Author Topic: Is Cruz on crack?  (Read 980 times)


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Is Cruz on crack?
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:04:04 PM »
Probably not. But he might as well be. And it applies to Rubio, as well.

I have always been an unaffiliated voter and I don't think I have ever contributed money to any presidential candidate, of either party. I don't know how I got on their e-mail lists, but I've been receiving a flood of e-mails from both Cruz and Rubio, and it makes me wonder if they are campaigning on the same planet where I'm living.

Fact: Cruz finished third in South Carolina, slightly more than ten percent behind Trump. With that in mind, here's the text of the e-mail I just received from Cruz:

I saw what happens when inspired conservatives come together to determine the future of the country. When conservatives unite, we win. This is true around the country. It will be true this year. It is energizing and deeply inspiring to see Americans unite around conservative principles to fix the mess that Washington has made.

Our vision for this great nation is resilient and empowering, and every voter deserves to see it.

Dozens of states will vote in the coming weeks, [Hawkmoon]. We will need to have staff on the ground in every county in every one of them. It will be the biggest challenge we face this year.

As you join me in this moment, I urge you to match your previous donation to my campaign. If not, please consider a donation of $5, $25, or a custom amount.

Last night, we showed every other candidate in the race that a nation of conservative voters is ready to send one of their own to the White House.

Harwood. I hope to see your name on our list of supporters.

Thank you, and God Bless.

Ted Cruz

(The bold face is his, not mine.) "Last night, we showed every other candidate in the race that a nation of conservative voters is ready to send one of their own to the White House." Really? How, exactly, does a third place finish show the other candidates anything other than a third-place finish?

In fairness to Mr. Cruz, Rubio's e-mails are equally devoid of reality.
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Perd Hapley

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Re: Is Cruz on crack?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 07:12:05 PM »
Presidential campaigns always, in their public statements, assume they will win. You must be new to politics.

Also, read AJ Dual's post here:

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Re: Is Cruz on crack?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2016, 08:26:25 PM »
The Cruz e-mail didn't say that he expects to win, it read like something written before an event that he expected to win, and the team released it without editing after he lost. It's so far out of touch with reality that it borders on surreal.

Yes, I read AJ's post. No, I'm not political. Can't stand politics or politicians.

So the bottom line here is that Rubio has a huge upside now with momentum in his favor. Rubio’s problem is that he needs that one-on-one matchup with Trump quickly but Cruz is in the way. Conversely, Cruz really needs Rubio out of the way so he can go after Trump. Neither one is going to happen in the short term and you know what that means right? It means Trump continues to move forward because the mathematical pie will work in his favor.  It just keeps breaking Trump’s way.
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Re: Is Cruz on crack?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2016, 07:32:21 AM »
Standard marketing procedure.
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Re: Is Cruz on crack?
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2016, 09:52:17 AM »
The Cruz e-mail didn't say that he expects to win, it read like something written before an event that he expected to win, and the team released it without editing after he lost. It's so far out of touch with reality that it borders on surreal.

It was probably was written before the primary, and he mischaracterized the people of S.C. as being conservative.

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