge) weeeeeee!!!!

I weep for our future.

So I go to vote and it strikes me that there is only one reason you don't get a receipt for your vote. It would help safeguard your vote in some way against fraud and that would be letting the terrorists win.

Before voting I bought a coffee and donut- got a receipt, before that a sub and some chips- got a receipt, some gas- had the option to get a receipt but when I cast my vote in our free and fair democratic election system- no receipt.

Brilliant isn't it?

Im worried about how the media is handling voter fraud
It seems in 2000 and 2004 they just shut up, when the elctions were stolen. Now it seems they are ready to scream at the top of thier lungs "FRAUD" if the democrats win.

Just go to the major mainstream media webpages, its all about voting problems and glicthes, something may be up.

Republicans always call VOTER fraud
and drag our old pal Ann Ecdoctal into the spotlight..

democrats know the real issue is ELECTION fraud on a massive (and secretive) scale..

a few homeless people who got beer & cigarettes to cast a few ballots is no equal for a systemic scheme to disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters or to blatantly erase or switch "vapor-votes" inside machines..leaving no trace.

Headless Thompson Gunner

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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2006, 10:00:54 AM »
Does anyone remember back to when the country switched from paper ballots to mechanical "lever pulling" voting machines?  Was there this level of paranoia and abject fear of mysterious new technology last time around?


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2006, 10:25:12 AM »
I think a paper-trail is necessary.

Here we use optical scanners, where I blacken in a big box on a ballot with a marker and the machine reads the ballot, which is then retained in case of a recount.

A hand recount is easy, and there is no chad or partially-punching. It's difficult to mark it ambiguously, and the readers are very accurate.

Absentee ballots are still punch cards. I hate using those things with the little stylus.


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2006, 10:45:51 AM »
Here we use optical scanners, where I blacken in a big box on a ballot with a marker and the machine reads the ballot, which is then retained in case of a recount.

Those are the Diebold machines that so many people are up in arms about.  If you've got HBO, take an hour or two and watch the new documentary Hacking Democracy--in the last half hour, you see a CS researcher hack a blank memory card that all the votes get stored on to take votes from option A and move them to option B.  Eight people casted their ballots with the black marker--two votes for yes and six votes for no.  Using all standard operating procedures (with the hacked card), the receipt printed out seven votes for yes and one for no.  The card was then put in the reporting machine like it would at the end of an election, and the results on the computer matched the tape--seven for yes, one for no.  A Florida election official was present for the entire demonstration and said that since the tape matched the computer, he would have signed off on it as a valid count.

In another part of the documentary (in Ohio) they show how a voter recount works in their area--election officials present volunteer vote-checkers with a "random" three percent sampling of the paper ballots to check against the receipts.  Only problem?  The electioneers rigged the process and hand picked a three percent sample that would match the receipts so that there would be no possibility of a full recount.

In another part of the movie (I believe this was also in Florida, but I may be wrong) they videotape election workers and county warehouse people throwing out bags of trash.  On videotape, they open up the trash bags and find signed voter receipts, which by federal law have to be kept for two years.  They were filmed dumping the official records on November 14, less than two weeks after the election.

So, yes--assuming your voters distrust the machines enough to request a recount, and assuming the people running the recount do not tamper with it to protect the system that employs them, and assuming there is even a receipt to check the recount against--a hand recount is easy.


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2006, 11:35:16 AM »
Same machines we've used in the last 5-6 election cycles.

Mostly I hear people complaining about touch-screen voting, which I agree is not optimal.

I saw a documentary once on how easy it was to tamper with the early lever-punch machines. Fraud was rampant.

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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2006, 01:11:37 PM »
Quote from: Headless Thompson Gunner link=topic=4917.msg74274#msg74274

Face it, the prospect exists for this country to slide further into the abyss, while those GREEDY, ELECTION STEALING, FACIST, DICTATORIAL BASTARDS sit by and watch!

Do you think YOUR absentee ballot will be counted?

Yeah, those facists, always sticking their noses in it..... cheesy
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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2006, 02:16:43 PM »
[In another part of the movie (I believe this was also in Florida, but I may be wrong) they videotape election workers and county warehouse people throwing out bags of trash.  On videotape, they open up the trash bags and find signed voter receipts, which by federal law have to be kept for two years. 

Easy enough to explain, those were ballets with errors on them  police
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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2006, 02:45:35 PM »
Here we use optical scanners, where I blacken in a big box on a ballot with a marker and the machine reads the ballot, which is then retained in case of a recount.

Those are the Diebold machines that so many people are up in arms about. 

Nope, those are Sequoia machines.


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Re: Election day fun at DU
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2006, 04:46:43 PM »
Damn... I hate Dirty Tricks.  I was going to vote a straight Democratic ticket today...but someone pulled all the lawn signs, so I got confused and voted a straight Republican ticket.  Coulda been some bad acid or brie though.