Author Topic: Muslim members - or members who have a close understanding of Muslim culture...  (Read 8191 times)


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Back to the original question...

I have had a long string of Muslim girlfriends.

That is to say, their parents are Muslim and they are "culturally" Muslim.

I agree with a previous poster that modern, American Muslims of my generation will get drunk and have an orgy long before they touch a ham sandwich. I don't know why... but I don't complain either.

The Muslim dietary restrictions are similar to (but fundamentaly different from) the Kosher "thing." The eating of pigs is prohibited, and contact with them is discouraged, but not anything close to a sin. Just a casual "dont touch the stray dog, Timmy..." kind of thing.

The Muslim dietary guideline is called "Hallal" and involves certain animals slaughtered a certain way, along strict religious guidelines. And let me tell you, Hallal meat is goooood. My girlfriend calls the holiday thing that just ended the other day "goat Eid" because at the end of it they slaughter a goat and give it to friends/family. MmMmmMMMMMM.

Creeping Incrementalism

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Kyle, let me tell you somethin, you have no idea how jealous you make me when you say you've had a long steam of Muslim girlfriends.  I haven't known very many, but when they leave, say, Aman, Jodan, for the USA, I mean, and not only do they not wear a headscarcf, but the join the 99s, (, when you now Muslim women like that personally, you know that stories like The Girls of Riadh are true

As for the male Muslims I knew...  those guys were boozers and womanizers that put Clinton to shame--and I'm not trying to slander Clinton here.