Author Topic: Our goverment lied to us  (Read 874 times)


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Our goverment lied to us
« on: June 16, 2020, 04:57:34 PM »
In other news, the Sun rose in the east this morning.

Dr. Fauci now admits that the CDC didn't initially recommend that everyone wear masks because they knew there weren't enough masks and they wanted to preserve them for healthcare workers.

Is there anyone out there who hadn't already figured this out on their own?
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Re: Our goverment lied to us
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2020, 05:08:42 PM »
On their web site, the CDC still (yesterday, anyway) recommends people *not* wear N95 masks.  I think that was their first bullet point.  A lot of folks have a small stash N95 masks that they bought when they were plentiful.  Shouldn't they recommend wearing them if you have them?   And maybe offer some alternatives if you don't?  :mad:

I don't believe anything the CDC or the WHO or the White House or Fox News or other MSM says (did I leave anyone out?) about Covid19.  They all sprinkle a little bit of truth with a whole lot of lies, and speculations that they claim are truth.  And everyone seems to be purposely avoiding collecting any data that would actually be useful, like random-sample antibody testing.
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Re: Our goverment lied to us
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2020, 07:10:09 PM »
Our reichsfuher Whitmer here in Michigan allowed the restaurants to open last week.    Restaurants require you wear a mask to enter, but you can take it off when you are seated.  The employees must wear masks and some restaurants require them to wear gloves.  I wear a mask on my finger, because if you don't wear a mask, you can be denied entrance.  The sign does not say you have to wear it on your face.  I have watched people sitting and eating after being served by wait people wearing gloves that have touched, well, everything.  What the hell is the point?  SMH.  I have watched people get up from their table and put on a mask to go to the bathroom and then walk back to the table and take the mask off....or to walk out of the restaurant. 

If it wasn't insane it would be funny. 

What is more amazing is how many sheep there are.  I never imagined Americans to be so cowed by an authority that for the most part does not know what it is talking about.  Almost everything the "scientists" and the politicians and the bureaucrats have said about Wuhan Virus has been wrong...including how many who actually died from the virus.  The latest reports say the 40% of the deaths have been in nursing how many of those were terminally ill in the first place?  Or were killed by the governors who stuck the actually sick in those places?

I truly fear for our Republic.  Our large cities are run by Leftists at best and communists at worse.  The police are being treated like the enemy.  Some of these moron mayors and governors are directing ordering the police to cease using tear gas and pepper spray for crowds that become violent.  That leaves nightsticks and the police are basically saying "screw it", let them riot and destroy because if we try and stop it we'll be fired and go to prison.  We are showing weakness and stupidity and the real bad guys are now testing us.  China is making overtures to take over Taiwan and getting in a kerfluffle with India, and N. Korea is fixing to invade S. Korea.

I told Swmbo today that I think we must have both died in a car accident or something and went to purgatory.
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Re: Our goverment lied to us
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2020, 07:52:13 PM »
You know the words

"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
- Calvin and Hobbes


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Re: Our goverment lied to us
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2020, 08:22:57 PM »
I truly fear for our Republic. ......

This country hasn't been a republic since the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment. Most of the states haven't been a republic since some time back in the Sixties with a SCOTUS case called Reynolds v. Simms. If you wish to fear something, fear not being able to re-institute republicanism without a fight.

   "Knowing the past, I'll not surrender any arms and march less prepared into the future."   B.E.Wood


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Re: Our goverment lied to us
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2020, 09:05:53 AM »
Our reichsfuher Whitmer here in Michigan allowed the restaurants to open last week.    Restaurants require you wear a mask to enter, but you can take it off when you are seated.  The employees must wear masks and some restaurants require them to wear gloves.  I wear a mask on my finger, because if you don't wear a mask, you can be denied entrance.  The sign does not say you have to wear it on your face.  I have watched people sitting and eating after being served by wait people wearing gloves that have touched, well, everything.  What the hell is the point?  SMH.  I have watched people get up from their table and put on a mask to go to the bathroom and then walk back to the table and take the mask off....or to walk out of the restaurant. 

If it wasn't insane it would be funny. 

What is more amazing is how many sheep there are.  I never imagined Americans to be so cowed by an authority that for the most part does not know what it is talking about.  Almost everything the "scientists" and the politicians and the bureaucrats have said about Wuhan Virus has been wrong...including how many who actually died from the virus.  The latest reports say the 40% of the deaths have been in nursing how many of those were terminally ill in the first place?  Or were killed by the governors who stuck the actually sick in those places?

I truly fear for our Republic.  Our large cities are run by Leftists at best and communists at worse.  The police are being treated like the enemy.  Some of these moron mayors and governors are directing ordering the police to cease using tear gas and pepper spray for crowds that become violent.  That leaves nightsticks and the police are basically saying "screw it", let them riot and destroy because if we try and stop it we'll be fired and go to prison.  We are showing weakness and stupidity and the real bad guys are now testing us.  China is making overtures to take over Taiwan and getting in a kerfluffle with India, and N. Korea is fixing to invade S. Korea.

I told Swmbo today that I think we must have both died in a car accident or something and went to purgatory.
And how many of those were killed because state governments dumped known coronavirus carriers into the nursing homes? 
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Re: Our goverment lied to us
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2020, 10:39:57 AM »

What is more amazing is how many sheep there are.  I never imagined Americans to be so cowed by an authority that for the most part does not know what it is talking about.  Almost everything the "scientists" and the politicians and the bureaucrats have said about Wuhan Virus has been wrong...including how many who actually died from the virus.  The latest reports say the 40% of the deaths have been in nursing how many of those were terminally ill in the first place?  Or were killed by the governors who stuck the actually sick in those places?

From my perspective, people don't seem capable of actual thought. What most call thinking is really just experiencing emotion. For example, when a person is deciding what particular item to buy, most people tell themselves they're "thinking it through" but in reality, they go with the item that causes the most positive emotion, or the least negative emotion. The same goes for forming opinions, including core beliefs. It's a complicated process that involves many different influences, and I've simplified it here of course, but that's the gist of it.  People are willing to submit to authority because it requires courage to think for oneself, and that usually creates negative emotions, usually fear of being alone.

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will... The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. ― Frederick Douglass

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