Author Topic: "17 intelligence services"  (Read 5497 times)


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Re: "17 intelligence services"
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2016, 06:12:29 PM »
NSA Whistleblower: US Intelligence Worker Likely Behind DNC Leaks, Not Russia

According to the 26-year-old entrepreneur, “[w]e have the information. … If the F.B.I. asks, we are ready to supply the I.P. addresses, the logs, … but nobody contacted us.”

“It’s like nobody wants to sort this out,” he added.

After learning that two renters using the nicknames Robin Good and Dick Robin had used his servers to hack the Arizona and Illinois voting systems, Fomenko released a statement saying he learned about the problem through the news and shut down the two users down shortly after.

While he told the New York Times he doesn’t know who the hackers are, he used his statement to report that the hackers are not Russian security agents.
“The analysis of the internal data allows King Servers to confidently refute any conclusions about the involvement of the Russian special services in this attack,” he said on September 15, the New York Times reported.

During an interview on Aaron Klein’s Sunday radio program, former high-ranking NSA intelligence official-turned-whistleblower, William Binney, discussed the alleged Russian involvement in our elections, suggesting the cyber attack against the DNC may not have originated from the Russian government. Instead, Binney says, a “disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker” is likely behind the breach.

Puts forth an interesting theory re. why the NSA would release the info ...

"The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter...... "

CBs Hawg Sauce