Author Topic: head of the new family planning office...  (Read 925 times)


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head of the new family planning office...
« on: November 17, 2006, 01:56:52 PM »

Great, a Doctor who's anti-contraception is going to head Bush's new Family Planning Office.


Car Knocker

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Re: head of the new family planning office...
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 06:38:35 PM »
It's appropriate - if he's doing the planning, you're going to have a family.  Simple.


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Re: head of the new family planning office...
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 06:44:23 PM »
How awful. How dare a man with Christian ethics try to live by them, and do what he thinks is right. We cannot allow those dirty filthy Christians to ever hold any position where they can try to do what they want to do, in this case help people. We must lynch this filthy Christian and replace him with a pro-abortion person who will be objective.

/scorn off.

Did any of you actually read that article, or is this just more knee-jerk anti-Christian idiocy? The man is in charge of a small agency and will try to prevent pregnancies. He isn't going to overturn abortion tomorrow.

For any of us on this forum who care about the US Con, we should oppose the existence of this office, not the fact that it is being staffed by a Christian.


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Re: head of the new family planning office...
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2006, 06:09:49 AM »

I did indeed read the whole article.
That said, you're quite right, the bigger issue is the office, not the particular appointment.


Headless Thompson Gunner

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Re: head of the new family planning office...
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2006, 04:56:46 PM »
Nonsensical "offices" like this one are a fact of life in modern government.  Yeah, they shouldn't exist.  But they do exist and they will continue to exist for a long time.

The job description includes preventing teen pregnancies and supporting abstinence programs.  Sounds like they found the right kinda guy for the job.  Would you rather have some Planned Parenthood hack in charge of abstinence programs?   shocked


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Re: head of the new family planning office...
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2006, 06:42:39 PM »
Quote from: SomeKid
...For any of us on this forum who care about the US Con, we should oppose the existence of this office, not the fact that it is being staffed by a Christian...

"Ministry of silly walks"

'Nuff said.  Amazing that there's a Monty Python quote for just about every situation. Sheer genius. I think it's possible that the current retardo political thinking in Britain is due to a leveling effect of having brainpower drained off in the 70's by the Monty Python troop.

Silly Walks Director: Good morning. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but I'm afraid my walk has become rather silly over these months, so it takes so long to get to the office. Now,uhm, what was it again?

Silly Walks Applicant: Uh, well sir, I-I-I I have got a silly walk and I'd like to obtain government backing to help me develop it.

Silly Walks Director: I see. Well, may I see this silly walk of yours?

Silly Walks Applicant: Oh, yes, certainly.

Silly Walks Director: Yes, I see, tha-tha-that's it, is it?

Silly Walks Applicant: Ah, well, yes, that's it.

Silly Walks Director: Yes, yes, yes. It's not particularly silly, is it?

Silly Walks Applicant: Well, ah-ah...

Silly Walks Director: I mean, the left leg isn't silly at all and the right leg merely does a four dare O'Brian half turn every alternate step.

Silly Walks Applicant: Yes, but I feel with a federal grant I could make it a lot more silly.

Silly Walks Director: Mr. Stagback, the very real problem is what I find out. You see, there's defense, education, housing, health, social security, silly walks. They're all supposed to get the same. But last year the government spent less on Silly Walks than they did on industrial organisation. We're supposed to get 348 millions pounds a year to cover our entire Silly Walks proposal. Coffee?

Silly Walks Applicant: Yes, please.

Silly Walks Director: Hello, uh, Mrs. Twolumps, uhm, could we have two cups of coffee, please.

Mrs. Twolumps: Yes, Mr. Teabag.

Silly Walks Director: Mad as a hatter. You see, the Israelis they have a man who can take his own left leg off and swallow it with every alternate step, whereas the Japanese, cunning electronically obsessed little...

Mrs. Twolumps' tray: [Splash]

Silly Walks Director: Yes, thank you, Mrs. Twolumps. You''re really interested in silly walks, aren't you?

Silly Walks Applicant: Right there!

Silly Walks Director: Right, well, take a look at this!

Yizkor. Lo Od Pa'am

"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers"

"Never again"

"Malone Labe"