Author Topic: New Toy....  (Read 1180 times)


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New Toy....
« on: December 17, 2006, 05:36:14 PM »
....Perfect for snowy days...I got Battlefield 2142

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 05:56:15 PM »
OMG I r teh jealous.

Ok, enough of that. How do you find it? I was never a fan of BF-42 - Always thought it looked a little bit too "cartoonish". I fell in love with BF2, however. I'm looking for an excuse to upgrade my computer... moving to middle-of-nowhere Texas for my next tech school and battlefield 2142 could do it...


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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2006, 06:21:12 PM »
I have purged my C drive of COD, BF 1942, BF Vietnam and all others.  After playing the Red Orchestra, all others pale.  You aim with iron sights, just as IRL. You can fix bayonets and stab your foe at close quarters.  You can fire prone, standing or off hand, with different stability and freedom of movement for each.  Your ability to use tanks or call down artillery varies from class to class.  Your firearm can get knocked out of your hands.  And if you try to charge a machine gun, you're going to die.  The graphics aren't as good as some games, and the single play is limited to practice mode.  But for realism it can't be beat.  Nothing else is even in the same ballpark.


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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2006, 06:23:48 PM »
Argh, I forgot completely about Red Orchestra! Haven't played it in... about a year and a half. Now I have my excuse to upgrade...


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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2006, 06:49:16 PM »
It's been improved quite a bit since then.  It still has a somewhat limited popularity because the fanboys who've never fired a real rifle can't cope with the concept of aiming or cycling the action.  They need that aimpoint. 


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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2006, 08:18:45 PM »
I downloaded RO on your earlier recommendation, Cosmo, but I suspected it wouldn't run well and it doesn't.  Sad  I have 1.5 gigs of RAM but no dedicated video card.  The city levels run okay in low-res, but I can't tell the soldiers from the background.  One of these days I will upgrade my 'puter.

I've been hooked on Day of Defeat for years, so I still go there for my WWII rifle fix.
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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2006, 08:47:26 PM »
I bought Battlefield 2142 through the EA downloader service. The best thing about it was that it only took about a 20 minute chat with some Indian fellow from Customer Service to get my fifty dollars back from EA and those shady swedes (DICE. Pfft, what a joke.).

Lemme run on down the list of things I hate about Battlefield 2142 (and, by extension, Battlefield 2, because they might as well be the same game, except one has more pimp shine and the other has more dust):

LOADING. THE. FREAKING. MENU. Hello? Am I the only not-a-ridiculous-swede-game-designer in the room who recognizes the flaws inherent in a menu that takes more than zero seconds to load?

The menu itself. Say I need to change a key.

If I'm playing Day of Defeat or Counter Strike, I hit escape (instantaneous menu), click options (instantaneous menu), keyboard (zoom!), buttontochange, button. DONE. Ten seconds if I'm retarded.

Battlefield ooh-look-the-future: Hit escape, wait a half hour or so for the menu to open, hit back (wait), hit back again (wait), mash options (wait), controls, keyboard, land guy controls, button I want to change, button I want it to be. This might take up to three days, and as many as six to eight fiscal years to take effect.

The zooming whozits and gleaming whatsits and shiny geegaws are what makes BF2142's menu suck so fiercely, because they take (comparatively speaking) FOREVER to load, and entirely too long to transition. Combine that with the fact that you don't just automatically get the main freaking menu by pressing the button, and you've got yourself a severe case of crappy interface.

Speaking of crappy interfaces, how about that server browser, huh? Boy, if it could take just a little bit longer to find a game to jump into, or if I could waste just a little bit _more_ of my time fighting with the damnable interface to get the POS to display servers with a ping of less than an hour, I might just squeal.

As for actual gameplay, _are_ there any guns in the game that don't overheat if you give them a hard look? I swear to goodness that it's roughly 2007 right now, and there's a somewhat _old_ video clip of some guys with an M60 (surely, a clunky POS compared to the support weapons of tomorrow-morrow land) putting 850 rounds downrange with one fiendish mash of the trigger, and at no point does the gun start making nonsensical hissing noises. The overheating in the game is utterly over the top. Every rapid fire gun in the game that is even marginally legit overheats at the drop of a hat.

Add to all this the standard Battlefield game shadiness (ooh, check it out, the game is choppy and worthless despite being run on a top of the line computer, think DICE'll ever fix it? Think again, Jacques.) and you get a game that is fundamentally crappy.

The thing that _really_ sucks is that I'm utterly in love with BF2142! I think 2142 is Tribes sequel that never was, and Titan mode rocks _so_ hard that I can't even believe it. I want so badly for it to be good, but its various deficiencies and instabilities and et cetera crappiness along with DICE and EA's track record of just not ever bothering to fix Battlefield games, I don't have any hope for it at all.

But hey, at least EA gave me my money back.



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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2006, 06:55:53 AM »
I do agree with the slow loading menu items, as well as the cartoonish feel.  I actually prefer BF2, and am up to SSGT, however, I lost my CD key and can't play anymore.  I figured since I was outlaying the cash for something to do to fill the down time I'd try BF2142 anyhow.  The newfangled gizmos on BF2142 are a hoot.  Like the little shield you get for the support gunner, emp grenades, active camo, etc. 
Hopefully as we go through the wife's office for the move I'll find my BF2 CD key and I can play both.

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 07:41:45 AM »
I am SO old.  You guys might as well be speaking swedish.  I'll shut up now, carry on.
Sent from a stone age computer via an ordinary keyboard.


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Re: New Toy....
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2006, 08:03:25 AM »
Sorry about the somewhat over the top vitriol of my previous post. I don't hold anything against people who play Battlefield, or who like it, it's just that I can't get past the things that drive me crazy about it.

Some asides I remember now about BF2142:
In the year 2142, magazine catches are obsolete. All guns are required by international law to be equipped with some wacky device that smoothly slides the ammunition feeding device into place. Hott!

the changes they made to the medic/support equipment are definitely solid; in BF2, the throwing of packs is an ethereal and confusing thing.
