Author Topic: Man, sometimes the hits just keep on coming  (Read 992 times)


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Man, sometimes the hits just keep on coming
« on: November 10, 2006, 10:54:51 PM »
I had very long shoot days on Tuesday and Wednesday, so the only news I was getting was from TV (not reliable) or from forums like this.

I went to bed extra-early on Tuesday night, when the networks were showing maybe 10% of precincts reporting.

The next morning, I awoke to find that the government of the state of WI had been handed over to the anti-gunners.

OK, I said. Been there before, will deal with it again.

When I got home from work Wednesday evening, I had a voicemail from my brother. He's day-traded stocks and options for years, and made a lot of money. Tons.

Well, all of his trades have now gone against him. He needs every nickle and dime he can get, including the balance of the loan he gave me for our "new" car. Time to start begging the bank, when I know they won't lend me ten cents.

Bad timing all around.

Then I got a call late night from an old friend in AZ to inform me that the US Senate was now under Democrat control.

Let's see: the work that I and other volunteers have done for over five years for CCW was pretty much nulled. On top of that, the leadership in our state capitol has now been given to the lunatics. And, worse, my brother is on the verge of losing everything he owns, including  his house.

Then I get the call from my mother: my father, who's now almost 90, has mascular degeneration in one eye, and a serious cataract in the other. The doc's don't want to touch either eye, for fear that a failure to treat one would leave him almost totally blind.

OK, time to prioritize: get the title to my wife's car, get it to my brother, have him sign off on the lien so the title's clear, get the bank loan, and get him his money before he's in trouble.

Where's the title? Where? It's nowhere! I even looked through the onions and potatoes in the cupboards. Damned if I know where my wife stashed it. My brother's in trouble, and I can't find the _%**+%+*%%* piece of paper to help him.

Another call from my mother: my crazy sister-in-law (who is, by the way, pretty much certifiably insane) was blaming my father's deteriorating condition on my mother. Told mother that SIL was insane, and not to worry. I also thought about the promise I'd made to my crazy SIL 16 years ago, when she was getting everyone upset before my father's quintuple bypass surgery: if anything bad happened to my parents because of her crazy talk, I would assasinate her.

What to do about my father? Dammit, I should have gone to medical school. Things are spinning out of control. There's nothing I can do, except to be there for him. That's it, though. Pretty pathetic help.

Mistake #?: reading the comments about the election results on THR, TFL,, and GlockTalk. Shouldn't have done it, especially on There's a lot of people who want to talk the talk, but not walk the walk. And I waded into the foray to defend the WCCA.

Which brings me to my next mistake: staying up until the wee hours trying to explain why the NRA and the WCCA did what we did. I would have done better talking to Sarah Brady.

And that brings me to the next mistake: staying up until the wee hours trying to talk sense on the gun forums, while my wife was trying to get some sleep before her 5:45 am alarm clock.

If anyone knows of a company that sells heated dog houses that feature cable internet and phone access, please let me know.

The next hit came in the form of an email from the company that handles internet advertising for one company that runs banners on my site. Previously, they had said they wanted to buy X number of pages on my site for a fixed amount for all of 2007.

Great. That would pay all of the tax bills (personal and corporate) that will come due in January.

Well, they changed their minds. They now want to pay month-to-month.

OK, what's next?

Standing Wolf

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Re: Man, sometimes the hits just keep on coming
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2006, 12:13:52 AM »

Let's see: the work that I and other volunteers have done for over five years for CCW was pretty much nulled.

You and the people you've worked with have laid a solid foundation. If it takes awhile longer to erect the rest of the structure than you'd hoped, the foundation is still solid, still well crafted.
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Re: Man, sometimes the hits just keep on coming
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2006, 12:39:08 AM »
Bah, I'm sorry, Dick. We got our tushes handed to us and there's lots of chest beating but not a lot of action that I can see..meanwhile, I've got people who have literally worked their fingers to the bone asking if its worth it. I don't know the answer, except that we gotta keep going.

And someone backed into me at the gas station last night. Smiley


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Re: Man, sometimes the hits just keep on coming
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2006, 10:09:20 AM »
Dick, I think we can spare you from gun-rights duty for a little while. 

Besides, I'm surprised by the number of pro-gun Dems-real supporters, not "stealth"-who won office.  Look on the bright side: You don't live in California.  I cannot say Attorney General Jerry Brown without choking.  I think MOONBAT! will become my most used swear word.
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Re: Man, sometimes the hits just keep on coming
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2006, 02:14:12 PM »
Yeah, I know things could be worse.

It's just that everything seemed to rain down in a single week.

But, that's life.

Barbara: "And someone backed into me at the gas station last night."

I hope that, as a certified gun nut, you accomodated the media by spraying bullets from your semi-automatic revolver submachine gun into that person. Wink


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Re: Man, sometimes the hits just keep on coming
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2006, 03:52:39 PM »

Put the blame where it is deserved.   Republicans controlled everything, and nothing was repealed.  Yea, the AWB expired, that isn't the same thing.  I don't give credit for doing nothing.  I'm a very cynical person, and *I* expected things to get a little better when it came to gun laws.  However, betting on one political party to maintain your civil rights is stupid. 

My state at least elected a decent Senator.  I've known Bob Casey Jr since he brought pizza over when I was 13.  He's pro-gun.  Not as pro-gun as I'd like, but enough to get an A from the NRA's scorecard, ditto our Lt Gov.  I'm not crazy about Rendell but he knows not to touch the gun issue. 

Tis why I'm a Democrat.  That's right, you read it correctly.  I educate my fellow Democrats on the 2A and try to convince the Dem politicians that the anti-gun position won't win too many votes.  The Repubs of my state screwed up, and screwed up badly.  They deserved to be sacked, in my opinion.  Thankfully, because of many liberty loving PA'ers, we have a handful of decent Dem politicians.  Well, decent for politicians anyways.  We didn't peg our hopes on one horse. 

Don't get me wrong, there isn't much hope for getting pro-gun pols from Philly, but the rest of the State isn't too bad.  Looking over the election results, for my state at least, things didn't turn out that badly at all. 

"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Re: Man, sometimes the hits just keep on coming
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2006, 06:35:07 PM »
Congratulations on your success in your state, RevDisk.

The personal touch from politicians is most effective.

We had a state legislator here in WI. His name is Lynn Adelman.

Sometime during his tenure, an elderly couple stopped at his house to admire his vegetable garden. He invited them to pick as many vegetables as they wanted, and to come back every year for more.

The elderly couple came back every year to pick a few vegetables. And they also voted for Adelman every year after that.

Lynn Adelman has since been appointed to one of the highest courts in Wisconsin. And he upheld the ridiculous argument that a teen-aged girl who killed another teen-aged girl over a coat was suffering from a new disease: "urban psychosis."

The killer walked free.

And it may have all started in Lynn Adelman's vegetable garden.